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Nexus Mods Profile

About aoifeconnolly

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Following on from my previous post, why can I now not sort mods by most downloaded/most endorsed? Am I meant to scroll through hundreds of thousands of mods when I just want to search through the most popular mods of each category? Who the hell actually designed this website as it's the biggest pile of s**** I have ever seen
  2. Really hating the new website design. Not easy to use, not well laid out. Have mod categories been removed, or why can't I find this on home page? Why is it actually so hard to find everything? For everything you're saying, such as making it 'easier to use' and 'more accessible', it really seems like you are trying to do the complete opposite. Keep these changes optional, and let people opt in to continue using the old site as I absolutely hate this, and will be cancelling my premium as I do not want to support this.
  3. same here, directs to log in page & error message pops up saying already logged in, but doesn't stay logged in
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