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  1. I play with texts in Italian, but with English voices. Everything works fine and all voices are in English, except citizen greetings/cheers. Those are still in Italian. When I go near a citizen and push Y/Triangle button, they greet me in Italian. I wonder if it's also bugged in other languages.
  2. I know it unlocks the spec also in Origins. I already made the Redcliffe quest. Any kindly soul? With a savegame with already unlocked spec, doesn't work for my character.
  3. I'm an idiot. I just realised Morrigan needs level 14 to unlock new spec, due to the fact she already has shapeshifter.
  4. I saw on Wikia it should be sold from Wonders of Thedas in Denerim and the guy in Soldier's Peak.But they haven't it. My character (a mage) has it unlocked, don't know why. But I want to teach it to Morrigan. So...any way or console command to do this?
  5. Wow, thank you very much, I appreciated your explanation. Just realised faces looks bit "metallic" or wet. Even in default CC
  6. I know, it's a noob question, but I'm a noob, so... I want to use this mod, but it hasn't cgmc file. I tried editing an already existing file, removing all and leaving just Skins section, but for some reason, doesn't work. How can I do? Googling for it, I just find chargenmorphcfg Compiler guides, but nothing about how to create one from scratches. And do I have to keep both D and N version of files in that mod?
  7. Maybe, people that played DAO years ago, remember some fixes made by a guy called Nukenin. Now I want to know if there fixes are still needed or not. You can see his profile with all 3 fixes, here http://social.bioware.com/66558/#bw_projects
  8. FTG UI mod resizes text of ui, but the "graphic" part of it: quickbar, characters portraits, etc...doesn't resize. And when you play in 1440p or 4K, it's very tiny
  9. Without changing it? Just a retexture/enhancement of default armors and faces.
  10. Hello guys, I play Dragon Age Origin UE, in 4k and quickbar and all graphic UI, are very small. I tried with FtG UI mod with Ultimate Edition on Origin. But it resizes just text. I have the Origin solo version
  11. Just that. I would like to have Xbox controller button icons, please.
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