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About spyder7723

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  1. that did it. thanks guys. and that's a very nice secret weapon striker. definitely now residing in my arsenal
  2. thanks striker but its not needed. i can adjust them in game fine. just have to remember to adjust them every play session. appreciate the offer tho. you've been a great help.
  3. it has always crashed on exit ever since my first attempt to add in the unofficial patches. thanks for the suggestion. i tried it, but the game just continues to crash on exit. its not a big deal, more of an annoyance factor of having to adjust volume and draw distances every load. certainly not worth uninstalling and reinstalling again.
  4. hey guys. wanted to drop a line that everything is still working great. thanks tons for all your help getting my brain to understand things. but one question, my video settings don't save on exit. any idea what I did to break that, or what to do to fix it? im talking about draw distance and such. the in game settings.
  5. I have already installed oco. Updated the last post. Figured I better stop spamming double and triple posts before I piss off a forum moderator. As I said I've gone to several different areas for testing, most npcs are radically better looking. The vanilla characters were god awful ugly. Almost painful to view. Very happy to get that done. Will spend some time actually playing the game again now. The last several days were spent just reading and trying to understand this whole modding thing. I'm actually not as stupid as it appears, just extremely ignorant with computers and programming. Have never needed to delve into a computer farther than basic installs. Maybe later today I will try adding vilma and pack mules.
  6. ok, got to step 5 with no major hiccups. everything installed. and works. only 2 questions. first question: the outfit replacers are not noticeably different than vanilla..are they actually supposed to look different? or is it more of a trim job to make them fit better? second question:while installing the body's and outfit replacers, the data folders merge. i know this is correct, but during the merge i would get pop ups for folders to be replaced. same folder names, just lower case vs the original upper case. i selected replace. then i would get pop ups with files having the same name. 3 options, don't copy, copy and replace, and copy and keep original. i chose to copy and replace thinking that the software wouldn't access the new copy if the old nif files had the same name. was this correct? edit to add. ok, so i installed oco2 with obmm. almost certain i did it right. when installing the patches however, they don't have a readme. so just did it manually. after all said and done. it appears to be working. went to several different towns/areas for testing. fairly certain it is working right, atleast it appears to be. thank you for your help.
  7. hey ike, i had downloaded a different file, the 4th on the list that says omod beside it. that one came with a much shorter readme. after reading your post i downloaded the one you specified, the very first thing after unpacking the zip file was to read the readme. not sure why the author decided not to include that in the other version. then again, im not sure why i decided to download the omod version..guess something in my brain said i should use the one meant for the manager tool. and no worries, i wont kill you, if i kill you who will fix my game when i break it?! hey, thanks for staying up waiting for me. i do appreciate it. sorry i hadn't gotten back to you yet. life got quite busy here for a few hours so was not able to start this process till very late. will update as soon as i finish your step by step instructions.
  8. ok, started with the male one cause it won the coin toss. the readme's don't really say anything about how to install (or im blind and/or stupid). neither did the file description. i downloaded the omod file on the nexusmod page.
  9. ok, so perhaps i'll pass on qarls mod for now. it sounds complicated enough that it will just lead me to screwing something up again. so for now I will stick to vanilla environment graphics. but for character and npc graphics I will try Roberts male and female along with the oco2 you recommended back on page 3. who wants to bet a cup of coffee im back here in an hour with a broken game once more? :) we can, and will, fully blame ike for convincing me to stick with it.
  10. ok, so I made a save at the end of the sewers, also made a copy of the oblivion folder. exited and fast travelled to emperial city market and ran around a lot. everything seems fine. time to start adding things to pretty up the game. question, how easy or difficult will it be to get rid of a mod if I find my laptop lags up too bad? was going to start with quals texture pack3, unless you guys believe another works better.
  11. ok, redid the archive with the reset time stamp thing. also, I forgot to mention earlier that the game freezes up when I try to exit out. end up having to use task manager to kill it. it never did that before I tried putting the patches in. its not a major deal since I can get it to close down with task manager, but is annoying.
  12. ike, I THOUGHT I ran archive invalidation. but just to make sure...here is what I did. I opened up obmm. clicked utilites, selected archive invalidation. then selected bsa redirection at the top. then clicked update now. is this correct? also back on post 30, page 3, you listed some suggested mods. will my laptop be able to handle them? in my very first post I listed my computer specs.
  13. updated the load order and launched the game through obmm and it loaded fine. walked for a few seconds and started getting the quest items and quest popup messages for the dlc stuff. (this save im still in the sewers at the beginning of the game, right after the emperor dies) everything appears to be fine but I didnt play more than 30 seconds. was just a test to see if things would work. im still confused about how load orders work. but hey, the game appears to be working so im a happy camper.
  14. ok, I will use the move up and move down buttons at the bottom to adjust the order. obviously I was wrong in the assumption that obmm automatically adjusted the load order. will I need to do this for any and all mods I add? about wyre bash. I have not made any jumps. but I did download it and install it after obmm. one of the readme's for the patches said to do so. updating load order and will report back results.
  15. cant seem to get a screen shot in a format under the 250kb limit for the forum. so i'll type it out. top to bottom on the obmm screen. this is the left column in obmm. the right column is completely empty. hope this helps. oblivion.esm unofficial oblivion patch.esp uops additional changes.esp oblivion citadel door fix.esp unofficial shivering isles patch.esp usips additional changes.esp dlchorsearmor-unofficial patch.esp dlcorrery-unofficial patch.esp dlcfrostcrag-unofficial patch.esp dlcthievesden-unofficial patch.esp dlcthievesden-unofficial patch-sssb.esp dlcvilelair-unofficial patch.esp dlcmehrunesrazor-unofficial patch.esp dlcspelltomes-unofficial patch.esp knights-unofficial patch.esp dlcbattlehorncastle-unofficial patch.esp uop vampire aging & face fix.esp dlcshiveringisles.esp knights.esp dlcbattlhorncastle.esp dlchorsearmor.esp dlcorrery.esp dlcmehrunesrazor.esp dlcspelltomes.esp dlcvilelair.esp dlcthievesden.esp dlcfrostcrag.esp bashed patch. o.esp now, to the right of all of them is a box. every box except the last one (bashed patch) is checked. just to the right at the top it says 'part of'. under that the first one 'oblivion.esm' it says base. everyother one says 'unknown'
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