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  1. I actually know how to remove ground map POI markers. But planet map POI markers, yeah I have no idea how I can remove them..
  2. Yes! :] I'm probably batshit crazy, but yes. With all of these markers, it just feels like you're going from A to B, where you always know where B is. I want to search for B.
  3. I mean, that's exactly the point of this mod idea. With the planet zoom mods, I guess it will be a little bit more possible, just a tiny bit more :]
  4. Why? I want to make my game a true EXPLORATION game. Where I can spend hours just to trying to find New Atlantis or other major locations. I know that it will make the smaller locations damn near impossible to find by removing their markers, but this is exactly why this game can truly become an exploration game imo. And what I meant by "EVERY Planet Map POI Markers" are these POIs (see the two images below): **NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH GROUND MAP POI MARKERS**
  5. Noo! That sucks that it is hardcoded.. Thank you for letting me know tho
  6. Does anyone know where I can change the price of REV-8 in Creation Kit?
  7. Also, the ability to save outposts can be very useful for New Game+ playthroughs. Rebuilding entire outpost/s with just a few clicks. I really hope this idea can come to fruition some day.
  8. Maybe make it a requirement to build everything on top of a slightly raised foundation if you want to share your outpost. So everything will be built on a elevated flat ground, making it feasible for the outpost to appear on any kind of land terrain.
  9. This is just a comment I saw today that I think is a pretty cool idea: "Somebody needs to create an outpost sharing framework mod. I know, it's probably easier said than done, but imagine if we can use such a feature to create new POIs with the community created outposts. I can imagine new POI mods will skyrocket if such a feature exists." Fill the outposts with non-hostile NPCs or with hostile NPCs, and once you've cleared the outpost, you can claim it. Fallout 4 has Transfer Settlements mod, so this should be somewhat doable.
  10. I just wonder if companions will start using medpacks if we equip a spacesuit with an Auto-medic Legendary mod on them. Does anyone know, do they use medpacks?
  11. Yes, I know, having an automated survey system makes more sense in a sci-fi game. But man.. I just wish it is a manual or semi-manual survey system, rather than fully automated one, you know. Having to do anything manually in a game is always a pro for me, and anything fully automated stuff just automatically becomes cons.
  12. And I get you guys. Yes, it makes sense that because we come from space to planet that we should have surveyed maps, that we should have a clear picture of where every POIs should be in the biome. But we, the players don't actually see the close-up surface of the entire biome from the sky during the entrance to the atmosphere. All we see is the landing. Now, I wouldn't mind the fully detailed maps if we actually have full control of our spaceship during the entrance to the atmosphere. Where we can fly around in the atmosphere in our spaceship and actually see the biome's surface from the sky, but yeah, we can't do that.. Yeah.. I just think having fully detailed maps right from the get-go just diminishes exploration
  13. Yeah the problem in this: it's automated.. The game pretty much already "surveys" the maps. I just wish we had a little bit more complex survey system in the game, where we have to survey the maps manually, or semi-manually through Scan Boosters.
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