the idea is simple, just a mod that makes it so you can use power armor without the power armor training but at the cost of moderate penalties to move speed (or a "can't run/sprint" kind of thing as if you were overencumbered), strength and agility regardless of power armor, with the exception of salvaged power armor as they aren't exactly "powered" armor.
this is so power armor training acts as a way to offset these debuffs only while using power armor (again, except the salvaged versions)
this should make it so every power armor should have about -2 to strength an agility compared to their base stats, so that if you use power armor without PAT, you should be (gameplay wise) unable to use it at it's max capability and use them solely for their DT and DR values.
Power Armor Stats Idea:
T-45d Variants: 0 ST, -4 AG
T-51b Variants: -1 ST, -2 AG
Scorched Sierra: -1 ST, -2 AG
Remnants: -1 ST, -2 AG
Gannon Tesla: -2 ST, -2 AG
If used with TTW just follow the same pattern.
I've tried to do it myself but with my lack of modding knowledge I just can't figure it out. I'd appreciate if anyone took my mod idea into reality.