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Posts posted by Syynx

  1. I'm trying to make a mod that disables the ability to save the game unless you've recently prayed at a shrine, but I can't find any command in papyrus that affects the ability to save. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


    EDIT:Figured it out, it's the Game.SetInChargen(false, false, false) command

  2. Right now i'm working on an edit to the script playerInput.ws to check if the player is near a signpost when he opens up the Esc menu, if he's near a signpost saving is enabled, else it's disabled


    Right now I have it kind of working, however, it just breaks randomly, not allowing you to save even when you're balls deep in a fast travel signpost


    Here's the function

        function isPlayerNearSignPost() : bool
            var entities : array<CGameplayEntity>;
            var i : int;
            FindGameplayEntitiesInRange( entities, thePlayer, 10, 1,, FLAG_ExcludePlayer,, 'W3FastTravelEntity' );
            for ( i = 0; i < entities.Size(); i += 1 )
                if ((W3FastTravelEntity)entities[i])
                    return true;
            return false;

    and then I added the following code to the OnIngameMenu event from the same script

    theGame.GetCommonMapManager().AllowSaving( isPlayerNearSignPost() );

    Like I said, it seems to work perfectly until it just stops working out of nowhere, I can't reliably replicate breaking it either, it seems totally random


    Attached is the full modded playerInput.ws script



    Also I'm curious if there's a better place to test for the player being near signposts than the oningamemenu event, since there's a small issue where if you open the menu when near a signpost it lets you save and you can then quicksave anywhere until you open the menu again

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