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Posts posted by vergil911

  1. Thanks jet,


    my last suggestion here is that if a nephilim does the ritual (same one that makes a human a daemon) it would make them angelos.


    Becoming Angelos isn't like becoming a daemon as your trying to go for 100% angel and it is something you can't do until the end-game anyways - also angelos should not be able to become vampires or WW's b/c there is no more mortal blood left in you- but for what your giving up there should be more angelic powers that are unlocked to your character or the ones you have become more powerful/less restrictive - for example, you can use true Resurrection on a dead NPC, (like the cheat code), summoning down holy rays of light as an attack similar to Auriel's bow, a light based aura that hurts your enemies while in combat and heals your companions/allies, weaker death penalties like getting up after bleedout or an ability that is like the avoid death perk (should stack), and being outright able to destroy undead that are below your level by simply pointing a finger at them. Just some ideas of true angel powers, so don't take my word for it.


    Also, whatever powers angels or angelus have or can have should be something you can get once you become angelos - so they would be using them against you in combat if or when you fight them.


    Look forward to see what comes out of the update when its ready. =)


    Amazing suggestion , I second this ! this way you will be able to make a universal mod , by upgrading the current Nephilim mod and adding the new daemon idea , you will no longer need to separate both mode and your mode users base won't be separated either :).



    If you don't like the tone of the new mod (you don't consider it holy enough for your character) your not forced to use it as the Nephilim mod will remain available for anyone to download and play with.


    The Nephilim mod and the new mod I'm making won't overwrite each other, they will be 2 separate ESP files.



    Ohh I see ! I thought you were merging both, glad to hear that ! =]


    As always, thanks for bringing us the best race mod for skyrim Jet !

  3. hello . when i press C in the items menu i cant move the item i chosen it ... so now i cant look in the golden claws to see the painting in it :( is there any way to fix this glitch ? please don't ignore my problem =/


    thanks in advance

  4. here is the moder blog which contain all the mods

    Please someone correct me if I'm wrong - but I think it is not appreciated to post this link here. ;)


    ohh sorry dident know that :) was just trying to make it easier :P

  5. i am getting crazy to know the modes that makes the game look like this in the video






    i love this anime like character style :P i could make the world graphics look like this but the character stay the same :(


    here is the moder blog which contain all the mods in the video but i couldn't get the mods cuz i dident understand a thing xD


    ( deleted ) :unsure:


    i will really appreciate help :)

  6. i could like a moded class that use one sword style


    ummm and the race will be something like vergil but with this look




    or something similar :thumbsup:

  7. hello :)


    i was thinking about this , can any one make a mod that when i press at any item in the game it shows the real ID of that item that can be used in player.additem cheat


    i tryed shearching for mod like that but i couldent find any :wallbash:

  8. part 4 :) i am not understanding the hex part , i mean where do i put those


    ;0x01 1 Escape

    ;0x02 2 1

    ;0x03 3 2

    ;0x04 4 3

    ;0x05 5 4

    ;0x06 6 5

    ;0x07 7 6

    ;0x08 8 7

    ;0x09 9 8

    ;0x0A 10 9

    ;0x0B 11 0

    ;0x0C 12 Minus

    ;0x0D 13 Equals

    ;0x0E 14 Backspace

    ;0x0F 15 Tab

    ;0x10 16 Q

    ;0x11 17 W

    ;0x12 18 E

    ;0x13 19 R

    ;0x14 20 T

    ;0x15 21 Y

    ;0x16 22 U

    ;0x17 23 I

    ;0x18 24 O

    ;0x19 25 P

    ;0x1A 26 Left Bracket

    ;0x1B 27 Right Bracket

    ;0x1C 28 Enter

    ;0x1D 29 Left Control

    ;0x1E 30 A

    ;0x1F 31 S

    ;0x20 32 D

    ;0x21 33 F

    ;0x22 34 G

    ;0x23 35 H

    ;0x24 36 J

    ;0x25 37 K


    etc etc etc


    i readed the mod description but i couldent findout what i have to do :(

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