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Posts posted by KillerHappyFace

  1. Yeah, yeah, I know. Pink = missing texture. My actual problem is harder to explain.


    I'm looking at adding the combat armor headlamp to the regular old Army Helmet. Mostly because the standard combat armor helmet looks stupid as hell and I finally got fed up with it. So I made a texture with transparency, made a new material that referenced it, combined the two helmets in outfit studio, and added the alpha property to the resulting nif (underneath the appropriate TriShape, of course).


    When I got it in game, the headlamp parts were pink, as if it couldn't find the texture.


    After double checking all the file paths, everything seems like it should work. Here's a picture of my material, nif header strings, alpha property settings, file path, and what it looks like ingame:






    I've done a little transparency work, but never with two textures in the same nif like this. Could that be a contributing factor?

  2. After seeing SkyUI's recent changes to the favorites menu, I decided to try my hand at adding even more functionality to the Favorites Menu.


    My final goal is to create an interface that can command your followers, like FONV. Right now, I just want to add a button that makes Lydia jump.


    @BotOwned led me to SkyUI's github repository, and I've spent a few days fiddling with Flash with very slow results. I added a new button to SkyUI's menu (because the script in the default menu is really strange) and I set it to play a sound. Unfortunately, the swf won't compile because I haven't set up an appropriate package directory for all the import statments.


    And so, my questions:


    - How are you supposed to set up packages for import statements? I know that I can just copy over the imported .as files to where the .fla resides, but wouldn't that cause a lot of bloating in the swf?


    - What exactly can the game delegate do? What can it tell the game, and what can the game tell it? Has anyone put together a list of all possible settings/use cases? Can it be called from papyrus to pass info to the UI?


    - The addEventListener function wrt Skyrim uses a different parameter signature than normal: type:string, listener:object, weakReference:string. What does the type "change" mean? I see it an awful lot - is it just a catch all? Also, is the listener ever not a "this" reference?


    Any help is appreciated, not just with what I'm asking about. If you think something you've learned about UI modding can be useful down the line, don't hesitate to blurt it out! :smile:



  3. New to modding, but somewhat familiar with Bethesda's Creation Kit/GECK setup.


    Seeing the new additions to SkyUI made me think of other cool things that the favorites menu can accomplish. I had thought that the favorites menu wasn't very powerful until I saw that skyUI can store and equip full sets of gear. If it can do that, then it should be able to run other complex tasks.


    I'd like to make a mod that keeps track of your followers and allows you to issue commands to them via the favorites menu - like a ranged, multi-person Companion Wheel from FONV. Unfortunately, I don't have the slightest idea how to modify the favorites menu.


    I figured a good way to start would be to analyze SkyUI's process from their scripts, but it looks like the scripts aren't available in the SkyUI esp. Is this normal in Skyrim? In previous games, all scripts were saved to the esps - is Skyrim different?


    My goal for now is to create a button in the Favorites menu that issues a command to a particular NPC. Perhaps swapping out Lydia's behavior package for one that makes her jump nonstop.


    How did SkyUI do it? Does anyone know what sort of scripts can change the favorites menu so drastically?

  4. The rebalance module of PN won't function for me. It's installed properly and it shows up in MCM, but it looks like all of its scripts won't run and none of the stat changes will take effect. Equipment and core work properly, as well as all of my other MCM mods.


    Mods in my load order that might overlap in functionality with project nevada:

    -EVE (I have the compatability patch)

    -All of imp's big mods (hud extended, powered power armor, more complex needs)

    -Mass recalibration

    -More realistic repair

    -Realistic battle & dynamic combat, again with compat patch

    -Increased weapon jamming

    -Manual reload


    Does anyone know off the top of their head if PN has issues with any of these?


    I'll post more details (and do some testing against other mods) when I get back tomorrow.

  5. To start, this is not the textures.bsa thing.


    I've had a recurring issue with Fallout NV that is starting to annoy me, but I can't find anything on it.


