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  1. Hi, I'm having a problem with distant textures, mainly trees. They appear very colorful from a distance and when near the trees, leaves textures go back to normal. This also happen to carpets. This is annoying! Here's what I'm talking about: http://i64.tinypic.com/2r70psh.jpg Is there a way to solve this?
  2. Now, for the stage sequence and features of this great idea: Choose to start the game not in Skyrim, but in Dragonland, through Alternate Start Mod. Dragonland would be like Falskaar, not an island, but a continental land, separate from Tamriel. Or maybe simply finding someone, maybe in Riverwood, to teleport you into Dragonland. I recommend to see Dragon Lore walkthrough videos to understand better about Dragonland stages. Stage 1: You start in a single farm, like Dragon Lore. You start with a single cloth and bare hands. In the farm, there's a lovely and beautiful blonde nordic woman that took care of you. And now she allows you to adventure through Dragonland, prove your value and become dragon night. She will first say to you to do some things, like bring her some objects she missed through the forest and in some pastures. Simple objectives such as go there and bring me things. Later, she will ask you to take her cow, lost in the forest to her farm. Then, she will allow you to go inside her house. In the house, there's an iron sword, light imperial armor set including a shield, a circlet, an iron hammer, a torch, a hunting bow, some iron arrows and maybe some more items, such as some health potions. She will ask you about your past, your misterious history and that you must make justice by defeating Diakonov and that your main objective is to reach the Dragon's Castle, very far from the farm. She will also give you a dragon claw and a special ring. After the dialogue, you will have to go through a road near the place where the lost cow was. In the way there's a powerful group of wolves (that will appear after the dialogue with the maid). But now you have the condition to fight, with your armor and weapons. You will find the wolves and a door that leads to the graveyard through a hill. The door will only unlock after your conversation with the maid, after she gave you the items. Stage 2: You just came to a strange and large place, like a graveyard. There are 2 entraces, each one having a huge skull in front of them. And between them, a small hill with a kind of altar. That altar in Dragon Lore shows the dragon knights that are in your favor. But in Dragonland it will show statues of all aedras, including Talos. In one of the dungeon entraces, one holds a key to enter through a door inside the other dungeon. Both dungeons have many skeleton guardians. When you enter through the locked door, a powerful draugh summon in front of you. Later you push a button in a wall and a huge ball of rock goes in your direction until it explodes when touch a wall. You will have to find a way to avoid the ball. After the ball struck the wall, you will have to find a key there. The key will lead you to a room under that dungeon (to a door in the floor). In that room, there's a huge nordic door. You will have to use the dragon claw the maid gave to you. Then you will enter in a crypt. In that crypt there's the body of your dead father. You can't still open the coffin where Werner's body is (the dead body have a powerful enchanted heavy armor) because it needs a special key, the Ruby Key. There's a draconian there. He will only dialogue to you if you wear your special ring, called Werner's Ring. Then he will talk about more aspects of Werner's life. He will give you another nordic dragon claw. In the crypt there's a wall in which you can have Unrelenting Power, that first voice power in Skyrim. Now you exit the crypt and return to the graveyard entrace. There's a road that will lead you to another way. In that way there's the first dragon knight. Talk to him, wearing Werner's Ring. He will give you some spell tomes related to protection, such as Stoneflesh. Before continue your way to the road, do what the dragon knight called Chen Lai asks. He will follow you back to the farm and you will introduce the maid to him. Now that he know that you are the son of Werner, he will be your follower, at least until some part of the game. He will aid you in your journey. Still in the forest between the farm and graveyard, there will be more wolves and some bears, and back in the graveyard, you will find Diakonov. By some way (magic?) he knew about you, when you came to that crypt in the graveyard. He will talk to you and threaten you. You will have to fight with him. You will give him some damage, but later he will stop fighting you, he talk about fight with you later, he will disappear and summon a dragon. Fight with the dragon, absorb it's power. That's why you will need Chen Lai help. Now you can start to use your voice power. Chen Lai will be speechless about that and he will ask you to prove the power of the voice to him. After that, he will really be in your favor to the rest of the story. A person that absorbed a dragon's power even before being dragon knight. Such thing is a rarity, like the existence of a dragonborn. Because you are the dragonborn, remember? Continue to that road with strange pillars made of stone until you reach a high hill. There's a door that leads you through that hill, without having to climb it. You will use the claw that the draconian gave to you. On the other side, another road, this time leading you to a big village... with a frightful cave. In fact, you can skip all that dragon fight and Chen Lai being your follower, but doing this will you have less advantage over your journey. This is to show that you can make decisions through Dragonland, both violent or wise ones. You don't have to do everything to end Dragonland, but it's better to do some things to aid you in the journey. This is only a few of what Dragonland could be if it was made... Even if nobody do Dragonland, it will still be a good idea of what would be a fusion between Dragon Lore and Skyrim. Yes, it would be a bit linear, at least in the start. The idea is to make it even less linear as you go deep into the story. Skyrim, even not appearing to be, has a linear story (at least the primary missions). Dragonland, such as Skyrim, having many secondary missions, would be more identical to Skyrim in this aspect. It's just both games fused.
