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Everything posted by SkullKnight
Strange problem with BSA compression and oldrim mod porting
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks, that's good to know!. If I end up having too much free time, I might try taking a look at some of the mods that ended up getting official conversions and see if they managed to get compressed BSAs to work - and if so, how they differ from my version. -
So I've done a few oldrim conversions for personal use and come across some strange issues that I haven't seen mentioned in any conversion guides. I've been unpacking the original mod's BSA, optimizing the appropriate meshes using ousnius's tool, and then repacking the mod's files using the new Archive.exe included with the SSE CK. The ESM/ESP were loaded and re-saved in the new CK with the multiple masters fix applied, and I verified that records were updated to version 44 in xEdit. However, I ran into some reproducible bugs that *appeared* to be caused by me compressing the new BSA while repacking. The converted mod failed catastrophically - CTDs, non-interactable NPCs - if I compressed the BSA, but appeared to work fine if I left the BSA uncompressed. I'm going to use Wyrmstooth here as an example. While using the compressed BSA, I loaded a save file at the Solitude docks and journeyed to the island, resulting in a reproducible CTD within 15 seconds of arriving. However, when I used an uncompressed Wyrmstooth.bsa with the same save file and ESM, the CTD was gone and I could go to the village and start the next quest with no issues. I've seen plenty of converted oldrim mods that use compressed BSAs successfully, so I'm thinking that it's probably something I'm doing wrong on my end. I'm not running short on hard disk space or anything, but any help in figuring this out would be appreciated lol :).
Ok thanks. Yeah I'm lvl 46 and completed most major vanilla and dawnguard quests, so theres a large amount of data to keep track of. I'm just hoping my game will hang in there when I add the dragonborn DLC.
My save file is around 15mb, which I decided was a bit too much. First, I waited 30 days in an interior space for cells to reset. It didn't have much of an effect on my save size. Then I picked up the items I didn't want from my house storage chest (possibly around 100 separate items), stuffed them into an empty container, and ran "removeallitems" on the container. The items went away, but the size of my save file didn't budge. I'm thinking that either items in a container contribute minimally to save file size, or that "removeallitems" doesn't purge the items from save data. I'm also not running any mods that are known culprits for causing save file bloat (well, that I know of). Anyone have suggestions for what else I could do? I'm not getting CTDs due to save file size yet, but I'm concerned that it may become a problem in the future.
Trying to get FCOM to work :/
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
The package I downloaded was labeled "FCOM Convergence 1.00.7z", so I think its just the internal numbers werent updated. If all else fails, I can reduce it down to just OOO or MMM or something and see if I can make it run. -
Trying to get FCOM to work :/
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I think the version I installed was FCOM 1.0 (This). The guide I used was: Here. I do have a couple patches that are listed as "worked on 0.99, not yet confirmed on 1.0", which I could try disabling to see if it fixes the CTDs (not now, as its getting rather late :/). However, is there anything that looks glaringly out of place in my mod list/load order? Or perhaps I have an incorrect bashed patch config? -
So recently I installed Oblivion on this computer and decided to install mods on it. I installed UOP, then FCOM, then my other mods before making a new game. However, I found to my dismay that when I walked into an exterior cell, the game would just CTD. It seems to work fine if I'm indoors or inside a city though. I found that only if I disable FCOM entirely, I can walk outside without my game blowing up. At this point, after hours of attempts, I still don't know what exactly is the culprit. Load Order: I took off the OOO/MMM compat patches for COBL because I read that they were outdated. Even with those enabled, the game still crashes though. Help would be appreciated.
Need help with my mods please
SkullKnight replied to jacobDbruce's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Im not aware of any mods that cause freezes rather than straight CTDs, but keeping the ini settings should be better than not using them (unless you did them wrong, of course). Without the ini edits, I was getting rampant freezing even on an unmodded game. Did you edit the right file and put the edits in the right place (theyre under "General")? I am really not sure what fallout_default.ini in the install folder does, so I would suggest you change that one back. Only make edits to fallout.ini in the My Games area. -
Problems installing mods.
