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About aarchieee

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  1. Thank you. That helps a lot so i can make more informed decisions about what rules to apply.
  2. What criteria does Vortex use for conflict resolution when it makes suggestions in the rules ? as in the attached picture ? Thanks.
  3. Letters from a friend in my inventory have done this. Anybody seen this before and maybe have a reason for it ?
  4. As title. Do i need to purge mods in Vortex before i use steam to verify the game files ?
  5. For instance I have the LSRS mod with Beatrice and Ahni. How difficult is it to add a horse riding package to them, using an existing one that is in the vanilla game ? I do some messing around with CK, modifying mods to suit me but i havent done anything like this before. Any good tutorials for something like this ?
  6. KS hairdos only work on player NPC, how do i get them to work on a follower NPC ? Is it a case of copying the meshes and textures from the KS list and dropping them into the followers meshes/textures folder to replace existing ?
  7. Now "fixed" its an old bug with Oromance not unloading its AI, you just have to reopen the oromance UI again and close it and the follower will snap out of it ( for anybody else that gets the same problem)
  8. Yes. Tried all that. Disabled the allowed to sandbox. made them use their default follower (vanilla settings) in case NFFs follower ai was being fudged about with, makes no difference, and the most frustrating thing is its random and i cant find any conflicts in sseedit.
  9. Every now and again One or two followers just walk away even though they are in the system as being a follower. (maybe in a group of 3 i have with me) Its not just limited to a particular follower. It seem to happen after i have fast travelled somewhere, if i then go back to a save before i fast travelled all 3 are following again, but if i fast travel again, they may all still follow me or the same one will start wandering off, or a different one will wander off no matter if i reset ai, dismiss and re recruit. Its really not consistent enough to get a real grip on it, which makes it frustrating. any ideas ? Using NFF
  10. Auto Sleep For Me Now works great for me (with the occasional reset quest command in the console) all my followers follow it whether i tell them to get some sleep or they pick up my sleep idle and go themselves, except one, Annekke Crag-Jumper, no matter what i do she wont go to bed, she'll strip to her lingerie but just stand there, if i approach her i will get the line " its time to wake" and she'll re-equip her armour as though shes been sleeping but she wont go to a bed, no matter where we are. Any ideas ? tried disabling and re-enabling her and resetting ai but makes no difference. If i ask her "to do something for me " and point to a bed she will get in it, so its not a pathing issue, so its like she's just ignoring the part of the script that points her to a bed on her own accord. Cant see any conflicts in SEEdit.
  11. Suddenly sterted getting the radial blur bug and having to use sisme 0 in the console to get rid of it everytime i load up. i dont really want to use that everytime because it will disable the vampire feeding effects and night vision effects so does anybody know of a permanent solution ? Or how i can find out what occlusion is causing it ? cheers.
  12. I am on 1170, so as that is the latest "game update" im thinking that the latest CK update would just add extra/improved functionality to itself with respect to game 1170 and not necessarily affect the game itself as it has been updated to work with that? affect the game itself ?
  13. Will the latest update to CK affect the mods in game or not ? And am i right in saying that if you launch the game via the SKSE 64 rather than through Steam, it womt update anyway ?
  14. Aaaah poop. Its flickering again and no amount of tinkering will stop it unless i turn off the shaders.
  15. I managed to stop the flickering in my interiors, all i did was increase the particle radius a little in the in game menu and it stopped. Hope that helps anybody else with the same issue.
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