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About Datsuke90

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  1. I love the heck out of this game, but I'm having the same issue I've had in some many other games. Freaking spiders, I can't even look at them in a picture and it's so sad having to drop off a game I love so much for this fear. I've tried to see how I could mod the game myself just to drop flat on my face when I acknowledged I have no idea what I'm doing. Please send help!!
  2. Hello! I've been meaning to play Crash Bandicoot 4 for the longest time, however, my arachnophobia has literally prevented me from completing the game. I even had to ask a friend to complete the spider filled levels for me but just more spiders come around. I had a similar issue with Skyrim but I was able to find a mod for that. Any smart human that could create a mod that removes spiders from these games and replace with literally anything would help me and many others I'm sure to complete these games!
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