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About mfPixel

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  1. Thanks for all the feedback everyone. Regarding the favourite games menu, I agree that the large tiles looked nice, but it meant that we were limited to having 12 favourites. The UI also caused problems at smaller screen sizes, hiding 2 games behind a carousel which required you to scroll to view them. The new view means we can double the amount of games favourited and it scales better across all screen sizes. We can also show more of the game name and columns are easier to scan than horizontal rows (tradeoff being the smaller image). I appreciate that this is a big visual change which will take a while to get used to. I’ll re-iterate the rationale I posted earlier in a thread about the close “x” button — I understand that it seems unnecessary for you and others who are used to browsing the site and understand this pattern. But for people who don't realise that clicking into a game will suddenly filter all content through it, the 'x' indicates that a temporary filter has been applied and can be dismissed (similar to how reddit show search is being filtered). It's easy to forget that some people don't realise this has happened and when they do, don't know that clicking the logo to go home dismisses it. Functionally, the navigation behaves as it did before, but this tweak made it clearer to understand with the people we tested with. An improvement we're exploring would be that when you click the "x", we keep you on the page you're viewing and remove the filter rather than navigate you back to the home page. There are some technical challenges around doing this that we're working through.
  2. Hey — you can see a tooltip of the full game name on hover. We also added in the game image which should help as well.
  3. I completely understand your POV. For yourself and others who are used to browsing the site and understand this pattern, the close button seems unnecessary. But for people that don't realise that clicking into game will suddenly filter all content through this, the 'x' gives them an indicator that a temporary filter has been applied and can be dismissed (similar to how reddit show search is being filtered). It's easy to forget that some people don't realise this has happened and when they do, don't know that clicking the logo to go home dismisses it. An improvement we're exploring would be that when you click the "x", we keep you on the page you're viewing and remove the filter rather then navigate you back to the home page. There are some technical challenges around doing this that we're working through. I appreciate all the feedback here - it's a really tricky to try and improve a deeply established pattern, (we've spent a lot of time discussing this interaction!) - but from testing with people we feel that this is clearer overall.
  4. Hi there, the "x" button is there as an indicator to show that content is now being filtered by the selected game, and gives an obvious way to clear this. This was not clear to everyone before and could be confusing as to why content and search results were being filtered.
  5. Great - thanks for the info, this is helpful.
  6. Hi there, I'm from Nexus Mods — what browser are you using and what is your operating system, this will help us sort the issue. It definitely shouldn't be looking like this. Thanks
  7. Hey @cattsmoke it was this person on fiverr https://www.fiverr.com/s/zYN5Bg
  8. Hey @HollownessDevoured I'm the design lead at Nexus Mods. Thank you for all the feedback, we appreciate that big changes can take time to bed in. We're always take feedback onboard, but product design is a complex process of balancing various user needs and it's not always possible to design for everyone's preferences. That said, I can address a few of your concerns: The larger tile size is a result of improving the hierarchy and legibility of the tiles. The old designs contained a dense amount of small text, which is difficult to read. The new designs with the improved contrast and structure make this more accessible to browse. We feel 4 tiles per row is fine for the majority of people. As for the colour changes, again this is aimed at improving contrast and readability for visually impaired users. We don’t use #000000 or #FFFFFF anywhere on the site for the reasons you mentioned, but the new design will help users who struggled with the previous theme’s shades of grey, which was difficult to read for a lot of people. We’re also looking to improve how we handle tile images, it’s worth noting that the previous design cropped images to make them fit which would impact how users intended them to be seen. We have a change coming to make them sit better on the tile. I hope this explains some of the decision making rationale.
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