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    Oblivion, Morrowind

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    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Hey, nice to see you here! Thank you for the advice.

      My friend jobra888 wrote in one of his comments - quote: "one reason why the ElderFaceCopy tool didn't work - you need the same heads; when I used that tool with the same head it was similar but not exactly the same since I guess that the Sureai team has tweaked something in or around the engine" /quote.

      Well, in my case the result looked also pretty similar. On the other hand I am pretty happy with my manual crea...

    3. Tobjoern


      ...created char. I also know Oblivion Face Exchange Lite - maybe I will give it a shot (I tried it long time ago but also without success)
    4. Tobjoern


      PS. @ Flintlockecole: I tried Oblivion Face Exchange and was able to copy the face data to clipboard, but when I tried to edit my Nehrim save and paste the datas I got a warning message regarding different races (Nord ->Alemanne). So also this time, no success even with both esm's (Nehrim and Obli) activated. Face Exchabge always freezes when I try to save the new file.
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