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About cirax33

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  1. Thank you all for your responses, and niston is right, I was trying to downgrade to version 1.10.980 that was the version right after the next gen update, I was able to play the new missions and everything was fine until the 1.10.984 was released, I just wanted to be able to keep the content added with the next gen update without doing a downgrade all way back to the 163 version, but sadly I think that going back to 163 it´s the only option, I will wait a bit longer to see if someone else release a mod to select a specific version of the game (not sure if that is possible), otherwise I will have to settle with the 163 version, appreciate your help guys.
  2. Good afternoon everyone, I´m trying to get some help with a problem that I have with the latest update for fallout 4, right after the nex gen update the creator of F4SE updated the mod and everything worked just fine, however I had to reinstall the game cause my old ssd failed, as soon as I got into the game I got the message that several mods were not available anymore, but I thought that it was just a matter of reinstall them, but I just realized that the latest version 1.10.984 affected those mods, F4SE is working fine, and also some mods, but it seems that at least for me most of the mods that I was using are not longer supported, my questions is, can you guys help me to roll back the second update up to the point where the next gen is still available but also my mods are supported? I´m not an expert on these topics and I don´t want to break my game even more, I´m not sure what version was after the next gen update but everything was fine until the version 1.10.984 was released. Thanks in advance for any help that I can get!!
  3. Thanks, I thought I was in the Fallout 4 community forum, no wonder why nobody answered before, I really appreciate your help!
  4. Good evening everyone, I´m trying to get some help with a problem that I have with the latest update for fallout 4, right after the nex gen update the creator of F4SE updated the mod and everything worked just fine, however I had to reinstall the game cause my old ssd failed, as soon as I got into my game I got the message that several mods were not available anymore, but I thought that it was just a matter of reinstall them, but I just realized that the latest version 1.10.984 affected those mods, F4SE is working fine, and also some mods, but it seems that at least for me most of the mods that I was using are not longer supported, my questions is, can you guys help me to roll back the second update up to the point where the next gen is still available but also my mods are supported? I´m not an expert on these topics and I don´t want to break my game even more, I´m not sure what version was after the next gen update but everything was fine until the version 1.10.984 was released. Thanks in advance for any help that I can get!!
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