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About PatriotGuy

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  1. Those weapon racks are really nice. If it isn't inappropriate to ask, what's gonna be the PEACE mod's goal?
  2. It boggles my mind that a triple A studio can'take even get the basics of firearms correct. It's almost like they didn't even bother researching.
  3. They got the reloading right for the shotgun in FO76. It'd be nice if the same method they used could be applied to FO4.
  4. I'm assuming the npcs aren't going to be capable of swapping fire modes. With that being the case, will they fire semi weapons in semi and select-fire ones in auto?
  5. Wonder what sort of guns and combat-related mechanics Fallout 76 is gonna bring to the table. You might have to work your magic on it if it ends up like Fallout 4, Antistar.
  6. It boggles my mind that people still ask you about releasing certain weapons individually.
  7. I don't know if your familiar with Ian McCollum's Forgotten Weapons youtube channel, but I saw the Skorp in your weapons list and I figure this would be helpful:
  8. The so called "Short Stock" on the Tommy was another of BethSoft's oversights. Why chop the stock down when it was designed to detach from the gun? How were you planning on handling it?
  9. So, to clarify, the default glock barrel won't have those cutaways on the slide?
  10. Removing the bullet spongy-ness is a must, but what about enemies that are supposed to be more durable? You know, baddies like the deathclaw, sentry bot and mirelurk queen, where the toughness makes sense because they're robots or beasties. It'd be kinda anticlimactic if you can cap "boss" types like those in only a couple shots.
  11. Just curious. Which fov settings do you personally use?
  12. Quick question: are you going to bake in an fov change?
  13. Do you have any plans for the pipe pistol? Aside from possibly swapping the other pipe variants with the sten, I mean.
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