I can't imagine being this entitled. Mod authors don't owe you anything. They do this work for free. If you're so passionate about this, take an afternoon to learn how to code it yourself. You said yourself it's a simple mod, should be easy right? If you're too lazy to do that, there's plenty of mod authors offering commissions. Something like this would probably cost you $10 max.
There are all kinds of reasons why a mod author may want to delete their mods.
- Not wanting to keep it updated anymore
- Not being happy with the code
- Privacy concerns
- Disagreeing with business decisions made by the platform
- Losing interest in the game or modding as a whole
- Tired of petulant children harassing him to keep it updated
- Just felt like it
All of these reasons are completely valid because it is HIS work he's providing FOR FREE and he reserves the right to take it down any time he wants. Sucks you have this phobia but it's nobody's job to manage but your own.
And by the way, he's deleted ALL of his mods. To jump to the conclusion that he did this just to slight arachnophobes is silly.