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  1. No matter what ENB I install, I can never get it to work properly. I follow the instructions as meticulously as I can and I always produce the same problems. Namely, when I sprint(Project Nevada installed), the ENB effect disappears(or seems to, the lighting changes drastically for the duration of the sprint and then reverts back to the ENB); and the mountains in the skyline are always washed out. Also, a new problem, when I open the pipboy and then close it, the screen is pitch black. I have tried countless times reinstalling but can never get it to work. I have the 4GB enabler installed and I am putting the injector files in the FNV folder, and editing the .ini file as per the instructions with ENB Of The Apocalypse. Does anyone have any advice?
  2. That did it, thank you so much! Now that you've explained how all Nordic items are upgraded with corundum, I guess it actually makes sense that it would apply to steel 'nordic' gauntlets as well. I just found it a bit immersion-breaking to craft a whole suit of steel armor with the steel perk and be able to upgrade everything except the gauntlets. Thanks again, I will keep this information in mind for future issues.
  3. I suspect this is actually quite simple to do but my knowledge of the workings of CK and TES5edit is very limited. I came across a smithing bug in Perkus Maximus where the steel nordic gauntlets cannot be upgraded unless you have the material-corundum perk. Creating them is fine with the steel perk, however. All I want is to correct the tempering recipe so that it fits with the steel material perk. I imagine this will be addressed in a future update but if anyone has the inclination, it would be greatly appreciated...
  4. Whenever I play at the roulette table, the game crashes to desktop. Actually, all I need to do is access the roulette interface, exit, and the game crashes. I don't even need to actually play roulette for this to happen, just enter and exit the roulette playing screen. After exiting roulette, the game will be fine for maybe five seconds and then invariably crash. The same happens if I try to quicksave or hitting 'esc'. I disabled all mods, stripped down to vanilla, and the problem persists. This is the first time this has happened to me in my many hours of playing the game. No idea why. Obviously not a game-breaking bug, I could just avoid playing roulette, but it really bothers me nonetheless. Anybody have any solution? Thanks!
  5. Cool! Just got to run him down after the fight. Much better than him interrupting me at the most awkward times, thanks so much!!
  6. Not sure if this is even possible, but could someone please make a mod that stops Malcolm Holmes from approaching you when you are in combat? There is nothing more immersion-breaking than the fight stopping so that he can talk to you about friggin blue star bottle caps. Maybe send him fleeing until the threat has been quelled? I would really love it if it can be done, as when this annoyance happens it is pretty much a game-breaker for me.
  7. I'm using creation kit to change the Nord power to Berserker Rage, and also changing the default voice. Everything is fine, except I cannot strike opponents while on a horse! I swing no problem, but it never deals any damage(or even seems to connect, for that matter). All I did was the above changes, it's beyond me why this happens. Can anyone help me out with this?
  8. Is there a mod to change the intro music when Alduin attacks Helgen? By default the game plays either the typical dragon fighting music or some alternative general combat music. I want to disable the former as I find the general music fits the mood better.
  9. Not sure if this is a glitch but it's really annoying. Does it in the Fallout games too, so I guess it's a mechanic and not a glitch. When going to strike someone who is standing over a dead body, I end up striking the dead body. Truly frustrating, as my opponent ended me as a result, and double frustrating as I'm playing perma death! Is there a mod that fixes this?
  10. Does this happen to anybody? I find this to be one of the top most annoying things of the game. I find a vendor, see that one weapon mod in his list that I want, but do not have the caps to buy it. I go out, make the money I need and return, only to find that item is no longer in the inventory!!! It is not from a normal vendor respawn, I make sure not to do this when that time is approaching, and his list is not completely different as there are many items that are still there, just some are not or are different(e.g. saw a laser rifle scope, get the caps, return, now it's laser focus optics instead). Super annoying, would like to know if anyone else has had this experience.
  11. That's the thing, I activated the Core, and followed it with the Combo-AWOP. And FNVEdit returns with the error that it cannot find the Combo Edition. The only two requirements are the Core and Combo-AWOP, which I activated, so why would it crash on startup?