  3. I don't have the talent to make mods, but I have ideas. Anyone interested in the idea of a fusion between Dragon Lore and Skyrim, I'm waiting for a response here. If anyone know or played that old DOS game, It's the best place for us to share ideas. Dragonland is to add the element of dragon knight guild or kingdom to Skyrim. With time I'll post more things about this new great idea.
  4. After playing Skyrim for a long time, and after finishing an old DOS game called Dragon Lore when I was a kid, I had a very interesting idea... Why not fuse both games? But first, what is Dragon Lore? Both games have to do with dragons and adventure. But in one you defeat dragons, while in the other you have to deal with dragon knights, each one having it's own dragon has a pet. Everytime I play Skyrim, I somehow feel has been playing Dragon Lore in a way... But first, what is Dragon Lore? Shows the entire game map in 10:26, game intro and some gameplay: Game walkthrough (see more videos of walkthrough to see the entire game): So this is it. There's also Dragon Lore II, but I never played it, only saw some videos of it. But it's very similar to the first. The idea is to bring the dragonborn into the universe of Dragon Lore. Dragon Lore deals with an election. You need to gain the votes of other dragon knights (some of them prefer you to be wise, other prefer you to be mad) to win the game. So, in that game, you need to become wise or violent and do some more favors to gain more votes to win the election. Winning the election, you become dragon knight and Diakonov, the great enemy, is defeated. Story of Dragonland Mod: I also call my idea has being The Elder Scrolls 6: Dragonland. My mod idea is in a far future, where the dragons return as pets of powerful dragon knights. In this far future, the Tamriel empire discovered a new continent, which they called Dragonland. With time, this new land, far from the empire of Tamriel, is conquered. The people of Tamriel had a good contact with natives and kept them unharmed. These natives are an old group of "argonians". But these argonians are different, they appear more like dragons than lizards and have wings. Draconians, the right term. A humanoid dragon race. These natives had with them an old secret, an old power. They shared this power with the local group of the empire, as a symbol of the alliance. Ever since the death of Alduin, with time, the dragonborns ceased to exist, because there were no more dragons in this far future, so no need for dragonborns. But the draconians of Dragonland had a kind of artifact, forged by the gods, that give to whoever binds with them, to have dragonborn powers, plus having the right of having it's own dragon as a pet. In other words, the dragonborn to have a dragon as a pet must become a powerful warrior and prove his value to the gods that forged that artifact. Akatosh is the main responsible for that artifact. So, to become dragon knight, you must obtain the respect of a group of draconians. But before that, you must, in my mod idea, to have the respect of at least many dragon knights. Having the respect of dragon knights and the respect of draconians will give you the right to become part of the club, but only if you are worthy enough of it. Since then, a small group of dragon knights were formed and Dragonland turned into an independent nation ruled by dragon knights with the permission of the draconians, the true owners of that continent. The Aldmeri Dominion tried to conquer Dragonland by force, but was defeated by the power of the draconians. Now the dominion is weaker, but in Dragonland there are still small groups of bad mer that still try to conquer by force. In Dragonland they behave like bandits. And killing them through missions will make you more respected by other dragon knights, even by elven dragon knights. With time, a respected kingdom of dragon knights was formed. In one election, Werner Von Wallenrod won an election that occur each 10 years. Each 10 years, one of the dragon knights have the right to rule the entire Dragonland for another 10 years. One of them, Haagen Von Diakonov, was like an intruder, he had voicepower and a dragon pet, but he is a farse. He lied to everybody, including to the gods, with his super persuasive speech power to become dragon knight, and since then he tried to secretly dominate Dragonland forever. In fact, Diakonov was like a secret agent of the daedra. Diakonov, in his past, was nothing. He wanted to rule Dragonland and to do that, he made a pact with Molag Bal and others. To Diakonov was promised, in that pact, that if he turned into the commander of Dragonland, and with that gave the daedra total power of that land, he would also become daedra and obviously dragon knight, and would also live for centuries if not a millenia. He conquered, with his persuasive powers, gave to him by daedra, the title of dragon knight, but he failed to won the election to become commander. But he was insistent. One day, he showed his true face. He tried to make a negociation with Werner, but failed. So then, he killed him, by unfair combat, using his voice. Diakonov had the aid of his summons, conjured by his power. He is one of the few dragon knights with conjuration power. http://www.abandonware-france.org/images_abandonware/jeux/4595DL22.png Werner Von Wallenrod In fact, dragon knights were forbidden to combat with themselves. They are, in theory, a group to keep peace in Dragonland and to avoid this land being invaded by evil forces. But Diakonov ruined that, because he is a farse. All other dragon knights don't know about that and think that Werner died from natural cause. Due to his death, it was given Diakonov the command, because of his great power, but still, nobody know that he killed the great commander. Since then, the evil started to rot Dragonland. It was given Diakonov even more power by the daedra. