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About Keelo6969

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  1. I was getting that same issue when trying to upgrade my reactors. Thx for the info. Will try. Although lots of my mods use ship builder...hmm.... Cheers!
  2. Sorry to hear. Yeah, I dont own an xbox. Wish things had worked out.
  3. Have you tried to run the file 'sfse_loaader.exe' from the '/steamapps/common/starfield/' dir? That's how I do mine. Not sure it's the right way but everything seems to work fine. Cheers!
  4. Just a question about launching the game through Vortex, do you launch it from the icon in the Vortex program or create a shortcut to the game dir and run sfse_loader.exe ? Is there a difference ? Cheers!
  5. One thing is that you don't need "Plug-ins.txt enabler" as the game now has its own plug in enabler. And I use most of the mods listed. Other than CargoMax, Hair for Andreja, Instant scan, Lazy Cheats, PerPointsPerLevel, and Polyamory, I use the rest of the mods on your list and then a crap load of others and have no issues. So if you want to test some issues, load those that I have loaded, which is all but the ones listed above.and you should download the Community Patch, SFCP- Starfield Community Patch. Hope any of this helps. Cheers!
  6. Look on the TN's M Class mod page at the bottom under optional files the is a patch file for it and TN's All in One mod. And on the TN's All in One mod page down near the bottom under optional the are patch files for Avontech and Maji. Hope this helps. Cheers!
  7. Sounds good! Thx!.. Do the -Main_xbox.ba2 and -Main_win.ba2 need the _xbox or _windows in the filename? When it saves them it saves as modname - Main_xbox.ba2 . And the same saving for windows modname- Main_win.ba2, but the esm is just modname. So do I leave the _xbox/_win on the file and upload or do I remove those? Cheers!
  8. Want to know when saving the mods, how do you save them so it works on both, PC and xbox. Do I save with the _xbox after Main as is ot do I remove the _xbox part? Does the xbox save version work on PC? Or do I use the _win one? Which way is best to save so that it will work on both PC and xbox from the creations page (Bethesda.net) downloads. Cheers!
  9. Seems Steam updated and added a couple new settings. Never saw that global before, and the wording has changed for the update selection. Thx for the heads up Cheers!
  10. Not sure if this is a problem or not, but you should download the patches for TN's mods. There's patches for TN M Class and All in One, also for Avontech, Major. Also I have had the Avontech, Maj, Darmstadt, and a couple others. Could never seem to get them to work together. Found that Darkstar seemed to cause some issues. Cheers!
  11. For me personally, I prefer to stay away from creations mods . Much better help here.
  12. Another quick question, if the version of the mod I want to port is 1.1a or lets say 2.0 for easier sanity for me..:).. nexus is easy enough for me, but I dont have an xbox so not sure what the best (AND EASIEST ! ... lol. ) way to begin numbering and the best way as to keep it easier for future version updates. Cheers!
  13. Thank you all for the info, will try out when baxck from holidays next week. Thx again!. You guys Rock! Cheers!
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