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  1. The only condition on the topic from which that response is shared is checking that the subject is the player. The alternative topic does display under the intended conditions provided I haven't selected that one first, and the subject is always the player. Because of this, I am inclined to understand that the only data being shared is the response itself and not any conditions or scripts associated with it in other topics. Is this incorrect?
  2. I'm not new to the Creation Kit by a long shot but I am a couple years out of practice. I made the mistake of committing to putting together a simple mod and now find myself at my wits end with something which, as far as I understand, isn't complicated enough to not be working. I've come to ask for help. I'm sure a fresh mind or somebody with more experience in this particular aspect of the CK will be able to point out something reasonably insignificant that I've overlooked. My issue appears to be with something surrounding the conditions for this dialogue topic: When they are met, this topic is available to the player. When they are not, the topic beneath it is available instead. So far so good. Except that once the conditions are met for the first time, this topic won't seem to go away. When selected, it provokes a response from the actor which fires a script for curing the player of rads, addictions, diseases and health-loss (which works as intended). This should mean that talking to the actor again immediately afterwards causes the alternative topic to display but it just doesn't. This topic continues to show until the actor is unassigned from the clinic. So, to summarise: The conditions for this topic function as intended but once it has been selected it continues to show regardless of any condition except GetInFaction. Can anybody please enlighten me to the cause of the error at play here?
  3. As far as I can tell, the only mods I'm using that affect energy weapons are: RH_IronSights - Allows you to aim down the barrel of any gun by holding Mouse2. Weapon Mod Kits - Allows the in-game modification of weapons via the addition of purchasable mod kits. UWWUT - Gives unique weapons their own unique textures. Flesh-burning Plasma Weapons - Causes critical kills with plasma weapons to appear to flay the flesh from the target's bones. And, of course, there's also EVE which I have installed but not enabled.
  4. I'm not sure quite how to word the problem that I'm experiencing so searching the internet for solutions has been impossible. With any luck, somebody here might recognise the issue and have an inkling of a solution - or a suggestion as to how to better feed it to google. So after a few additions to my load order a so-far unidentified objects appears, spinning around the barrel of my A3-21's Plasma Rifle, whenever I fire it in VATS. The object does not stick around after VATS finishes and is only visible when the VATS camera shows my character lining up the shot. I don't know whether this is exclusive to that gun among other useful information because I've decided to seek help soon after noticing this and haven't spent time experimenting, sorry. So, yeah, please help! Oh! Load order: Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm RI_Core.esm Destruction.esm Project Beauty.esm CMRS.esm Advanced Recon Tech.esm RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm FO3FPS.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp DelayAnchorage.esp DelayThePitt.esp DelaySteel.esp delaypl.esp delayzeta.esp Delay ThePitt + Anchorage.esp Sprint Mod.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp GNR Enhanced.esp ReciveLyonsPA.esp Followers Allowed - The Pitt.esp Followers Allowed - Mothership Zeta.esp Followers Allowed - Point Lookout.esp Destruction - Main.esp Destruction - Main - Statics.esp Destruction - DLC.esp Destruction - DLC - Statics.esp CMRS - Vanilla.esp CMRS - Anchorage.esp CMRS - The Pitt.esp CMRS - Broken Steel.esp CMRS - Point Lookout.esp CMRS - Mothership Zeta.esp CMRS - Rebalanced Junk.esp RegulatorHQRedesignedUpdate.esp WeaponModKits.esp WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp Advanced Recon Armour.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Advanced Recon Tech.esp Dogmeat Leather Armour - no crafting.esp EnclavePACollars.esp safe_regulator_hq.esp UWWUT.esp UWWUT - The Pitt Addon.esp UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon.esp UWWUT - WMK Addon.esp Responsive Kill Reactions.esp RI_PNeeds2S.esp RI_Alcohol.esp RI_PNAnchorage.esp RI_FOSE.esp RI_LootTablePN.esp FleshBurningPlasma.esp SunGlassesFX.esp Phalanc-Obedient-Dogmeat.esp F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp Better Ghoul Mask.esp Billboards Camps.esp dad_Head.esp Phalanc-VanillaHire.1.4.esp RH_WMK_Bridge.esp Shady Stormchaser.esp Advanced Recon Armor-Stealth With Drawn Weapon.esp EnclavePACollarsforEnclavePAInproved.esp Advanced Recon-Minor Tweaks.esp MergedPatch.esp I also have EVE installed (but not enabled!) if that makes any difference.
  5. Clarify for me: You want a script which runs when a specific object (X) is placed into a specific container (A). You want this script to work out what quantity of object X was added then remove all of these objects and replace them with that same quantity of a different specific object (Y). You then want all of the object Y to be moved from container A and placed into another specific container. Is that right?
