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  1. I currently have a mod which adds many new enchantments to the game and I always thought that even with the current number of enchantments in-game that the menu is very poorly done. I think a mod changing the way the menu looks and operates would be great. It is beyond the scope of my abilities but if it had windows, like: Weapons-> Primary School of Enchantment (Destruction, Restoration, etc.) -> Enchantments Armor-> Piece of Armor to Enchant ->Primary School of Enchantment (Destruction, Restoration, etc.) -> Enchantments The game always picks the part of the enchantment with the highest cost as the primary component, making it the one the game uses for all the enchantment visuals on the item. The game also has presets for the enchantment restrictions as far as a piece of armor is concerned. Even if the mod only separated them by schools of magic, I think it would be a massive improvement and something that everyone would benefit from.
  2. Ironically, I got this working over a week ago as I thought this thread died. The code that you have steve, is EXACTLY what I have now. Thank you though for always being helpful! Everyone else too.
  3. So I had this script to cast this spell on a boss character once they hit a certain HP level. It worked fine, but then after some more modding work on non-scripting things, it stopped working. Here's what i'm working with. The HPThreshold is so high so I can smack the enemy a few times in game to see if it works. Scriptname ShinoGloryTF3 extends actor actor property selfRef auto hidden float property HPthreshold = 0.95 auto spell property ShinoEnvyBlazeofGloryBoss auto magicEffect property ShinoEnvyGloryBlazeofGloryCloak auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) selfRef = caster endEVENT EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if (selfRef.getActorValuePercentage("Health") < HPthreshold) && !(selfRef.HasMagicEffect(ShinoEnvyGloryBlazeofGloryCloak)) && !(selfRef.isDead()) debug.trace ("It's working!") ShinoEnvyBlazeofGloryBoss.cast(selfRef,selfRef) endif endEVENT I'm willing to bet it's something small. that i'm over looking. Compiles fine though. I'm lost, any help is appreciated!
  4. So I had this script to cast this spell on a boss character once they hit a certain HP level. It worked fine, but then after some more modding work on non-scripting things, it stopped working. Here's what i'm working with. The HPThreshold is so high so I can smack the enemy a few times in game to see if it works. Scriptname ShinoGloryTF3 extends actor actor property selfRef auto hidden float property HPthreshold = 0.95 auto spell property ShinoEnvyBlazeofGloryBoss auto magicEffect property ShinoEnvyGloryBlazeofGloryCloak auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) selfRef = caster endEVENT EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if (selfRef.getActorValuePercentage("Health") < HPthreshold) && !(selfRef.HasMagicEffect(ShinoEnvyGloryBlazeofGloryCloak)) && !(selfRef.isDead()) debug.trace ("It's working!") ShinoEnvyBlazeofGloryBoss.cast(selfRef,selfRef) endif endEVENT I'm willing to bet it's something small. that i'm over looking. Compiles fine though. I'm lost, any help is appreciated!
  5. He faces the entrance so sneaking up on him is extremely difficult and has an increased detection perk. Either way, i'm going to try exactly what you said and go for a backstab on him, see if it works, Love the Apocalypse Spell Package by the way, a must-have mod and a personal favorite. Also, we could just make him essential and make the script triggering make him non-essential, meaning a 30x backstab just nets you a pissed off Werewolf boss... or could you get a second stab in? The script still doesn't work with the default WerewolfChange spell. This is going to sound like a stupid question, but where should I put the script? I have it on the NPC, I have it on the magic effect of the Enchantment on a piece of the bosses armor. I still get nothing. There must be a problem with the original WerewolfChange spell not wanting to play nice.
  6. Fair enough, DreamKing. I noticed that it checks if the target is the player and if not then it skips the quest check. Regardless, I have not gotten it to work yet. Could it be the fact that i'm enchanting a piece of armor with the script effect? Going to try Steve's script now with the default WerewolfChange spell.
  7. I've tried that. It hasn't worked. It handles it through a script attached to the spell which attempts to see if the player has started the quest for lycanthropy. I haven't had the chance to use steve40's script yet as i'm @ work but i'll give it a shot later.
  8. Therein lies the problem: through quite a bit more scripting and trial and error, i've come to find that the Werewolf Transformation is handled almost exclusively by the script attached to the spell so, no, I don't have a working Werewolf TF spell which creates an entirely new problem. Thank you though for your help, now if you can figure out how to make a working Werewolf TF spell... then I could move forward. I haven't had luck myself.
  9. I agree. While making the hanging bits would be impressive, I think your time would be better spent elsewhere as the weapons are already amazing looking.
  10. Now I have this and can not get it to compile. Scriptname ShinoGloryTF extends Actor int lives = 1 Event OnDying (actor akKiller) If lives == 1 lives = 0 ShinoSINEnvyGlory.DoCombatSpellApply(WerewolfChange, ShinoSINEnvyGlory) native ShinoSINEnvyGlory.SetActorValue (health , 2700) EndIf endEvent] Also, i'm retrying using modified code from Konahrik's Mask.
  11. That is true and I will address it now that you've said something, but I haven't had that problem yet: he just dies a normal death and does nothing. Also, 10% health for this boss is around 400 health so it can happen but it's not likely. RIght now it's just in the scripts for the character and I tried making an AI package but it still doesnt work.
  12. I say you should keep the string and the weapon looks amazing! If you could actually get the effect of it being held together by energy it would be a hit no doubt, but even from what I see it would be a great addition to anyone's armory! Also, this weapon would be great as a pair with different textures on each blade.
  13. The title pretty much says it. I'm trying to implement a script on a boss fight that would cause him to stop fighting, turn into a werewolf and regain all his lost health. This is what I scripted but I'm new to scripting in Skyrim. It compiled but i'm guessing I just didn't put in in the right spot. Scriptname ShinoGloryTF extends Actor {int lives = 1 GetAVPercentage (health) If health < 10 && lives ==1 lives = lives -- then DoCombatSpellApply(WerewolfChange, ShinoSINEnvyGlory) native SetAVPercentage (health , 100) EndIf} Any help is greatly appreciated!
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