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About Arien674

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  1. OK, it actually ddin't work. But what i did is: I tested deactivating all the mods i didn't have in the former play through. Semms like Iron Bull's Stripless Pants Mod was the cuplrit, that caused that error message for me. Very confusing, but thanks for trying to help.
  2. I didn't get to test that But i noticed one thing: I load a save game with mods, it doesn't laod, cuases the said error. Loading the very same save game with Frosty mods deactivated, the save game loads. Sure that tip should still help?
  3. So i started to replay DAI currently and got close to finish the Hinterlands finally. I ported back to Haven, had Cullen just finish the Tydda Bright Axe mission, picked up the staff for my mage. Then i ported back to the Hinterlands to do the Rest of the Horse Master Quests, saved the game and logged out. Coming back to my savegame 2 hours later, i get this Direct X 11 Error Message and the game crashes. Weirdly it only happens if i run the game with mods. Even using older saves didn't work, it has the same effect. I do have a bunch of mods i don't want to play without anymore. But the really weird thing is, i started the game and had no issues. It started just now, and only if i start the game with my mods. What can i do to make it work again?
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