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Posts posted by Nezen15

  1. I'll start with this, I have almost no experience making mods for any game but I would like to say that I have tried to figure this out on my own with Google results, the Creation Kit wiki, and the help of other modders .psc files. I'm at a wall.

    I'm making a stupid/silly small mod for myself that adds features from other mods mostly because I don't really love having 10 small easy to replicate mods that could all be one. I have run into no issues implementing custom spells, enchantments, editing levelled lists, etc until now.

    I'm trying to make the knockback effect an enchantment that only applies to power attacks and bows. I've had no problem adding the knockback script and made a ragdoll paralyze script (keep them on the ground for an extra second) that works fine along the knockback as an enchantment. The problem I have is with the conditions. I have tried using player ispowerattacking ==1 or player getequippeditem type == 7 and this does not work on either bow or power attacks. Then I tried a new magic effect script which compiles with caster.getequippeditem(1) == 7 (caster.ispowerattacking will not compile) and made another new knockback effect to only trigger on power attacks. This also does not work. I've started making a perk enchantment since that seems to be the way most people accomplish more complicated enchants but when I got to the conditions page of the perk creation I started to wonder if I'm just using the conditions or target settings (subject/player) wrong, or if I'm trying to use too many effects and conditions on one enchantment . Any help would be great.

    Edit the knockback script I currently have made also includes an
    if target.isinkillmove() == 0

    I haven't really gotten to test this but it compiles fine.

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