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About hmteach

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  1. So there is a mod on Beth that promises no more dead merchants. I was curious if anyone tried it and if anyone knows if that applies to traveling merchants too, like random event ones, or just in town merchants.
  2. So there are mods that let you get your soul back from nocturnal or say no to nocturnal if you do the theives guild quest line. Would be fun if someone made a similar mod to get your soul back from sithis or say no to sithis if you do the dark brotherhood quest line.
  3. Would be nice to have the Pelagius wing restored or turned into a beautiful part of the palace following the quest
  4. So the mission Rise in the East doesn’t make sense for a Stormcloak aligned player. I’ve heard of all the excuses for Bethesda’s laziness and plot holes…wish someone would make a mod where we could choose to favor the shatter shields, haven’t they been through enough already anyway, or form a new company for an independent Skyrim. Or…even become the leader of the pirates! Arghh!
  5. So the mission Rise in the East doesn’t make sense for a Stormcloak aligned player. I’ve heard of plenty of bizarre leaps in logic and excuses for Bethesda’s laziness and plot holes…wish someone would make a mod where we could choose to favor the shatter shields, haven’t they been through enough already anyway, or form a new company for an independent Skyrim. Or even become a pirate yourself! Arggh!
  6. Just wondering if anyone has played both mods, truth in legends and mighty mjolnir, and which was better…I know one is free and one isn’t
  7. Forts dot Skyrims landscape, often randomly in less than strategic locations…yet the borders have no forts defending them, just some flimsy gates. Other mods have improved the gates, added guards and so on, but wouldn’t it make more sense for Skyrims borders to be guarded by some actual forts? You would think both sides in the civil war would have built or maintained forts to control those borders. A talented modder could fix this.
  8. Was wondering if someone could make a patch for me. Willing to donate to your page in return.
  9. There’s not a single decent looking Viking looking Nord boy to adopt in this Viking themed game. They all have potato faces, dark eyes and dark hair. Is this Netflix or something? Some enterprising individual could change that.
  10. Like the title says, a patch for JK’s markarth outskirts and markarth entrance overhaul fixed would be great. Maybe add one or two civil war aware guards to patrol the mostly npc empty outskirts.
  11. Solitude overhauls, like the great city of solitude, do a great job overhauling the docks, but does anyone else find it odd that there are no defenses on the east side of the arch, where a potential enemy fleet could sail in unobstructed? I’m really enjoying the port city of windhelm mod by pancake and how it creates ocean side defenses for windhelm and think it would be a great idea for solitude too. There is a rocky island on one side of the bay not far from the lighthouse and a peninsula on the other side that could easily be home to forts and perhaps even a chain linking them. Some civil war aware guards to garrison them would complete the look.
  12. Had an idea, if anyone is interested…some kind of fortress on the sea side of solitudes arch to protect the bay…maybe with a chain..seems odd it would be undefended..there’s also a empty plot of land right there perfect for it
  13. Anyone know of someone who is willing to port a ready made mod to Beth?
  14. Wondering if there are any moders willing to port certain existing mods from the nexus to console for Xbox players? Would do it myself but am having pc problems.
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