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About 1ZanZam2

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  1. Yes, the mod author made the installation process a bit unintuitive and left lots of people confused. If you look in the bugs section tab and find the bug report named “Problems with choosing the .esp”, the poster Auge1 gives a good solution. I used his solution 2). But I guess you can just disable the six plugins you don’t need ? Or even uninstall those plugins, if that’s possible ? Anyway, good luck. As I say, I used solution 2).
  2. I’m certainly no expert but I know that you should only have ONE of those .esps for Live Dismemberment active. You currently seem to have all seven active : you are supposed to choose only one. Or maybe you already disabled six of them and Vortex is still displaying them as all being active ?
  3. I simply installed FOV Slider and Player Height : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36768 Requirements are F4SE, Mod Configuration Menu and (optional but recommended) ConsoleUtil. Allows you to separately configure (via MCM) field of view for 1st and 3rd person views, power armour, terminals (how “zoomed in / out” you are when viewing in-game terminals) and your hands / weapon (I think this is called “view model”). It’s very comprehensive and works perfectly (on 1.10.163 at least, not sure about next gen).
  4. Okay, I’m sure that is sound advice but I’ve already installed 211 mods and I’m definitely not starting again now ! Besides, I have been very careful with my mod choices and everything seems conflict-free thus far, although I guess only FO4Edit could confirm or refute that. Vortex is very easy to use and hasn’t caused me any problems at all since I managed to get archive invalidation working properly on my second attempt. The thought of setting up FO4Edit to work with Vortex makes me groan inwardly. I’m sure it’s possible and I’m sure I could understand and learn how to use it given time, but I’m already pretty exhausted just from modding without it. It would help if there were a dedicated and up-to-date guide somewhere on how to use Vortex and FO4Edit together. In regard to my original question, I have since decided to keep Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters of the Commonwealth but have ditched the idea of using tekmage’s mods with it, not because of the size edits, but because I believe Unique NPCs introduces new species (with their own Form IDs ? I’m only guessing here), whereas tekmage’s mods manually edit only the vanilla creatures - meaning I would end up with a mess of vanilla creatures receiving his edits but Unique NPCs’ new creatures NOT receiving those edits. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to reply
  5. In this case, then, if I make sure that tekmage’s mods load after Unique NPCs, I should get tekmage’s size and stats edits and also keep the modifications from Unique NPCs : new textures and variant species ? That’s the answer I was hoping for. I really must learn how to use FO4Edit sometime soon. I’m just not sure how to get it working with Vortex or where to find that out. Thank you.
  6. Hello. I am currently trying to add creature mods to my Fallout 4 game but am having doubts about compatibility / how certain mods will interact with each other. I have installed Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters of the Commonwealth - AWKCR Free Version : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48637 This mod edits the sizes of creatures, randomising them between values of x0.75 and x1.25 of vanilla size. Aa far as I am aware it does not edit any other stats (e.g. health, damage, resistances etc.) What I want to do next is to make certain creatures tougher. Not all creatures, just the “major” ones, so probably limited to : deathclaws, behemoths, yao guai, mirelurk queens, radscorpions - or as close to that selection as is possible given the mods available on the Nexus. A mod author called tekmage has published several mods which buff the above-mentioned creatures (and more) in interesting ways, for example Stronger Radscorpion : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39055 Unfortunately (is it unfortunate ?) several of these mods, including Stronger Radscorpion, edit the sizes of creatures. So I would have two mods both editing size data. How is this likely to affect the game ? Will one mod overwrite the other, or will the edits stack, or will there be some other result ? Also, when a mod such as Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters of the Commonwealth introduces new species and sub-species of creatures, how will that play with mods which were written to edit only vanilla, unmodded creatures ?
  7. Ah, thank you showler. I didn’t realise that Vortex could not detect such BA2 conflicts. That would seem to explain the problem. Yeah, I am only at an early stage of learning things at the moment so I think I’ll just pass on this mod for now. @7531Leonidas : thanks for your answer too. I don’t have the mod installed any more, but when I did I never got a conflict warning (lightning bolt) either when installing or afterwards. I’ve had such conflicts before and Vortex has made them easy to resolve. Thank you both.
  8. Thanks for the reply. Oh dear, I am far from being capable of building my own patches. Nor do I even know which mod might be overwriting Spifferino’s, though I suspect it is FlaconOil’s Complete Retexture Project. Somebody in the comments section did make an .esp version, but the link he provided leads nowhere. Guess I will have to just pass on this mod for now. Thank you once again for the reply.
  9. Sorry if this is a noobish question with an obvious answer but I don’t understand ! I’m currently modding Fallout 4 and want to see the results of a texture mod called “Military Vehicles Retextured” by Spifferino. The mod installs and enables just fine but has an .esl extension, which means it loads towards the top of my load order. When I go back into the game after installing the mod the military vehicle I’m standing next to looks exactly the same. Are the textures being overwritten by another texture mod lower down in my load order ? If so, given that Military Vehicles is an .esl and as such, I assume, cannot have its position changed via Plugins > Load Order rules - how am I supposed to prevent its changes from being overwritten (assuming that another mod is overwriting it) ? As far as I understand it, if two mods try to change the same file, a conflict alert should appear during installation and Vortex should allow me to choose which mod should load before / after the other. No conflict alert pops up in this case, however, but the mod is clearly not having any effect on my game.
