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  1. I can't believe I'm only finding this now. Thanks for this, exactly what I wanted.
  2. Oh that part is easy. Money, Money, and more Money There is still a very good chance that these "mods" being referred to are mods from the next iteration of the Creation Club. It all comes down to money. They are a business not a gamer, look at how many times he used the word "service" Working in the "service" industry myself I see it every single day. Something will have to generate revenue for server costs (bandwidth, wages, maintenance ect.) It really becomes a matter of how it's paid for. Given the fact they outright made a platform for "paid mods" (honestly they pay mod authors for their work making modifications and then sell those modifications, but will never refer to them as such) a lot of people don't have faith as it's not a person we're dealing with; it's a business. This is why I said I'm very interested in seeing how they manage this. I'm hopeful we will get to retain our free mods and be able to share what we create with everyone for free and have this as an excellent platform to showcase/share these mods. The lack of information is why "all the couch burnings" as you say, if they had said something to the effect of users can still make their own mods to use. That would be one thing, but they didn't, and that worries a lot of us who know if they never said so, we the buyers can't go back and say but you claimed this, because they never did. A lot of us see this...
  3. Not at launch, though "You'll be able to have your own private world and mod it." at a later time. For reference I found the video with just the talk relevant to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-3X04jwJ0U Why mods and eventual support wasn't even touched in the briefing is beyond me. Especially considering "We love mods, so we are 100% committed to doing that for 76 as well." which I my self am very interested in seeing how they manage this when basically all content is (in all likely hood) handled server side. Still it's good to see them address what even they admit is what gives their games the lifespan that they have.
  4. The only "mods" this game will have are the micro transactions they pump out in the Creation Club 2.0 As far as custom assets and user made mods, the only ones that *might be possible* are client side (your end) only mods like visual tweaks and re-skins. This is just logistics, for anything like the mods we have now, the hosting server would have to be able to provide them to everyone playing, which I can guarantee will not happen, so for this game and possibly all the rest to come good bye to high quality, free, user made mods as we know them.
  5. In response to post #37064095. #37064415, #37065340, #37065605, #37065985, #37075475 are all replies on the same post. It was originally said it would be released in the "First Quarter" of 2016. Which is a 3 month time frame, this is already into the second quarter and not near the beginning either. So the OP has a valid point about time frames.
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