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/eWQYJUTO4XE/0.jpg Haagen Von Diakonov Diakonov also started with the idea to dominate all Nirn using daedric powers. The more power Diakonov gain, he become even more mad. His true face. Some groups of aldmeri bandits are independent against dragon knight empire, but some are paid by Diakonov to do dirty jobs... Slowly, daedra started to incluence people more, even more, to a point that Molag Bal and his group of daedra started to weaken the draconians. Now, all other dragon knights turned into puppets of Diakonov. But... what is your mission? Your great mission is to prove to everybody that you are the forgotten son of the commander and that Diakonov killed him. What happened to you? When Werner Von Wallenrod was killed, you were still a baby. You were saved by a maid that lived in a huge castle, the Dragon's Castle, where the commander live and rule Dragonland. Diakonov didn't know that Werner had a baby, it was still a secret to everybody. You were saved, but forgotten by everybody, except by that lovely and beautiful blonde nord maid. She is the only person in the world that know who you truly is. And now you have to make everybody know who you are and with this make justice, to put Diakonov down and by making him excluded of the dragon knight club. And finally, you to have the right to rule Dragonland for 10 years, plus become dragon knight and have it's own dragon pet. Features: All dragon knights have a different power of the voice; Each of them is specialized in combat, stealth or magic and all master at least one attribute; Each of them could be of a different race and sex, even custom races; All of them all high level NPC's. You are the weak in the story, at least in the beginning; Some of them are prone to believe in you, to others you must prove by many missions that you are worthy and truly the son of a dragon knight; Some prefer you to act wisely. Others prefer you to act through violence. Others will only help in your journey if you make them some personal favours, such has giving them treasures...; Other than dragon knights, other NPC's will aid in your journey, on what you have to do. Some NPC's, on the other hand, will try to put you down, through missions, they will lie to you and make you to go to their ambush. And all of them will ambush you by surprise. So take care to whom you speak and analise their voice tone and their way of speaking; Beware the Aldmeri bandits, some of which are paid by Diakonov to do dirty job; All dragon knights are essential, because later on the game they will be reunited with you and Diakonov in the Dragon's Castle. Diakonov is the most powerful of them. In the end, with all of them reunited, Diakonov will be forced to abandon the group... And you will have to kill him alone for justice (Only in the end Diakonov will not be essencial); As you go through your journey and convince more dragon knights through numerous missions, new areas in Dragonland will be unlocked for you to explore, and they will be needed. Some of them will require keys, artifacts (claws, etc), magic, or other items. Ah, and don't try to pickpocket them. You will only have the claws or keys when they want you have to (these items will only appear in your inventory through dialogues and successful completed missions); You will defeat dragons conjured by Diakonov radomly through your journey, and later you will use your voice and your dragon pet to defeat the powerful Diakonov. He is more powerful than Alduin and Miraak. He is the great enemy of Nirn; Dragonland is huge, bigger than Skyrim by scale, but have about 50% the size of Tamriel. Dragonland is not square like Tamriel, rectangular, in fact, is has an irregular shape, full of islands, rivers, mountains... Even having only 50% Tamriel size, is still a huge terrority to explore, bigger than of Skyrim and Morrowind combined; You become dragon knight in 75% of your journey. The journey is divided into 2 parts: Conquering your dragon knight title and defeating Diakonov. After you defeat Diakonov... I still don't know if after conquering the command of Dragonland you go to Skyrim or simply end the game. In fact the mod would be so big that Skyrim in it would be unecessary. Or you simply could return to Skyrim and say to everyone that you are a dragon knight and all the story... nobody would believe in you, of course! Best keep your mouth closed! A dragonborn that is dragon knight... so cliché! Nirn map according to the knoledge of draconians: http://i62.tinypic.com/2e0tddv.jpg The draconian map reveals that tamriels are very bad explorers, like europeans before the period of great discoveries. Tamriels know about Nirn much less than europeans centuries ago about our planet... Draconians know much more about Nirn and the universe than the ignorant tamriels with their superstitions. Draconians explored the entire world, but prefered to stay at their homeland later. They are so advanced that the rest of the world would see them as demons! Dragonland is an unknown extension of Akavir to the primitive civilizations of Nirn (except draconians). Draconians know that magic is in fact a form of quantum fenomena matrix associated with our thoughts, and that the gods tamriels believe are not actually gods, but planets. Akatosh exist, not as a god, but similar to other entities are only superdeveloped spirits through uncountable lives experienced before... if you believe in such a thing, of course. Well, draconians know that this is a fact. In the next post, I'll start to post my ideas about the missions of The Elder Scrolls 6: Dragonland. Now, you may be thinking... Is this an idea for a mod... or for a new game? Well... maybe both, hehehe! One thing is certain... Dragonland will change the way you understand Nirn forever!
