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  1. What do you mean by "change"? I think you need to edit it within the Creation kit and re-export (Ctrl + F4) the facegen without head hair.
  2. Sorry for my ignorance. Now the script returns the following error: "HasMagicEffect is not a function or does not exist". What have I missed? Event oneffectstart ?
  3. Thanks for the help, but still, every time the follower is hit, the follower automatically summons the character again and again. What have I missed?
  4. Hello, My aim was to force a follower to summon another character when her health had dropped below 20% during combat. But now it has 2 problems: 1) it does not play the shout animation; 2) every time she is hit, she summons the character over and over again. Is there any way to 1) force the shout animation playing; and 2) stop recasting the spell when the spell is active (say the spell is effective for 50 seconds. During that 50 seconds, the spell won't be recasted every time the follower is hit)? Thank you in advance.
  5. If you are modding vanilla NPCs you are safe to include the facegen files in Skyrim.esm. Say If I'm modding Babette, it will export two files with the same name "00014db7.nif" at two locations: Skyrim.esm and Cute Babette.esp. You need the former. P.S. same thing happens to Serana, as far as I can tell.
  6. use nifskope to open eyesmale/ eyesfemale.nif -> check BSLightingShaderProperty -> Shader Flags -> untick "SLSF1_Decal"
  7. P.S. It applies to anything OTHER THAN HEAD. The head does not require such treatment. P.S.2. it seems the creation kit 64 will export 2 facegen files to 2 different folders EVEN THOUGH your mod is just a replacer: for example, if you make a mod that alters the look of Babette, it will create 2 folders in the facegeom folder: 1 as yourmodname.esp (in my case, cute Babette.esp), and 1 in Skyrim.esm.
  8. It seems nifmerge will automatically disable "has tangents" in the merged nif, just for reference. (both the original exported facegen and chargen.nif has the flag.)
  9. But I'm facing a new problem: every time I save my esp in CK64, it automatically exports the facegen file. Is there anyway to stop it? The old facegen file is perfectly fine and working in Special Edition.
  10. emmm at least both the normal eyes and odd eyes have "has tangents" enabled. I just don't see any difference in the nifs at all. Funny thing is, if you export it the eyes are there, in the facegen file.
  11. Funny thing is that odd eyes are fine. http://i.imgur.com/NKnKK4B.png
  12. Check NiTriShapeData of hair, outh, brows and eyes. See if "has tangents" is enabled in "Vector Flags"
  13. Strangely in CK64 the characters have no eyeballs, even if the characters are from vanilla game. http://i.imgur.com/18CLs9J.png http://i.imgur.com/fnuVwWp.png http://i.imgur.com/NKnKK4B.png P.S. facegen is also different. Now the head is separated from eyeballs and teeth. http://i.imgur.com/gOw6oAR.png
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