    The game remains stable for about 5-10 hours of gameplay, but then something gets corrupted. Upon cell transition, texture assignment goes out of whack - some objects get no texture and turn pink, while others display completely wrong textures (eyes on walls, asphalt on bushes, etc.). Once the textures get corrupted, my character becomes incapable of interacting with the world and I need to alt+f4 to close the game. Even the start menu and steam freezes up, hence no screenshots.


    This occurs regardless of the mods I use. Even near-vanilla run throughs are affected by it. GECK appears to speed up the corruption process, even if I work out of a separate backup directory specifically for GECK.


    I can fix it with a full reinstall (the game gets corrupted, but my saves are fine), but nowadays that takes ages with the sheer number of mods around.


    Has anyone seen anything like this bug?

  6. Subtitle says it all: does the script for a script-archetype base effect have access to that effect's magnitude?


    For instance, if I have an actor effect that applies a script-archetype effect of magnitude 4, is there a function I can use to acquire that value of 4 within that effect's script?

  7. Using Boone as an example is a little confusing, as most if not all of Boone's follower variables are in one single script VNPCFollowersQuestSCRIPT. The conditional logic that relies on those usually avoids checking for faction and just uses the script variables.


    All of the companions are like that, but not all of the important follower variables are in there.


    I'd like to check for faction as opposed to using the VNPCFollowers variables because the faction checks can apply to any follower, whereas each follower has separately named variables in VNPCFollowers.


    I couldn't get away from using VNPCFollowers.bBooneL38, though. I'm not really familiar with how to detect packages, which would probably help. How can I detect if an NPC currently has a sandbox package running?

  8. I need help determining what state of 'following the player' a companion is in. Unfortunately, there are no easy variables that can tell you some of the things I'm looking for: they're spread out into 2-3 different scripts and faction alliances, some specific to each of the followers.


    So, I'd like some help figuring out the best ways to tell a script if X companion has been hired, is waiting, is sandboxing, etc. Here are my guesses:


    I'll use Boone as an example for these, but eventually I'd like to make a script that can be run on any companion.

    Edit: corrected two small errors.


    1) The companion is currently hired and following the player: if(BooneREF.getinfaction TeammateFaction && BooneREF.waiting==0)


    2) The companion is sandboxing: if(BooneREF.hasitem POVSandboxToken || VNPCFollowers.bBooneL38 == 1)

    This one uses the sandbox token from the Companion Sandbox Mode mod.


    3) The companion is waiting, but not sandboxing: if(BooneREF.waiting == 1 && !(BooneREF.hasitem POVSandboxToken || VNPCFollowers.bBooneL38 == 1))


    4) The companion is not hired: if(!(BooneREF.getInFaction TeammateFaction))


    In addition, I'd like a little advice on the usage of the NVSE BuildRef command: can it build base id's as well (such as the id of the sandbox toke I used above), or is it restricted to ref id's?

  9. I have next to zero experience with the creation kit, and I'd like to change that so I thought I'd try and build a first draft of a larger mod idea I have. It would turn Skyrim's current spellcasting system into something a little like the game Magicka: mixing and matching various elements on the fly to create your spells.


    Here's a video of spells in Magicka to help illustrate the idea:


    A "first stage" for this mod would probably be making a custom set of spells to represent the elements. When cast, these spells apply a debuff to you, and a spell effect is unleashed when the right combination of debuffs is in play. Not really effective, but I think it would be a good way to aquaint myself with the Creation Kit. Problem is, I can't figure out how to make completely custom-built spells (unique effects, sounds, debuffs, etc).


    I haven't been able to find any in-depth tutorials in that department. Can somebody point me in the right direction? Thanks!

  10. I'm new to modding with the Creation Kit, and I'd like some advice on how to approach a mod idea I have. I'd like somebody experienced with the CK to tell me whether or not this is even possible, and where to start.


    My idea is an ability that works very much like spellcasting does in the game Magicka, or kinda like Invoker in DOTA. Here's how I hope my mod will function in-game:


    -I activate my ability, putting my character into a toggle-able 'holding state'.

