I just loaded up my game today, where I was exiting a shop in Solitude, and instantly got the message (and animation +sound effect) that I absorbed a black soul, even though I don't have an active soul cloak effect. Then a second later the same thing, but the attempt failed (I was out of black soul gems,) and then I absorbed a lesser soul and a greater soul and and and. Now I'm constantly trying to absorb souls from apparently nowhere, and I don't know why. It's filling all my soul gems which I guess is nice, but this is clearly a bug and the constant messages/animations are super annoying, and they even happen while I'm messing around in my inventory--I can watch my soul gems rearrange themselves as souls get absorbed. This wasn't happening when I was playing last night, and the only new mod I added between now and then was Arthmoor's Dragon Bridge mod, which surely can't be the culprit--and anyway I uninstalled the Dragon Bridge mod and resorted my mods with LOOT and it's still happening. Anybody seen this happen before? Any advice would be appreciated, because this is driving me nuts.