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About wynterknight

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  1. Noooooo that's so much work. I think I'll just run with it for now and hope nothing else breaks. Fingers crossed! I did notice it's only affecting saves from after I became a vampire. It's not affecting other characters, or saves pre-vampirism. I don't know why that would matter, but it's the only real difference between affected and unaffected saves.
  2. I just loaded up my game today, where I was exiting a shop in Solitude, and instantly got the message (and animation +sound effect) that I absorbed a black soul, even though I don't have an active soul cloak effect. Then a second later the same thing, but the attempt failed (I was out of black soul gems,) and then I absorbed a lesser soul and a greater soul and and and. Now I'm constantly trying to absorb souls from apparently nowhere, and I don't know why. It's filling all my soul gems which I guess is nice, but this is clearly a bug and the constant messages/animations are super annoying, and they even happen while I'm messing around in my inventory--I can watch my soul gems rearrange themselves as souls get absorbed. This wasn't happening when I was playing last night, and the only new mod I added between now and then was Arthmoor's Dragon Bridge mod, which surely can't be the culprit--and anyway I uninstalled the Dragon Bridge mod and resorted my mods with LOOT and it's still happening. Anybody seen this happen before? Any advice would be appreciated, because this is driving me nuts.
  3. That was rather dumb, wasn't it? The mods I've got installed are: Arcane Warrior Plus Arcane Warrior Weapon Drawn Casting Awakening in the OC Bardic Haste Cheaper Combat Magic Combat Delay Reduction Console Add Points Detailed Tooltips Dragon Age Redesigned Dragon Age Rules Fixpack Forced Deathblows Haze Spells Icons Project Improved Shapeshifting Level 50 Madd Gift Guide Morrigan Dialogue Fix Natural Bodies Open Lock Spells Quick Shapeshifting Respecification DAO Skip the Fade Slink's s3 RAVage Spell School - Divine The Winter Forge Weapon Enchantment Expansion And then I've got a number of item add-ons and character replacement morphs, hairstyles, etc., but I doubt those would affect my skills. I can provide those if you need.
  4. So I'm playing through my heavily-modded DA:Awakening (again) and noticed that I don't have the Coercion skill on my skill page any more. I'm betting it's due to some mod I've downloaded that's removed it, but for the life of me, I can't figure out which one it is. I've tried disabling some of the mods that I thought might be interfering with the Skills page (The Winter Forge, Awakening in the OC, Respecialization) plus some others (RAVage), but the Coercion skill is still missing when I go to make a new character or level up an existing character. Has this happened to anyone else before? I can just delete my whole override folder and uninstall/reinstall the game, but that's a bit of hassle I'm not looking forward to. Thanks in advance for any help or advice!
  5. Thanks for the response. I saw that one, and I've found a couple of other armored robe mods that aren't what I had before, but I want the one I had before, dammit! Lol I'll probably just have to suck it up and download something different, at this rate. Or just wear actual armor. I've spent literally all day looking for it. Maybe I should just level the heck out of my Smithing skill until I can create witchplate...
  6. So some stuff happened with my computer and I lost all of my mods and have to redownload everything. I used to have a mod that let me create armored versions of the normal mage robes (adept, apprentice, etc.), but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. They were craftable under the Leather category, and had identical stats to leather armor. I thought it was Immersive armors, but I don't see them listed there. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
  7. Do you mean you couldn't figure out how to change the stats with The Winter Forge? I feel for you; I seriously took an entire frustrating day to figure out how to make it work. It's worth it once you understand how to use it, though--the ability to assign stats to your favorite outfits, and to upgrade those outfits as you level up, is really nice. If you need help with it, I'll see if I can walk you through it.
  8. I'm currently loving the Robes of the Four Elements. They don't have any actual stats, but that's easily fixable with the Winter Forge. The Wings of Velvet, mentioned above, also look really good, although I understand they don't really fit an arcane warrior; I had Wynne wear them on my last playthrough because I wanted to see them, just not on my male warrior-mage.
  9. I would also like to second the request for a cat mod. I know there really aren't cat models in the game as of now, but it'd be cool to have a panther or something, to really put those ugly mabari in their place ;) Alternately, maybe someone could modify the ELF pet mod to replace the dog lol. I'd download a mod that gave me a siamese kitty that could take on werewolves and dragons. I also second the request for a dragonling mod. I know squat about modding, but considering we have mods that let you shapeshift into dragons, hopefully it wouldn't take too much work to replace Dog with a dragonling.
  10. Is there any way that you can change the expression on your main character's face? In every cutscene, he's got this awful grimace on his face... It's something to do with the way the mouth turns down, but so far all of my male PCs look like this. It's especially jarring during lovemaking cutscenes--apparently none of the companions are any good in bed. I'd love a cocky grin, a small smile, or hell, even a neutral expression, so long as it doesn't look like he just smelled what Dog rolled in. I don't have any idea how hard this would be to implement, but it would make a world of difference.
  11. Okay, I was doing everything right, I just had the .override file saved in my Override folder, which was apparently wrong. Once I moved it to my desktop and tried reinstalling it, it worked just fine. Thanks for all the advice!
  12. I'm also having problems. I've got the *.override file showing in the bottom box of the modmanager in the Mods tab, but when I try to install it, it says it's already installed--but it's not showing up in the "Installed Overrides" tab at the top. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Has anyone else had a similar problem? Thanks!
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