    -While in this state, the WASD cluster and surrounding buttons are commandeered for selecting spell components such as Fire, Ice, or Lightning.

    -When a spell component is input, my character goes through corresponding effects and a UI element is displayed to show the selection.

    -Once the 'holding state' ends, a spell is cast to match the selected components.


    I'm not sure how to go about implementing this, though. I know I'd need to create spells for each combination I want to support, as well as spells that contain the selection effects for each component. From there, though, I have no idea where to go. How would I "store" spell components? How do you make the game receptive to this sort of input? Is it even possible to add a new UI element? Should the 'holding state' be its own ability, or a new actor state activated by a Script Dragon hotkey?


    Any sort of advice would be appreciated, even if it's to say I'm doing this completely wrong.

  11. I'd like to request a mod that improves upon the current companion system.


    I dislike how companions are handled in Skyrim. I feel like its way too limiting, way too clunky, and generally a step back from New Vegas. What follows is an outline of changes that I think would improve the current system while remaining immersive and lore-friendly. I cannot make this myself, hence the request.


    If any of you experienced modders out there wish to pick this idea up, have at it! Since it would be your mod you're entitled to implement this any way you want. This thread is intended to be an idea thread, and not a concrete outline.


    Here is how I would try to improve the companion system, if I had unlimited time and all the experience:


    • Adds something similar to the FO:NV companion wheel for easier orders.
    • A (not too easy) way to set all followers essential if you want.
    • Allow up to four companions. Pick two to follow you into dungeons, other two guard the entrance.
      -Companions on guard duty automatically join back up when the player is close enough.
    • Each companion sandboxes when in town. Automatically join back up when you leave.
      -Even if they just teleport to the tavern and hang around.
    • Up to two pack horse followers that carry the entire party's unified inventory.
      -Don't count toward party cap, always stays outside dungeon.
      -Horses greatly increase weight capacity. Party members add a relatively low capacity.
      -Unified inventory available at all times in town.
    • Player has a separate (lower than current) carry cap for equipment on-person.
      -All dungeon loot applies to cap until you rejoin the group that stays outside. Then everything is dumped to the party inventory.
      -All items that are equipped or favorited stay on your person.
      -Maybe open trade with party inventory when entering each dungeon, so you can choose consumables/extra items to take with?





    Post some ideas of your own if you wish, and I'll add them to the list if I like it.

  12. @Mansh00ter: I would like to add that a reasonable number of pirates actually do buy games. Only noteworthy games would get rewarded with a purchase, though, which explains why the current industry is still pissed at them.


    Moving a little back to on-topic: I hope the steam DRM can be circumvented in a legit manner by the time the CK is released. I accidentally updated today and I had to get that old version of the exe that's been floating around to reinstate my large-address aware mod.

  13. Just a random thought that hit me while reading a post about hotkeys.


    In combat, people don't have these wonderful item sorting and instant-equip systems for pausing to get a better spell or quaff a potion to heal. I realize that this idea is completely useless until the hotkey situation is improved and greatly expanded.


    -Combat locks the tab and esc keys: no pausing, equipping, or map-checking in combat. You only have yourself, what's already equipped, and whatever is in your hotkeys/favorites menu.

    -All weapons have a unequip animation, equipping/unequipping slows you down a bit.

    -Hefty items are dropped when unequipped in combat: all 2-h weapons, OH weapons, anything that seems like it would take too long to sheathe is dropped in the battlefield when unequipped. This could cause several headaches post-battle unless steps are taken to save the item in the hotkeys/favorites and to prevent the item from being knocked around.

    -Shields take a long time to equip in battle, no changing armor.

    -Limited space on your person for weapons, and all weapons shown weigh you down: All weapons and your shield in your favorites are rendered on your person at once. Means at most 1 1-H weapon for each hip (or 2 for 1 hip) and 1 2-H weapon or shield for your back. Maybe a dagger, too. No other weapons can be favorited.

    -No searching items/bodies, but weapons picked up will be directly equipped.

    -Potions and poisons take a bit of time to apply, potions don't heal instantly.

