So I had this script to cast this spell on a boss character once they hit a certain HP level. It worked fine, but then after some more modding work on non-scripting things, it stopped working. Here's what i'm working with. The HPThreshold is so high so I can smack the enemy a few times in game to see if it works. Scriptname ShinoGloryTF3 extends actor
actor property selfRef auto hidden
float property HPthreshold = 0.95 auto
spell property ShinoEnvyBlazeofGloryBoss auto
magicEffect property ShinoEnvyGloryBlazeofGloryCloak auto
EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
selfRef = caster
EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
if (selfRef.getActorValuePercentage("Health") < HPthreshold) && !(selfRef.HasMagicEffect(ShinoEnvyGloryBlazeofGloryCloak)) && !(selfRef.isDead())
debug.trace ("It's working!")
endEVENT I'm willing to bet it's something small. that i'm over looking. Compiles fine though. I'm lost, any help is appreciated!