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Everything posted by Good0Provider

  1. When I use SEEdit "Export Dialogue" script, one of my topics has the full set of voices while others have just "no voice". I can't tell what is different in Creation Kit. Since it doesn't export the filename, I can't fix it post with a python script. How do I change a "no voice" dialogue to a full set of default voices?
  2. So you want to use ModA, but it requires ModB, which requires ....., You don't need to track down the full chain of mods. The compiler only needs the function declarations you are using. Create a "header" file with empty functions for the ones you need. If ModA.psc looks like: Scriptname ModA extends Quest Imports JConatainer int actors Function OnInit() actors = JMap.values() EndFunction Actor Function getActor(int id) return JValue.getForm(actors, id) EndFunction Your simple header ModA.psc file should look like this: Scriptname ModA extends Quest Actor Function getActor(int id) EndFunction
  3. OnInit is called only the first time the quest is created. What I am looking for is an event that is called when the game reloads, so I can check if the plugin list or a config file has changed.
  4. Considered using this method, but this will fail if the mod changes enough that the faction's id changes. But if this is the state of the art method, so be it. Thanks again. String CoolModFile = "CoolMod.esm" if Game.GetModByName(CoolModFile) != 255 CoolModFaction = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000DE45, CoolModFile) as Faction endif
  5. How do you link against forms/factions/etc in optional Mods without the optional mod's esp file getting added to the Master's list? Faction CoolModFaction Auto <-- how to link this in Creation Kit?
  6. https://skyrimck.uesp.net/wiki/SendAssaultAlarm_-_Actor Have all the victum's allies and guards attack attacker. victum.SendAssultAlarm(attacker) Currently I am using a Cloak's StartEffect to startCombat
  7. Is there a way to create an alert on an Actor who is not the Player?
  8. How do you do binary masking in papyrus? form.getformId & 0xFFFFFF?
  9. The solution I was looking for was to strip the first two "load order" bits and use the getFormFromFile. game.GetFormFromFile(0x01B657,"Dragonborn.esm")
  10. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Xx So the baseID for the https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Ash_Hopper_(Dragonborn) is represente as "xx01b657" because the first two to hex will be 02, 03, or 04 depending on if Dragonborn is 02,03,or 04 in the load order. Is there a way to find the load order for Dragonborn or should I search 0201b657, 0301b657, and 0401b657 until I find the Ash Hopper?
  11. Wondering if there is a clean solution for finding the baseids for xx in base id or should I just brute force it with 02,03,04?
  12. I would like to use JContainers, but I can't figure how to get the keys for a nested map. For example, how to list all the keys for the map at ".dog". { "dog":{"name":bill","age":10} } I am looking for the function that would look like solveStrMapAllKeys(int object, String path).
  13. Looking for a 1.6.1170 compatible version of studio's Papyrus Debug Extension. Required latest version of https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444
  14. Creation Kit: How do you remove deprecated, ie no longer needed, Parent masters from a .esp file?
  15. Looking for a function that will create an Actor given its refid.
  16. You can manually do it for each esm, by can copy/pasting the entries you want into a text file. load the mods into SSEEdit open each esm tab, select all the entries in "None Player Character (actor)" control-c (copy) the selected entries pasting those into a text file will copy over just the refid.
  17. I wan to write a a mod that returns a list of an actor's relations (parent,sibling,child,etc). It was suggesed that I use a xEdit script to gather the informaion I need. Specifically a JSON file for each actor with the following: { "name":"Sigrid", "refid":"0002BFA2" "relationships":[ { "type":"spouse", "refid:"00013482" }, { "type":"child", "refid:"00013484" } ] } Can an xEdit script pull the list of current actor refids and write it to disk? Even better could the script also pull out the relationship information? If so, where can I find a sample script? Alternatively does the GUI have a scalable way to get this information?
  18. I am just learning papyrus and don't know what a "form list" is. Do you have sample code you could reference? I image it would be implemented as three separate scripts: 1. A python script, run outside Skyrim, that crawls the wiki and pulls out refids, and saves them into npc-relationships/data/ids.json. 2. A papyrus script that reads ids.json and calls HasParentRelationship, HasFamilyRelationship and HasAssociation across all ids pairs and stores that into npc-relationships/data/relationships.json. This would only be run once, or rarely. Use https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048 (or similair) { "name":"Sigrid", "refid":"0002BFA2" "relationships":[ { "type":"spouse", "refid:"00013482" }, { "type":"child", "refid:"00013484" } ] } 3. A papyrus script with GetRelationships. It reads relationships.json and stores it in memory. If that is not possible, the relationships.json file will be split into individual (refid).json files for each actor and that refid file matching the requested refid will be read when the function is called. If the functions can be return an array of structs the full information will be returned, if it can not just an array of refids will be returned. Scripts 2 and 3 could be in different mods, or combined into a single mod with the RebuildDB function called via MCM.
  19. Could I approximate the list of active NPCs by crawling the RefIds from https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Essential_NPCs, https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Followers, https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dawnguard, and https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dragonborn? It wouldn't support mods, but if the code read all the JSON files in it's data directory they could be added by other mods and over time.
  20. Looking for a function that given an NPC will list all the other NPCs that have a relationship with that NPC (father, sibling, etc) https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/Actor_Script lists getting the relationship between two ids. If it doesn't exist, I am interested in creating such a function. Does there exist a function that will return a full list of all NPCs active in the game? Thinking I can create a mod with the function by storing the pairwise function of all the ids into a file, store it as part of a mod, and then have that mod provide the functionality.
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