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About Chydog376

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  1. I'm not an expert here, but from my understanding people need to get a hold up what exactly is legal and not legal. First of all, I can tell you that it is indeed true that SFSE does not support game pass. The creator said it himself, no one knows the code and the way it works better than him. Anyone who says the have it working is either lying or has made it work for that one specific version which will be vastly different 2 days from now. The SFSE devs work really hard and should not be blamed for this. If they wanted they could just wave goodbye today and never make any version again! They are simply prioritizing the platform that is easier to support and probably has most players on. As a gamepass owner, I also wish it was on gamepass, but sadly it isn't. Maybe one day it will be, or another team will pop up, but as for right now, people that are subscribed to Gamepass will have to pretend it isn't on gamepass and they must buy it, or just move on and live with the fact that they can't play SFSE mods! As for the legal stuff, there is a misconception. What I do on my computer isn't hacking. Those game files are on MY computer. MY property. Microsoft has no way of knowing what I have done with them on MY computer unless they are spying on my which is certainly illegal. As long as I am not reaching out of my computers to Starfield servers, which I don't believe even exist, everything should be on system, I am not hacking. I am only messing with the files on MY PC. No one can know what I am doing, and even if they did it doesn't matter. The files have been places on my computer through the downloads. Anyone sending out an instructions video on how to do it is also totally legal as long as it doesn't involve messing with files outside of your computer such as the Xbox servers or Starfield servers. Once the application is on MY PC. The files that are located on MY PC (again not the ones I receive from servers) are mine to do what I want with. Doing stuff with them, or instructing others how to do stuff with their own is not illegal. With this being said, a work around changing file permission of MY PC or a version of SKSE that works on game pass is 100% legal, as long as it doesn't involve me reaching out of my computer and messing with files that aren't located on my local machine. Such as the Xbox servers. It is indeed not Illegal assuming their are methods that people find that again, don't involve messing with files not on your local machine. Saying that is illegal, is the equivalent of telling me that it would be illegal to download a picture and put it through photoshop to modify it. The original creator of the image has no idea what I did to their image. They don't have a way to look at the image that is now on my machine. Even if they could, it doesn't matter. It is now on my machine to do what I want with it. Now depending on the copy right laws on that image, I couldn't repost the modified image online, which is why I couldn't modify the original Starfield code to support SKSE and then sell it as Starfield. However, I could still instruct someone on how to modify their own images that they have. They also couldn't publish it as their own depending on how it is protected by copyright, but they can still do it on their own machine. It is their local file now. Sorry for the rant, but people need to know, it is far from illegal, however the devs have got enough going on, they shouldn't have to be put through this, they do a great job!
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