    -Compass directions are hidden in combat, but enemies you have a line of sight to are still displayed: Not realistic per se, but it helps emulate things which don't work well in games like spotting moving enemies, tracking projectiles to their source, and using peripheral vision.


    I'm not posting this in requests because I'm not entirely certain I would enjoy many of these for a full playthrough, but think it's a cool concept regardless. It may even work well, with the right handling of implementation and the right balancing.

  14. Seconded. The Hotkeys definitely need reworking!


    Being able to save two hands at once would be nice, but I'd like to be able to keep the single-hand hotkeys, too. Personally, I'm not a fan of the concept full-set saving; I doubt anyone would be able to find the time to change suits of armor whilst surrounded by bandits. I know combat armor changing is in the game, regardless of the hotkey situation, but full-set hotkeys make it a bit too easy to abuse imo.


    As an aside, adding ctrl and alt modifiers could effectively triple our available number of hotkeys. Also, a better way to select shouts/non-hotkeyed items in favorites would be cool. Maybe if someone can hijack the mousewheel...

  15. ^ Agree.


    I heard about the DRM update before I played that day, so I turned went in offline mode until the CK actually comes out. DRM is stupid, but patching extra DRM in after the fact is even more so, especially if it hurts the modding community that keeps said game alive on PC.

  16. I have a feeling it may be related to the upcoming patch, which is going to be sometime after thanksgiving weekend so ~1 week.


    If not, then they'll release it standalone, which means it'll be god knows when. I've heard say that Bethesda is working on a modding system for consoles too, so I sincerely hope they don't string us along for a few months and only release the CK when that is ready. That would be quite a slap in the face.

  17. Nice suggestions! Added in ideas for more peaceful encounters on roads, as well as looting trading caravans.


    What does everyone think about a possible opportunity to mug travelers/traders on the road using intimidate?

  18. I'm not even sure if they scale...


    The first fight was a little difficult on super-hard mode, and everything after is meh. The Dragons honestly should be worshipers of the Dragon Priests, not the other way around.

  19. Now, I personally think the scaling in Skyrim is broken in more ways than just this, but the character scaling is being addressed by other threads.


    I want to see what everyone else thinks about the way enemies scale in Skyrim. Not just damage-wise, but mostly in terms of outward appearances. At low levels, everything's just a plain old Bandit, Draugr, Falmer, or Bear. At higher levels, everything is what would normally be a boss earlier.


    For instance, in the first barrow I explored, the dungeon was finished with an epic fight against a Draugr Deathlord. This was no ordinary Draugr; his weapon could cut through me like a stick of butter. Even worse, it had Voice powers! Now, at level 50, every single casket opens for one of these guys. Every one of them has Voice powers, and my poor Dark Elf has taken quite a blow to the ego knowing now that his ability to throw around an Unrelenting Force is nothing special at all.


    I'm not having any trouble at all with the difficulty of the scaling, but I think it's more than a bit immersion breaking to have enemies scale this way; it feels like WoW or Final Fantasy, where enemies scale by being replaced with upgraded versions.


    What I would have hoped for is a method of scaling where regular enemies like Draugr would be around your same level, Restless Draugr would be a little over your level, and Deathlords, Scourges, Liches, etc would be highly leveled above you to an equal degree, but each have their own unique skillset and equipment preferences. Bosses would remain bosses.


    TL;DR: Enemies are all basic at low levels, and what would have qualified for an early boss at later levels. I think it's a little weird.




    EDIT: oh god...that's a pretty bad title typo *facepalm*

  20. According to the lore wiki, the Dwemer were the same height as (and looked similar to) all of the elven races. They're also long gone -- the gods made them go poof for trying to play with godliness. Hence the ruins, but no Dwarfs. There's one left in all of Tamriel, and he's immortal and was spared because he was visiting oblivion at the time.


    I think the main reason no-one's made a good, lore friendly mod is because it would be very difficult to make. A lore friendly mod would probably require creating a whole new story set back when the Dwemer still existed.

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