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  1. Hi, Those I encountered are: "Cheap Research" by Yiyas "Increased Stats and Misc. Gameplay Changes" by timasahh "Peebee Tweek" by Ellise "General Augs Rebalanced" by Kregano "Hyper Mobility" by DT7 "Nomad Top Speed Increase" by Forkinator "Default Scott Overhaul" by Kitsumi "Shut up Sam" by watafuzz "Materials for Sale" by tabbed "Increased Weapons Range" by Forkinator Bear in mind that only three of my mods were actually working which wasn't good percentage-wise and suggests that a lot more that I'm not using require updates. When I said half. I was being generous.
  2. Trying to run MEA from the Frosty Mod Manager interface is not going to work if one of your mods fails to negotiate the new game patch. I discovered this when troubleshooting. The game launched normally but failed to launch from the mod manager. As I went through my mods I discovered that half of them were giving error messages concerning their compatibility with the current game. I know as a mod creator for another game I would not mind an email from Nexus should my mods become outdated due to a patch in the game. It is understandable that none of us play a single game forever and being "Johnny on the spot" when a game we have authored mods for decides to make changes is not possible. If Nexus is to remain relevant it is important that mod authors at the least are informed that their mods no longer work and that a discussion begins immediately as to what can be done and how it can be implemented.
  3. Would this issue cause Nexus Mod Manager not to finish installing? I cant get past the log in password section after install and thought perhaps it may be related.
  4. Even though this is an old post someone else might be looking for an answer. fix Lydias walk.. Quote: OldMansBeard 20 kudos The male/female walk flag is fixed in the game saves once the NPC is created and mods can't change it afterwards. If you create a new copy of Iona in the console with player.placeatme A2C91 you will see that she now has the femine walk. Next time you start a new game they will all be okay. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15808
  5. I am learning how to use all three programs.BOSS, Wrye Bash and TSS5Edit.As you know this is not done in a day. As it is I have learnt how to use the manual placement of mods with BOSS. I found a general load order list and am not sure if player housing is actually one within these categories. Textures Models User Interface Audio Quests Armor Clothing Weapons Game Play Bug I started Skyrim again two months ago and learnt that one cannot just mod Skyrim. This is far more complex than Oblivian to mod. I have made enough mistakes to stop modding Skyrim and moved to learning how to mod this game instead. I currently have a stable game with an ENB loaded and do not wish to make any more mistakes with it. Everything has a place and every place has a thing. Housing mods have a place in the load order and all I want to know is 'where'. Thanks though for your imput. Note: I have also informed BOSS team via BOSS that this mod is not recognized.
  6. Hi there. I have a house mod I want to use but it is not recognized by Boss. I am learning how to use Tes5Edit and Wrye Bash but for now I need to understand how to either get this mod recognized by Boss or know where player house mods should go in the basic load order. It's dependancy is Skyrim.esm only. Currently it is sitting at the very bottom of Nexus Mod Manager. Willow Creek Cottage is the mod I wish to sort out. I have asked the author and am awaiting a response but thought I may get a faster one here. Thank you.
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