  6. http://www.creationkit.com/images/e/ec/Properties_Tooltip.jpg This shows the script property window. I presume you can already get this far. Here you should see a list of all the properties declared within the script. In the screen-shot, these properties are box1, box2 and box3. You need to select each property in turn and click the 'Edit Value' button at the right of this window. You will then be presented with a drop-down list of all the relevant objects from which you must select the objects corresponding to your properties. Whenever you refer to a property within the script, you are actually referring to the value that you have selected here. I have never used properties for the player before so, if you can't refer to the player this way, try adding this to your script, just underneath the OnTriggerEnter line: PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() This makes use of the Actor Property, PlayerREF, as a variable. Game.GetPlayer() returns the player's actor reference, which is what you would have been selecting within the properties window.
  7. From the triggerbox's window (the same place you added the script to it) you should be able to right-click on the script and select "edit properties", or something to the same effect. PlayerREF, Point1, Point2 and Point3 are all declared in your script but you have to tell the script exactly what they are to refer to. Here, in the Properties window, you can use the drop-down boxes to match up your properties to the markers you've made. Don't forget to define PlayerREF as the player as well! Correct. Walking into the trigger with that script attached will provoke the OnTriggerEnter event. ~Hope this helps.
  8. Short-and-sweet: I'm in need of a mesh representing a rolled-up bedroll in .nif format. The mesh should be havoc-enabled and use the vanilla bedroll texture. It would be equally appreciated, although not quite as necessary, if someone could provide a similar packed-up tent mesh. These meshes are for use in my upcoming mod, Camping Again, which is to replace my previous, now derelict camping mod. Credit will, of course, be given to anyone who can fulfil my request. I'll be sure to mention you everywhere that the mod is uploaded to. As always, much thanks in advanced.
  9. While I'm here, I figured I'd get some long standing questions out the way. In short; is it possible to get a non-actor object to: Become semi-transparent? Lose its collision data? Ignore gravity and other havoc-based motion? And if so, how? In case that's not clear, I can go into more detail: I wonder if I can have an object, which is not an actor, to display certain properties. First, I would like the object to be semi-transparent - I don't really think that needs any more explaining. Second, I would like it to be so that the object does not collide with anything else, such as when a player puts themselves under the effects of no-clip. Finally, I would like the object to be so that it can only be moved by the player dragging it. It should be immune to the effects of gravity and momentum. Again, thanks in advance for all your help.
  10. Enable-disabling won't work - I've already tried that. Additionally, my mod used to place the activator at the player, so I know I can get that to work, but that doesn't achieve the result that I'm after. I want the player to be able to handle the object's position themselves, rather than having to stand roughly where they want it to be. The most immersive and least tedious method I can think of is to have the object be able to enter a state in which it can be dragged. Any more information you can give me on your experiences with this issue would be very helpful. I think, tomorrow - when I'm awake again, I shall try simply building the mod back up from scratch. Sometimes starting over can overcome such unreasonable problems. Oh, and many thanks for your help so far.
  11. Why do you suppose that I suppose? ..Do you experience the same issue?
  12. Well I got the time to play about with the console and found out why this is happening. As suspected, the world co-ordinates of my misc object are not updating when it is moved, either by gravity or dragging. Getting the positions of each axis always returns the same values; the position that the object was in immediately after being dropped. This, no matter how much the object is moved or how long (game and real time) a "waiting period" it is given. PlaceAtMe is working just fine, it's just being fed the wrong co-ordinates. Please, if anyone can tell me why the co-ordinates might not be updating when the object is moved, a way to force the co-ordinates to update, or an alternative method to PlaceAtMe, I would be so very grateful. The entire mod (considerably big scope) rests on the functionality of this one script.
  13. Thanks for the reply, LittleBaron. Although, I'm not sure it helps. See, if the activateable bedroll was always draggable, the player would accidentally kick it around when they walked near it. However, I would still like to see those scripts as it seems to me that your inventory object is creating the activator after falling to the ground, which mine does not. For clarification, when my "activator" object is created, it loads in the position that my "inventory" object was in before falling to the ground, no matter where the inventory item is at the point of creation.
  14. I don't know how much help I'm being, but generally the AddItem function is used in, say, a related quest script to grant the player an item during conversation. The NPC saying something like "Here, take this." gives the illusion that the item came from the NPC. If you would rather the NPC had the item in their inventory and actually gave you that item, you could use RemoveItem, which allows you to remove an item from an inventory, then optionally place that item in another specified inventory. In the following line of code, 1 KEY is removed from NPC's inventory and given to the player. NPC.RemoveItem(KEY, 1, false, Game.GetPlayer())
  15. Not one day back on the modding scene and I've already hit a wall. I would be much obliged if anybody could help me with this problem. I'm trying to use PlaceAtMe to change an object on activation. Specifically, I have a havoc-enabled bedroll misc object which, when activated, should become the static bedroll furniture. For whatever reason, although PlaceAtMe and Delete are doing their jobs, the furniture bedroll is not placed at the misc bedroll. Rather, it is placed where the misc bedroll was when initially dropped from my inventory. I want to be able to drag the misc object around for positioning then have it become the furniture when I'm happy with its location. I have already tried GetPosition and SetPosition but these functions make no difference. It seems as though the game does not update the position of the misc object when it is dragged to a new position. I am hoping that someone here could reveal either what is causing this and how to get around it or an entirely different method of achieving my aims. Thank-you much in advance.
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