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  1. On the tool bar in Vortex I saw a button to update Bepinex that I had not noticed before. I was running 5.4.2202 already but after the I updated it ran as it was supposed to. Simple fix, that I just missed.
  2. I do, Tried it in thunderstore, launched w/o the red text but mods still wont load.
  3. This the first line in a wall of red text I get when trying to launch the game. From Bepinex. Game will load and run fine, just without any mods. What is it trying to tell me, and anybody have a fix for a low skill user? Thanks for looking.
  4. I just installed engine fix for Skyrim. I'm getting the above error message. Enginefix.dll 0000007E. I have the most up to date SKSE. I'm just not sure what this is asking me do. In spite warning to exit the game, it runs fine. Thanks for your thoughts...
  5. Acetoolguy

    Mod updates

    When you see that an update is available in Vortex is there a way to just update it? I always download the newer version and delete the old. Seems like an extra step. Thanks.
  6. Has anybody seen a compilation of the mods for face, body , hair et all that work well together? There are hundreds! I'm just looking for 'normal' bodies that work well in armor. This is a category that a mod pack would work well in. Thanks for your thoughts. and yes, I know normal is subjective.
  7. I have a high end machine so LE looked and ran great for me. I got SE free and played it but really did not see enough of an improvement to lose many of the mods I would have lost going to SE. Now that SKSE is out, that may change. There is a lot to be said for SE, but LE is no slouch either.
  8. I keep searching for vanilla Skyrim mods that I hope will be ported over to SE, Vilja, OBIS to name a couple. Is there anyway to mark or differentiate between the two. Perfect world, for me at least, would be have separate lists, one for vanilla that ported and another new for SE.
  9. People talk about racism like its fixable. Short of using mind control drugs it will always be with us, just like murder, rape and robbery will always be us. The best we can try and do is end institutional racism, and I think the US has made strides in that direction. Are there racists cops? Yup. Both blacks that hate whites and whites that hate blacks. I worry that laws such as Civil Rights move us further away from a color blind society, not closer to it. Isn't a law that singles a group out inherently racist? Regardless of its intent?
  10. Is anyone aware of a mod that will stop the endless chatter of companions while in sneak mode? My God, just shut up already!
  11. thanks folks. I'm away for a few days, I'll try those ideas out and let you know how it goes. I really thought I had an elite card, I parted out the system from New Egg and had a 12 year old nephew build it. His dads a pro and kept an eye on things but you have never seen a prouder kid when we fired it up for the first time.
  12. It happens at random times, I might play for hours or only a few minuets. This is a 6 month old card and computer. If I only play an hour it might not stop, But I have a feeling if I play long enough iit will happen. Thanks for taking an intrest.
  13. It was not awful, but its not on my 'cant wait to do that again' list.
  14. I get a random video card stopped/ recovered error message only on FO 4. I have a gtx 970 with the latest drivers. Any idea what I should look at?
  15. In a walk from the Alchemists Hut to Riften I fought 12 bears and had 5 more growl but ignore me.
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