  5. http://i60.tinypic.com/59vxpv.jpg Infrared and death! http://i59.tinypic.com/allqo4.jpg Shiny Ralof! http://i57.tinypic.com/jinkn8.jpg Fire is really bright in infrared! http://i57.tinypic.com/2mm8n4z.jpg Infrared cave. http://i59.tinypic.com/2ykxh8k.jpg Heated nature. http://i59.tinypic.com/1z1zf9f.jpg Infrared house. http://i60.tinypic.com/n2lmh2.jpg Thermal Riverwood! http://i59.tinypic.com/2wd6gzo.jpg Thermal Bleak Falls Barrow! I'm doing my best to make the most realistic thermal effect with high detail possible. Ok snow appear bright, while only hot objects are bright in thermal, but it is also because it reflect near-infrared and also because it's being illuminated by the sun. I'll continue to test before making an infrared ENB mod. It will be more realistic than that thermal effect related to Predator, ah yes, I'm sure about it!
  6. Here are some examples of near infrared images: http://www.hybridlava.com/wp-content/uploads/Infrared.jpg As I said, in near infrared skin e vegetation are reflect much light. In fact in near infrared you can also see a bit through some materials used in clothes and also see veins better. http://www.loupiote.com/photos_m/835655902-trego-hot-springs-pool-daylight-infrared-black-rock-desert-nevada.jpg?loupiote_embed=bbcode This is somewhat similar to the scene of my infrared skyrim. Bright organics, dark sky and water. http://ivrg.epfl.ch/files/content/sites/ivrg/files/research/images/compare.jpg In infrared you can see through fog, haze and smoke. http://www.intechopen.com/source/html/17173/media/image9.jpeg How the face of a person differ from visible (a), near infrared (b) and thermal (c and d). Now, examples of interesting thermal photographies: http://www.drsinfrared.com/portals/0/Images/thermal_detectors/ThermalNeighborhood630_24.png In thermal infrared, every hot object shine compared to colder objects. http://opticalengineering.spiedigitallibrary.org/data/Journals/OPTICE/926147/OE_52_6_061306_f002.png Glass is opaque in thermal infrared. http://www.photonics.com/images/Web/Articles/2012/8/1/IR_Figure7.jpg Comparison between how we see the world and thermal world. So this is it. My ENB is a fusion between near infrared and thermal infrared factors.
