I'm trying to locate the ambient sound that plays when you enter the interior of The Scarlett. I thought it was amb_water_boatlap_interior_large_lp.wav but now I'm not so sure. My goal is to turn the ambient sound off, when I'm in the interior of the ship. I don't care if it plays in other ships, I just don't want to hear it in my player home. Initially thinking it was the above-mentioned file; I extracted it from sound.bsa and used audacity to mute the sound. After that I copied the muted file to the Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Sounds\Sound\fx\amb\water folder. When I went to the ship interior, the sound still played.
I decided to try the Creation Kit for the first time to see if I could find the name of the sound, and I'm completely lost. How do I find the name of the file that plays? Is it possible to tell the mod not to play it?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.