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About BigBoss1387

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    United States
  1. There was a hacking attempt? I dono, I noticed pop ups showed up a tad frequently but nothing serious. If a popup gets through with that lame crap "dont go just yet!" I just task manager and end the entire process of firefox or whatever browser im using. Spam...lol who doesnt get spam, unless there was specific spam you guys were getting? I dont get as much as I used to back in the day. All Id like to know is it something I should worry about like big time or just its over and go on with the internets life. Since this was also well over a month ago and I didnt notice anything TOO strange Kotaku was another site that got hacked, one of their providers was compromised and they had notified everyone to change passwords and the like. I dono, here I just log in and I stay logged in for awhile even after I close it and open it the next day lol and usually get logged out automatically after bout 3 days or so /shrug.
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