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About TooN0ble

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    United States

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  1. I was consistently getting errors when trying to extract the 7.4 GB all chapter pack using an up to date WinRAR. This happened on all of the servers that I have tried except the Amsterdam server. The downoads complete always. The error only happens when extracting. It seems to be a regular issue with this particular mod. I havnt had such errors with other mods in many years. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394?tab=files
  2. I have a follower mod installed already that spawns a follower in a jail cell in Embershard Mine. I want to install another follower mod that spawns its follower in the same exact location. Since I installed and rescued the first follower from the jail cell already, would I be able to safely install the 2nd mod and have no major conflicts ? The two mods are Buxom Wench Yuriana and Mango Follower. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77903/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73669/?
  3. Windows 7 update checking has been unreliable for quite some time for alot of users. I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate and used a 3rd party program called WSUS Offline Update to get it patched up to date. You can tell it which updates to download, like windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit or whatever and it will download them all and then check your pc for which ones you are missing. It takes awhile but works very well. I suggest using the auto reboot option for installing updates. They have a forum too if you have any questions. http://download.wsusoffline.net/
  4. Having the same issue and I'm also on AT&T. I tried connecting to Krystal.co.uk and got the same extremly slow loading. If I try connecting through a proxy or vpn, the sites work fast and fine. For me the problem always happens after 8pm CDT and usally lasts untill 4am or so the next morning. Clearing temp files/resetting router/alternate browser/flushing dns/changing dns, equals no improvement, so it definately seems to solely be at&t's fault. One suspicion of mine of the cause is the heavy east coast flooding. AT&T might be doing repairs during night hours in those areas.
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