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About simondent2

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    United Kingdom

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Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. Hi. Bugs I running into. Codsworth , Dialog, perks tree , sanctuary, Never known so many bugs since all the updates. Workstations, I am now entering heavy modiing. I wish, I knew what was in the updates, it would be so much easer to fix the bugs. I am running AAF test for some bugs. Notable Lady killer bed is missing patches with outlaws mod,.Fusion City. I look for mods that at the moment of the CTD What was happening.. I just crashed out ten minutes or so ago Perk Tree Broken. I usually do an my own backup. F4SE I had to manually install to even get it working correctly, The old ways. I use FO4EDIT (X.EDIT) to remove dirty edits before modding. Also to check mods for left over dirty edits. I then run game with not mods just to check every thing is order. You could try Lilac. Its's here on Nexus..The testing room for all mods.
  2. My question is. Any one know when F4SE update is being released. I haven't even bothered with Fallout Four snice the latest update. What is the point. Un-modded Fallout is just a shoot them up arcade game with out mods.
  3. Hi. Are you running Skyrim LE or SE?. If old Skyrim should be fine, if running SKSE 64 Skyrim SE. We have to wait for a new release of SKSE 64 as with Fallout 4 F4SE. The new update will not effect old Skyrim LE. Try removing SKSE if LE and re-installing SKSE. I sometimes down load an ESS clean file save from Nexus. Sometimes that works, not always. It could also be saves are broken. Afraid only a new re-install will
  4. My Old Skyrim LE is working ok. Guessing, it is for SE that was updated. Fallout 4 is not though. I will have to wait for the F4SE update.
  5. VORTEX makes me very angry. UPDATE NMM I BEG YOU. I Beseech you. Please GOD I want Nexus NMM BACK> VORTEx You have conflict WHAT HOW MANY. so many cray conflicts Then FNIS DON'T WORK . PEX FILE MISSSING so F43ty83476543760k WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  6. Watched lot of vids on Youtube . Used Nexus yesterday . Had to delete my browsers today . keep getting a warning about add dons from Firefox considering I don't use Firefox as I use Slimjet web browsers . My security Norton picked up a new nasty virus . so ... just letting you all know . If you have security I would advise updating your security .
  7. Bethesda.net did not like my web browser Slimjet .When I installed their program it caused the following problem . I started having major problems . 1. My desktop programs failed to open crashed :( IE) Open Office.side taskbar empty . 2. my internet failing to connect or very slow connection . All skse type icon start up's failing to connect, including wiping out my Steam connection I had to completely reinstall.. Failed to clear caches and web browser in steam itself . 3 .causing white or completely black screens . 4.Unable to use my keyboard or mouse . 5.Shutting down my pc . 6 unable to shut my PC down having to manually crash my PC . & New graphics card installed all drives latest up date Via nvidia 6. kept changing my screen size .Al game's aftected. 7.All games, Steam, NMM, SKSE, types deleted . 8.Had to use RegEdit, Ccleaner to remove Bethesda.Net proved or it would have proved impossible to uninstall . 9 affected email access . plus other programs and having lost a lot of program that Bethesda should not Affect . 10. Bethesda acted more like an intrusive virus although I know it is not . I wonder if Bethsada.net has been infected ? . 11 . I do and know Bethdada.net is a very trusted site by me . Nvidia informed of this problem are checking their end . Thankyou, I hope this can be sorted .
  8. OH AND that Includes having to reinstall STEAM.
  9. Bethesda.net . Right where do I start ... How about this!!! . I use Slimjet as my web browser A brilliant web browser... the best of the best web browser ..You do not recognise my browser !!!... Nobody else on the net as a problem with slimjet except you"!!! . Two you completely wrecked every single one of my Bethesda games!!! ... every single game I was met with either white black screen white screen including my desktop even worse locking me out of MY ... PC.... Even shutting down MY ... PC . I have the best of the best security "NORTON" and pay top dollar ... I have a very secure PC AND I will not deactivate ANY of my security and THAT includes adverts . SO you can forget me ever using you again . You GET a BIG BIG FAT 0 from me . Thank you NOT .OH and Dont bother asking me for details I can't be Bothered .Moaning Over .
  10. Yesterday I download mods, Skse . new install Nmm . Had major problem once downloaded and installed seventy Mod . All know good mods . Problem came when Bethesda would not shut down Skyrim old . I did not realize what was happening . I had when minutes on my game screen modded . A gateway file anot so nice black box to the right had of my screen . Thinking it was a mod I started the process of stopping or deleting mods trying to find the culprit . Was it Skse ... No . Was it Nexus I am not sure ?. Bethesda ? ...not sure . No mods would delete from nexus NMM . my pc refused . One of my SSD drives E/: .... disappeared from my system only returning once I shut my PC down so stopping Bethesda to stop Skyrim from running . Rebooting I was left with no option but to delete NMM again . Re down loading fixing Skyrim , I ran the game for few hours unmodded no problem so far . Game did not touch past Alternate start . Box file box . IP Gateway ? . Refused to delete even when all mod stopped trying NMM tools all failed .. Game CTD if attempted any game play . All mods I used can be checked via my history . Did use labs mods . Nothing that I have not used before .
  11. Doh ... I never realized you can increase the Skyrim buffer size . I set in properties options set skse to 512 buffer with back up of 10 buffers .Seems ok .
  12. Tyr kalair fix , as there is a bug in in the thieves guild . Not sure it will work , it worked for me a few months ago .
  13. HI technical . Iam having unsafe http at nexus unlogging web page . Norton security is reporting Nexus as an unsafe web site .No other web page I visit -Youtube- news - ect ect I am only getting this report On Nexus . It may be that Nexus may have been compromised .Norton is reporting HTTP in red as an unsafe site . Thanks , simondent2 .
  14. I would like if possible a merge icon , bash patch , Auto SKSE script cleaner , I now use GOM .com via its settings , they so improved my games. the other if possible when games suddenly go to desktop can that be fixed instead of having to press alt control delete to bring up windows task manager to continue game play. A search bar would be help. ( PS ) Nvidia have released a patch in their driver latest up date that fixes Bethesda games stutter , works very well on Skyrin original have not tried it on SSE or Fallout yet .I will not play games with out using Beth ini, tedit, skse, bash patch, PTD wrapper , using note book for my saves , c++ notebook , save tool , Also an auto update that will delete old mods when updating to the new version would be help full . Thank you all .
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