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Everything posted by Plagueofdeath

  1. Google Chrome analysis of what you guys need to work on also
  2. I agree, there are a few places that have been started up though in fairness. But nexusmods basiclly has a monoploy from being around so long. Which is why ive pointed out that people who pay monthly premium need to vote with their wallet. Since thats the only real way we can maybe make a difference
  3. Yeah i wasnt sure if this is how it was or not. The old ui had dates with titles showing last uploaded and updated dates. This is confusing as hell. At this point I think they broke the website on purpose so they could actually have work to do, especially with no actual fixes yet or options. The staff will want a big pat on the back after they re-add features they took away from us.
  4. Also sort by dates not working properly and showing uploading on wrong date.
  5. This stylus mod looks way better good job. It honestly makes me think that the website changes were made while looking at it on a uncalibrated monitor.
  6. Yes I am. The hyperlinks being orange help filter out titles and other text.
  7. Bring the orange colors back to separate the bland text. Single text color makes it look like one paragraph column
  8. More wasted Space. And the home page still has the old look we all want to come back. Thats odd, yet we get told it isnt possible
  9. Gonna throw my opinion in with website being to dark now and hard to focus on reading. Im partly color blind and have ADD. On top of the site being to dark to differentiate text from things like titles of a mod to the description. The color removed from hyperlinks of these type of things makes it confusing as to what im reading. Along with the dang tiles of mods are half the dang screen length now. So much space is being wasted with this UI overhaul. It looks like a crappy mobile website ui.
  10. new ui filter being off to the side is trash compared to how it was on the top. looks like poorly designed mobile webpage now. Then certain games have the old UI still, so its not even consistent. Only way theyll make a change to this is if people cancel premium. Which ill be doing until its fixed
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