SkullKnight replied to Konnor13's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Extracting a whole archive into data is generally a bad idea, as some mods may have several layers of folders inside the archive. Extract all of the needed plugin files (esp, esm) and resource folders (meshes, textures, sounds) into "Data". If the archive contains a fomod folder, then FOMM should be used to install it. The only files that will show up in the launcher are the plugin files (esp, esm) located directly under the "Data" folder. -
Im running windows 7 and I always install games to the default location with no problems. I just select the whole game folder and give all users full control so UAC doesnt get in the way. That has the side effect of letting all users edit it, but thats fine for me cause my comp has no non-admin accounts lol. The exclamation marks definitely mean missing mesh or incorrect mesh path. So, either the files arent there, or the game cant find them (probably in the wrong place). I assume the mods installed with FOMM have everything in the correct place, so I would go ahead and look over the other mods for file locations. Some mods include the Data folder, while others directly contain the Meshes and Textures folders, so you should watch out for that.
object textures changes themselves
SkullKnight replied to Shokk's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
What version of FOMM are you using to install MMM btw? Version 12.x is known to cause weird texture issues due to some scripted install incompatibility, so I would suggest using 11.9 to install MMM. Some of the texture files dont install properly with 12.x, causing the problems you described. It doesnt have anything to do with archive invalidation. Dragging and dropping would also fix the problem. -
Need help with my mods please
SkullKnight replied to jacobDbruce's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
The file you should be editing is "fallout.ini", located under <User>\Documents\My Games\Fallout3. bUseThreadedAI is a boolean, so "2" would be an invalid value. You have to add the line iNumHWThreads=2 yourself, as its not present in the ini by default. Just press enter and add it right under bUseThreadedAI=1. So, when done it should look like: <other stuff> bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=2 <other stuff> -
FOMM .12.3 acting... strange
SkullKnight replied to orcsoul's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Scripted mod packages made for the older versions of FOMM may have issues installing on the newer 12.x series, due to some new processing fixes. Until those packages are updated to work with the newer versions, you may need to revert back to FOMM 11.9 to install them, or install them manually. -
Need help with my mods please
SkullKnight replied to jacobDbruce's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
So, is the game freezing or crashing? Freezing is a common problem when running FO3 with a quad-core computer. Using the following fallout.ini settings generally fixes the problem: bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=2 Crashing can be caused by a variety of things. Bad data files or load order can cause crashing, as well as running out of RAM. Automatic sorting is usually ok for load order, except for the mods it doesnt recognize. I see that you have a patch at the end to resolve conflicts. That should help with preventing problems as long as its done correctly. I personally recommend http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11336 for dealing with merging stuff and resolving conflicts. With a 64-bit OS, the large address aware patch can help with RAM-related crashes. It can be done on a 32-bit OS as well, but some other adjusting will be needed. -
Force recalculate NPC levels?
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Yeah, it worked in a similar way for oblivion. But someone made a tool that could edit savegames and automatically re-do all of the NPC levels based on the mod load list. Its a pity that its not available for fallout 3 yet. EDIT: Bah! Not even creating a new instance of Fawkes helps...According to FO3Edit, he seems to have unscaling stats anyways, which would mean leveling would have no effect. -
Force recalculate NPC levels?
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Eh...I really dont want to redo that whole part of the main quest. I already suggested that the update NPC levels feature be ported to fallout 3, but that will probably take some time to implement. I think I could use the console to force level ups, although idk if stats would be calculated the same way like that. -
Is there a way to force the game to recalculate NPC levels? I adjusted an NPC's level from static to scaling in an esp, but it isnt taking effect due to the NPC's old static level still being stored within the save file itself. Wrye bash for oblivion had a feature to update NPC levels on a save file; however, the ported wrye bash for fallout 3 does not have save-file manipulation implemented yet. Anyone have ideas on how to do this?
