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Everything posted by Tobjoern

  1. I only recognize the armor on the left side. It's called Nightshade Armor. No clue about the other stuff at the moment, sorry. :smile:
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Many thanks (and hugs) to both of you! XD


      @ Nighty: No!? I have no clue... ;) ;P XD

    3. Ithildin


      Love today's gallery! I admire each of these for different reasons, but my favorites are the same as Night's. Those spider images are amazing.
    4. Tobjoern


      I'm glad you like it, and I always appreciate your kind words! Thank you very much! XD
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Many many thanks to both of you! It's always a pleasure to read your always kind comments! :D
    3. AurianaValoria1
    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you very much! XD
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deleted6317247User


      Of course I do. :3 They're adorable.
    3. Tobjoern


      If I should find a spiders' nest somewhere I will think of you and make some screenies! :D
    4. Deleted6317247User
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ithildin


      That's very cool, Tob - I'm glad it turned out to be safe to take after all. :D
    3. Tobjoern


      You're absolutely right Nighty! In Cyrodiil I've visited almost every corner of the land. I wouldn't get that far to say it started to bore me, no no no, one still could discover interesting things, but it's also nice and exciting to explore completely new regions, see new places, learn new stuff, forma new character and so on. I think Nehrim will be very entertaining and keep me busy for a veeeery long time! XD Spooky Christmas avatar, btw! o.O


      @ Ithi...

    4. Tobjoern


      @ Ithil: well, to be honest I only would steal something if there is no other way, f.e. my life is in danger. On the other hand I think stealing is not absolutely necessary, where there's a will there's a way. If you run out of torches use your Healing spell to make some light. If you run out of incredients to brew your own healing potions, use your healing spell. If you have no money for a healing spell... - ...oupps. ;) XD


    1. Deleted6317247User


      Wonderful images! All of them. :)
    2. Ithildin


      ^My name is Jen, and I approve of this message. XD


      Beautiful gallery, and a very enjoyable start to my day. Fantastic work!

    3. Tobjoern


      Many many thanks to both of you for all your so nice comments. It was a real pleasure for me to read!


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Hey, nice to see you here! Thank you for the advice.

      My friend jobra888 wrote in one of his comments - quote: "one reason why the ElderFaceCopy tool didn't work - you need the same heads; when I used that tool with the same head it was similar but not exactly the same since I guess that the Sureai team has tweaked something in or around the engine" /quote.

      Well, in my case the result looked also pretty similar. On the other hand I am pretty happy with my manual crea...

    3. Tobjoern


      ...created char. I also know Oblivion Face Exchange Lite - maybe I will give it a shot (I tried it long time ago but also without success)
    4. Tobjoern


      PS. @ Flintlockecole: I tried Oblivion Face Exchange and was able to copy the face data to clipboard, but when I tried to edit my Nehrim save and paste the datas I got a warning message regarding different races (Nord ->Alemanne). So also this time, no success even with both esm's (Nehrim and Obli) activated. Face Exchabge always freezes when I try to save the new file.
  2. Just a little gimp-ery for fun: Sweet Wednesday http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/Images/141952/?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot Ithil! *and some hugs again* XD
    3. Ithildin


      That's very cool about OCO (your reply to me on Auri's image thread, I mean). I should've known it would be a nuska mod! :D
    4. Tobjoern
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much for your nice comments! XD
    3. Ithildin


      Happy Halloween, Tob - love both images! Terrific work! :D
    4. Tobjoern


      Glad you like them so much! Thanks a lot! XD
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tobjoern
    3. Ithildin


      Those are wonderful, very creative! Love that they were sneaking up on a guard. I think my favorite there is Mr. Jack-O-Lantern behind the gate. XD
    4. Tobjoern


      Hihi, thank you again! It was a pure coincidence that the guard came in our way! XD
  3. Try to catch me if you can! http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/Images/138629 Stroll under the green forest canopy http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/Images/138745
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      ^Agrees with M14aria and Ithster. :D
    3. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much Ithil and Auri! It was a pleasure to read your comments! XD
    4. Deleted6317247User


      Gorgeous images. Very nice work. :)
  4. Happy Birthday my dear! May all your wishes come true! :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Adorable way to showcase the Fiddler's Green mod! <3
    3. m14aria


      So sweet, love that Pajama. :D
    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you all for your kind words! ^^ *happybounce*
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Many thanks girls! :D

      Without your help this wouldn't have been possible! A big smooch for each of you!

    3. m14aria


      Great work my friend. Congrats. :)
    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you very much m14aria! :D
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thank you very much! XD
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Whoa. You cut out Yvonne really well. Very nice work.
    4. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot my dear! :D
  5. This one? http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=1656
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thanks my dear! *hugs*
    3. Deleted6317247User


      What a beautiful image. I love the description as well. <3
    4. Tobjoern


      Hugs to you too. Thanks a lot! :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Oh, no! *runs to give medical help*


      Many many thanks! XD

    3. Ithildin


      LOL, I thought I was the only one using the word "priceless" here - it seems Auri beat me to the punch! XD

      That absolutely made my day, Tob - excellent work!!

    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much! I had a good laugh when reading your comment(s)! XD


      To see you all laughing so much is a real pleasure to me! XD

  6. Hello and welcome back in Cyrodiil. I was searching the internet and found this: Alternative Beginnings by Arthmoor. According to the "Read-Me" you can start as prisoner, immigrant, guild member, patron, gladiator, outlaw, shipwrecked, squire, necromancer, vampire or ranger. I hope this is the mod you are searching for. If so - have fun. :smile: Greetz Tobjoern :smile:
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Many thanks Auri and Ithyl! *double hug* XD
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Such pretties. <3 All of them.
    4. Tobjoern


      Also hugs to you! Thank you so much my dear! XD
  7. I'm sorry. It was a misunderstanding and I apologize. @ LordPariah: Because of your spelling it wasn't that obvious to me that "The Stranded" could be a part of the mod's name... :wink: Have a nice day.
  8. @ LordPariah and Sony22: Please read the very first post in this thread. It says: quote: Do not ask 'Does this mod exist?'. Only post here if you know the mod you want exists, but you can't find it. /quote Greetings, Tobjoern :smile:
  9. Hm, tons of armor, new interior, new sign, several NPC's...? ...sounds like Apachii Goddess Store (by apachii) to me. ...but it is in Harbor District. :wink: Have fun. I found another armor shop (this time in Market District!) ...maybe this is the one you was looking for. It's called Avelar's Armory and you can get it here: http://nezroy.com/avarm.html#download
  10. Hm, tons of armor, new interior, new sign, several NPC's...? ...sounds like Apachii Goddess Store (by apachii) to me. ...but it is in Harbor District. :wink: Have fun.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Many thanks to both of you for your kind words. I really appreciate it! *double-hug* XD
    3. mythicdawnmaster


      As usual more stunning work from you my dear :) I for one love the colours, a fantastic balance :D
    4. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot for your always kind words my dear! *hugs to you too* XD
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