  7. Hi, I had a very interesting idea, and it will be interesting for those who enjoy infrared photography. I discovered that changing some configurations in the ENB through the ENB console by shift + enter that I could make Skyrim looking through a near-infrared camera, or at least something similar to that. Seeing near-infrared photographies, I made the sky darker with more evident clouds, darker water, brighter vegetation and brighter skin. Even dark hair appear brighter and blond hair look greyish. The sky is dark because infrared is not well interacted by the molecules of the air (nitrogen and oxygen), but the horizon appear brighter due to the higher amount of air and water vapour. Water appear very dark because water absorb infrared very well. Water in infrared is very similar to Coke, and Coke in infrared is very similar to water, nearly transparent. Most organic tissue reflect a lot of infrared, such as skin. Healthy vegetation reflect much more infrared in comparison to green light. Also, infrared cameras images tend to look more blurrier, so I lowered codes related to sharpness. I also decreased the color intensity to half to give the effect of some color infrared images. Also, with near-infrared effect I also added a thermal effect, more evident at night. I forgot to say that I'm using more than 100 mods, including one that covers all Skyrim with snow. I'm thinking to create an ENB mod for this kind of perspective. http://i57.tinypic.com/2a9pdt1.jpg Me as a little star shining heat during a typical infrared day scene. http://i60.tinypic.com/fx5tuf.jpg See heat coming from objects! http://i58.tinypic.com/974lj5.jpg How inside environment look like in infrared. http://i59.tinypic.com/309rmvp.jpg A typical day scene. Bright vegetation and black water and sky! http://i58.tinypic.com/2i8voxt.jpg Infrared wolf! http://i59.tinypic.com/sq2iz9.jpg How ourselves as little shiny stars brighten the place around us, at night! I will post more near and thermal infrared images soon. Hope you guys enjoy! Any suggestions are welcome to make this possible future mod better!
  8. I installed many mods, including FNIS, CBBE and XP32 skeleton. But I have found a strange glitch. Is that due to a mod conflicting with otthers? http://i59.tinypic.com/2i7ms7k.png http://i60.tinypic.com/dwop48.png http://i57.tinypic.com/1fd107.png What I have now is a monster nord with a double face! Ok, when I change the race and later go to nord, it goes normal without the glitch, but sometimes during the game, I find strange people with double faces similar to the images above. When they talk, there is a face that don't move, while the other face moves. I just don't know a way to remove the monster useless face! Example, when I see the Balgruff talking, one face is static, while the other superimposed face talk! Later I tried to remove all mods I could possibly remove in the load list, but even this continue. Is that due to FNIS? If so, there's a way to fix this problem? It's problems like this that makes me far from wanting to finish this game... I just want to get rid of glitches like that! It makes the game... ugly!
  9. Rsrsrsrss, true! Amputee walking dead follower. It would be a very cool mod indeed!
  10. One more. This time a heavy armor warrior. http://i62.tinypic.com/20qmck6.jpg Later I will add more intriguing ripped-off followers.
  11. Hi, this is my first time in this forum and I do enjoy many mods. But I found something intriguing. It's about the Deadly Mutilation mod. I discovered that if you rip-off the arms of your enemies and if you use spells of resurrection on them, you will have "zombie" followers being amputated! But even without one or even both arms, they still can fight! So even in Skyrim there are "people" that can bypass its own limits (even if this is a glitch)! I had bandit and necromancer type zombie followers. There's something you must do to have a perfect amputee follower. If you rip-off the arms but part of the body appear invisible, before reanimating the dead, you must get their armor or if you want replace their armor, after this you will reanimate and voilá, you will have a amputee follower. And a naked amputee zombie follower! Sometimes you kill and the dead body keep a full body without arms. In that case you don't have to remove the armor to avoid the body glitch! The best spell for that is that one that you have a zombie follower for unlimited time. Very funny seeing them fighting using their little stomps! It's a shame that there is not yet a mod that has true live followers that can seek your command and that can chat with you. It would be interesting if there was a follower mod that has, for example, a very beautiful blonde and sexy female that had one or both arms lost, and if there had a quest that you should help her to find and kill a guy or monster that killed her family or friends and ripped-off her arms for revenge, and later after you have her as a follower that only use magic (with her body, not hands). But for that it would be necessary that the follower had a specific body mesh model without the arms and if possible with prosthetic legs made of wood or metal. In the case of legs, it would be good if the false leg was a bit lower the knee and the other false leg above the knee. And maybe one arm ripped-off above the elbow and the other a bit lower the elbow. You would have a very asymmetric and sexy amputee follower! Obs: The suggested mod and my technique of resurrecting amputated bodies using Deadly Mutilation is, I think, best for those called devotees and I think they will appreciate me for revealing this technique. And yes, I'm one of them. If I can't have a normal amp follower, I will continue to make amp zombie followers with my necromage. Here are some images of my zombie amputee followers: http://nsae02.casimages.net/img/2014/12/04/141204062528526515.jpg http://nsae02.casimages.net/img/2014/12/04/141204062749171861.jpg http://nsae02.casimages.net/img/2014/12/04/141204062752129115.jpg http://nsae02.casimages.net/img/2014/12/04/141204062755274953.jpg http://nsae02.casimages.net/img/2014/12/04/141204062757754276.jpg At least for me, this is very intriguing and fun!
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