  10. First of all, thanks for approving my post. Is my original post displaying for other people with a sort of dark overlay, making the text almost unreadable ? I’ve no idea what happened there, sorry about that. I basically copy-pasted it from iPad notes - maybe that has something to do with it ? Anyway, the problem was I could not get FallUI to work, although as it turned out I had more fundamental problems than that, the symptoms of which I didn’t recognise at the time. Basically, I had dollar signs next to Mod Configuration Menu. I didn’t realise it should not look like that. I edited my Fallout4Custom.ini to enable archive invalidation, but no dice. Eventually I just removed all my Fallout 4 mods from Vortex, unmanaged the game, uninstalled it and got rid of all leftover files in Documents and appdata. Reinstalled the game, installed F4SE manually this time (I installed it via Vortex the first time), enabled the toolbar (Vortex dashboard, near the bottom) and ran the game from the “blue button with a white star” instead of the usual Play button. I also saw a message (on a yellow background) warning that “loose files may not get loaded” or similar wording. I clicked “Fix” and ran the game. Played the (tedious) intro up to the point where you’ve picked up the PipBoy and are standing next to the elevator to the outside world. At this point I decided to try installing FallUI Series (a Fallout 4 Collection) to test whether it would work. To my delight and surprise it did ! i have no idea which step actually made the difference. I’ve installed 73 mods now and everything’s fine so far : all my mods are actually taking effect. So, issue resolved I guess !
  11. Hi, just posting here on the off-chance that somebody might know a solution. I have “Old Gen” Fallout 4 GOTY (GOG installed on my C drive (which is my only drive). I am running the game via the F4SE launcher in Vortex. I have meticulously followed The Midnight Ride (TMR) guide - except for using Darker Nights instead of Lightweight Lighting - and installed everything in the order presented in the guide, including the Visuals section. All of this modding was done before TMR guide recently switched to the 1.10.980 version.. i did install F4SE via Vortex rather than manually, if that makes any difference. TMR does not include the FallUI series of mods, though I believe it did at one point. So I decided to install it myself. It seemingly installs normally and is showing as “Enabled” in the mods section. I notice that it does not have an .esp in the plugins section, but I’m assuming that this is also normal ? Anyway, when I start the game up FallUI HUD is indeed present in the MCM menu. However, whenever I choose “Layout” I always get the following error message : Wrong HUDMenu swf found. You need the HUDMenu.swf from Fallul HUD. Please check your Fall HUD installation, that it is installed and not overwritten by another mod. Also check that you have enabled the archive invalidation in your ini correctly. File location: Fallout 4NData\Interface \HUDMenu.swf I understand that for most people what rectifies this is to enable archive invalidation by editing the Fallout 4 ini files, of which there are three : Fallout4.ini Fallout4Custom.ini Fallout4Prefs.ini The lines you are supposed to add if they are not present (or edit if they are present and the values are different) in order to enable archive invalidation (I’m assuming this is the same thing as “enable loose files” ?) are : [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= I have edited my Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini files accordingly (via Documents->MyGames->Fallout 4) but it simply doesn’t make any difference : I still get the “Wrong HUDMenu.swf found” message when I choose “Layout” in the FallUI HUD MCM. I even tried adding these same lines to my Fallout4Prefs.ini but again, no joy. I have also tried adding the following line under the [Launcher] section in the Fallout4Prefs.ini : bEnableFileSelection=1 But again, it makes no difference : same “Wrong HUDMenu.swf found” error. I’ve been googling this issue for about two weeks now and I have no idea how to proceed. The error message says to check that the HUDMenu.swf is not being overwritten by another mod, but I don’t think it CAN be being overwritten by another mod because when I uninstall FallUI and look at the Data/Interface folder, there is no longer an HUDMenu.swf file present. Also, without an .esp how am I supposed to move FallUI in my load order ? As I say, I have thus far followed The Midnight Ride guide to the letter. The only extra mods I have added so far are : Darker Nights, Reverb and Ambience Overhaul and Lost Audio Tweaks, and the problem existed before I installed those mods anyway. I am totally stumped and posting here in case somebody more knowledgeable might have any bright ideas. I really don’t understand this stuff and merely try to carefully follow instructions. *This may be relevant : I also tried to install High Resolution Texture Pack 2k and 4k - Valius. Once again, the mod shows as “Enabled” in the Mods section of Vortex, and once again the mod does not have an .esp, but when I go into the game the textures are still vanilla. So I’m guessing that both Valius and FallUI HUD require archive invalidation to be enabled in order to work, but despite my ini edits it is still NOT enabled for some reason ? If so, why could this be ? I have modded Skyrim AE using Vortex (216 mods) and am 270 hours into a fantastic playthrough of that game, so no problems (for me) with Vortex and Skyrim. Any help would be appreciated. Sorry for the long post.
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