  12. Hmm, so I actually went and uninstalled all mods to start fresh and incorporated the Combo-AWOP with the core. Now it crashes on startup. Running FNVEdit tells me it cannot find the specified file, i.e. NVInteriors Combo Edition. If I understand correctly, I should not need this file if I have the combo-AWOP installed, right? Again, the load order: FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmFOOK - New Vegas.esmFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmWeapon Mod Expansion.esmWME - DLCs.esmWME - GRA.esmNVInteriors_Core.esmAmbient Temperature.esmInventory Access.esmMore Perks.esmMore Perks for Dead Money.esmMore Perks for Honest Hearts.esmMore Perks for Old World Blues.esmIWR.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esmNevadaSkies.esmProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espNVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP.esmAWOPLowLootGeneral.espAWOP-LowNPCSWastelandOnly.espAWOPLowLootSkillBooks.espAWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.espAWOP FOOK Weapon Patch.espFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.espFOOK - New Vegas.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espFOOK-PN Convergence.espWeapon Mod Expansion.espWME - DLCs.espWME - GRA - Complete.espWME - FOOK.espWME - FOOK DLCs.espProject Nevada - WME.espBig Big Boomer - WME.espWME - AWOP.espEVE FNV - ALL DLC.espProject Nevada - EVE All DLC.espWMEVE - All DLCs.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.espdD-More Gore.espPowered Power Armor.espJump Fall Fixer.espAmbient Temperature - PPA.espRCSS.espProject Nevada - Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit.espNewVegasBounties.espCyberianDawn.espFlashlightNVSE.espQuick Trade.espPersonalHologram.espMore Perks Update.espMore Perks for Dead Money Update.espMore Perks for Honest Hearts Update.espMore Perks for Old World Blues Update.espMod Loot - 1. Really Rare.espALIENBLASTER.espDeadMoneyDuckAndCoverFix.espHonest Hearts - Grunt Fix.espCONELRAD 640-1240.espFlight of the ValkED-E.espIWR - Rebuilt.espAlternative Repairing.espAlternative Repairing - Ultimate Edition.espAlternative Repairing - Breakdown Item Icons.espILO - A World of Pain.espILO - NVInteriors Project.espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espNevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.espNovacMotelOverhaul.esp Total active plugins: 84Total plugins: 106
  13. Has anybody experienced dual locations added in by AWOP and New Vegas Interiors at the Emergency Railyard, Nipton Road Rest Stop and Poseidon Gas Station? All locations have two points of entry established by said mods. I've installed the compatibility patch for AWOP and Interiors Combo but the problem is still there. You can play around it quite easily by ignoring one of the entryways to maintain immersion, but I'd prefer to just have the one location. Anyone have a fix for this? Like I said, I've installed the patch and quite sure everything from installation order to load order have been done correctly. Here's the list just for good measure: FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmFOOK - New Vegas.esmFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmWeapon Mod Expansion.esmWME - DLCs.esmWME - GRA.esmNVInteriors_Core.esmNVInteriors_ComboEdition.esmAmbient Temperature.esmInventory Access.esmMore Perks.esmMore Perks for Dead Money.esmMore Perks for Honest Hearts.esmMore Perks for Old World Blues.esmNVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP.esmIWR.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esmNevadaSkies.esmProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.espdD-More Gore.espAWOPLowLootGeneral.espAWOP-LowNPCSWastelandOnly.espAWOPLowLootSkillBooks.espAWOP FOOK Weapon Patch.espAWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.espFOOK - New Vegas.espFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espFOOK-PN Convergence.espWeapon Mod Expansion.espWME - DLCs.espWME - GRA - Complete.espWME - FOOK.espWME - FOOK DLCs.espBig Big Boomer - WME.espProject Nevada - WME.espWME - AWOP.espEVE FNV - ALL DLC.espProject Nevada - EVE All DLC.espWMEVE - All DLCs.espRCSS.espProject Nevada - Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit.espPowered Power Armor.espJump Fall Fixer.espAmbient Temperature - PPA.espHonest Hearts - Grunt Fix.espDeadMoneyDuckAndCoverFix.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espCONELRAD 640-1240.espFlight of the ValkED-E.espALIENBLASTER.espCyberianDawn.espFlashlightNVSE.espQuick Trade.espNewVegasBounties.espIWR - Rebuilt.espMore Perks Update.espMore Perks for Dead Money Update.espMore Perks for Honest Hearts Update.espMore Perks for Old World Blues Update.espMod Loot - 1. Really Rare.espPersonalHologram.espAlternative Repairing.espAlternative Repairing - Ultimate Edition.espAlternative Repairing - NVInteriors.espAlternative Repairing - NVInteriors Combo AWOP Edition.espILO - NVInteriors Project.espILO - A World of Pain.espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espNevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.espNovacMotelOverhaul.esp Total active plugins: 86Total plugins: 108
  14. Does anyone know how Fallout New Vegas selects the music to be played when entering a "dungeon" interior(sewers, ruin, etc)? There are some tracks I don't like and I've tried removing them, thinking the game will select what's left under the dungeon selection in the music folder, but it doesn't. It just plays silence.
  15. A mod to stop Victor from going hostile during the Goodsprings fight if you side with the Powder Gangers. It doesn't make sense that he attacks you when his sole purpose is to protect you. I'm sure Mr. House doesn't care about your moral standings, all he wants is the chip, and would never intend for one of his helpers to kill you. With a grenade launcher no less.
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