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Everything posted by WakianTech

  1. Nope, it actually gets 10x more worse if I click or hover....
  2. Hey y'all, Just looking for some technical support. I am trying to work with making some dialogue for a mod (Custom Merchant who sells custom weapons I made) and this glitch is blocking options on top. (I am unsure if I can continue without needing to add dialog or whatever) It gets worse as I click about.... I did Google some things. Something to do with the XML folder and what not. I am also using the Creation Kit Platform Extended (Maybe that's the problem for all I know). Below is a picture of what is happening! Hoping someone knows what's up!
  3. Hitting, the health only takes when you make contact with an enemy. Still haven't had any solution... So I am probably just gonna nerf the idea and make absorb health from the enemy instead. It appears to be impossible at this point.
  4. I get that, but I don't really know how to go about it... I have tried doing that (both with a script and value modifier) and nothing seems to work.
  5. [Almost posted this in the wrong place, moved it here!] Hello all! I am working on a big mod and unique weapons and collectables. I have a sword that when attacking, takes health from the player. (High Reward, High Risk) However, I have been trying EVERYTHING in Creation Kit to make this work. I've tried enchantments, Perks, Scripts... nothing for goodness sake will work at all! I managed to make it give health, but don't know how to make it take away health... I am feeling a little defeated! If it's not possible, than I understand and I will just move on. I just wanted to at least put it to rest before I can call it a fail completely. Any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated! Oh and I will also be sure to credit whomever can solve this mystery for me! (I am also willing to show scripts I have attempted to use if anyone needs them)
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