Explanation of FO3Edit's Master Update?
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
/bump Update! It appears that the master update generates bad ONAM data for the mod. Whenever its converted to an esm, it gets over a thousand ONAM entries that all are "Unable to be resolved". I have no idea why this occurs, but its obviously causing some problems. -
Ok, Ive been having an annoying problem of getting random CTDs after running the game for a while. For some time Ive been assuming that the issues are RAM-related, like my crash issues in oblivion. However, when I checked in task manager, Fallout 3 is only using about 1.2-1.3 gb of RAM when it crashes, which generally means that something else is causing the CTDs. Could someone check over my mod load list and see if there are any problems and outdated/bad mods that I should be aware of? Thanks. 56 active plugins (yeah, thats usually too few to be causing RAM crashes); using FOSE, FSR EDIT: Code tag removed, it was making my load list turn crazy colors XD
DAO Mod Manager
SkullKnight replied to Hendrikdevue's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Mod files that are named *.dazip should be dragged into DAO-Modmanager's dazip storage folder and then installed using the program, or can also be installed with the game's updater (although the updater cant uninstall). Mod files named *.override (which is very few mods) should be dragged into DAO-Modmanager's override storage folder and then installed using the program. These mods are configurable override mods packed into a single file for easy handling. Mods with multiple files are usually just regular file overrides. They should be placed under [documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override. Files there will apply only to your user profile. Mods can also placed in [DAO install dir]\packages\core\override, and these files will apply to all profiles. These override mods simply override existing game files. -
Explanation of FO3Edit's Master Update?
SkullKnight replied to SkullKnight's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Heh, there seem to be problems that manifest only in esms too lol, based on that mod. I can use wrye bash to remove the esm flag from that one mod, forcing it to be 2nd last to load (bashed patch has the mod as a master, so it is forced to load after it). I dont really see issues with keeping my mods as esps, so Id prefer not to mess with it. -
Not sure if this should be under general or technical support, but I was wondering why people keep suggesting to use the master update feature of FO3Edit to resolve all sorts of glitches. All it seems to do is set the esm flag on all esp files, thus making all plugins into masters. My prior knowledge with oblivion tells me that esps should not be flagged as esm files while running the game, unless you want problems. The only difference Ive noticed so far with the master update is that I now get a CTD whenever I enter the cell that stores all of my spare equipment, so Im kind of a skeptic right now. Can someone explain what exactly the master update does and how its supposed to affect the game? All Ive gathered is that its something related to an engine bug in patch 1.5 and above. Also...Anyone know why a mod would CTD due to the esm flag being set (or else I gotta remove the flag from that one mod, thus bumping it to the end of the load order automatically)? Some more information would be helpful.
unable to connect to database solution
SkullKnight replied to anal0g's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I have a GeForce GT 240 1GB, would that be sufficient to run Crysis? It was only $50 because of a $40 rebate lol. I just want to be able to open erf files without messing with sql server crap and databases, but I guess that cant be done? I have a tool that edits gda files, but that doesnt help unless I can get gda files to edit lol. -
I find that origins was more difficult than awakening overall. I played through awakening on nightmare difficulty and I really only had to retry 2 fights, and I beat both of them on the second try. Funny thing was that I was wearing my tier 7 armor from origins for the whole time, and using my origins weapon for most of the time. Nightmare+ hasnt been updated in quite a while. Does it run ok on the newest patch? Im not trying to make the enemies much stronger than me. Im just looking to add a bit more challenge to the game. Boss level humans do tend to have excessive hp, but thats what FCR was made for. I am finding the game more difficult on my new char though, since Im not familiar with playing as a rogue. Is stealth a good investment for a melee rogue? Yesterday I tried charging at a miniboss and I dropped dead when I got there lol. Any idea where to find the level cap remover?