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Everything posted by JaytheCub
NEVERMIND I think i got it now. The gecko seems to be working but now the main problem is it keeps progressing very fast whenever you first grab the egg and then swaps models for Baby>Adolescent>then immediately for one of the Adult Models (Player's choice btw) so it brings up the messagebox after you feed the Gecko baby only once and then turn around and it starts "Swapping models" it might have something to do with how fast it is growing in size and or something because i think the way its set up in script now it has to do with that. Ima keep toying with it until i get it to give a decent length of time while its a Baby>Adolescent>and then one of the Adult models as its final model. wish me luck.
For starters i am trying to make a mod which you raise a Baby Gecko from a hatchling to a full-grown Gecko!! however i seem to run into a bit of an issue with how i approached this and made the scripts that coincide with it. i modeled most of what i did based on the Baby Deathclaw commander 2 mod in their scripts usually just replacing what "Deathclaw" would be "Gecko" for me. however when i checked the GECK WIKI it says "player.getlos is "get line of sight" apparently this is how the Deathclaw commander mod determines when to swap models but now my mod seems to constantly switching models everytime the player looks away from their little Gecko hatchling. Of course i have another problem as well. For starters i tried to make a "Choice selection" in a menu (showmessage) and the player will select their choice of "Adult Gecko" From a range of "Fire" "Poison" "and "Golden" and "Regular" geckos. however this doesn't seem to be working? here is the "control script" for the Baby Gecko Commander mod.... scn BabyGeckoControlSCRIPT short GeckoHired short GeckoFired short GeckoHasBeenHired short GeckoName short GeckoHungry short TrackGameHour float GeckoSize short GeckoStrength short GeckoHealth short SwapModels short GeckoMidHired short GeckoMidFired short GeckoAdultHired short GeckoAdultFired short GeckoAdultFireHired short GeckoAdultFireFired short GeckoAdultGoldenHired short GeckoAdultGoldenFired short GeckoAdultPoisonHired short GeckoAdultPoisonFired short postcombat short HungryAdvisory short TheGameHour short FoundStealthBoy short HasStealthBoy ref CurrentRef short InventoryStealthBoy short counter short StealthBoyOn short RandomNum short MoveToMe short MoveTimer short Btn short MenuID begin gamemode if MoveToMe if MoveToMe == 1 set MoveTimer to GetSecondsPassed set MoveToMe to 2 else set movetimer to movetimer + GetSecondsPassed if MoveTimer >= 10 if GeckoHired BabyGInfantREF.moveto player elseif GeckoMidHired BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultHired BabyGAdultREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultFireHired BabyGAdultFireREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired BabyGAdultGoldenREF.moveto player elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired BabyGAdultPoisonREF.moveto player endif set movetimer to 0 set MoveToMe to 0 endif endif endif ;Gecko who ate stealthboy ahs stealthboy symptoms in stealth if HasStealthBoy if GeckoHired set CurrentREF to BabyGInfantREF elseif GeckoMidHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdolescentREF elseif GeckoAdultHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultREF elseif GeckoAdultFireHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultFireREF elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired set CurrentREF To BabyGAdultGoldenREF elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultPoisonREF endif if getobjectivecompleted BABYGECKOCLOAK1 2 != 1 if Player.IsSneaking == 1 && Player.IsInCombat == 0 CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 CurrentREF.AddSpell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell else CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 CurrentREF.dispel StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell endif endif endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Gecko eats stealth boy in front of player if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy if FoundStealthBoy == 3 setquestdelay BabyGeckoControlQUEST 1 if GeckoHired set CurrentREF to BabyGInfantREF elseif GeckoMidHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdolescentREF elseif GeckoAdultHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultREF elseif GeckoAdultFireHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultFireREF elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultGoldenREF elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired set CurrentREF to BabyGAdultPoisonREF endif set FoundStealthBoy to 4 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 4 player.playsound NPCGeckoChomp set FoundStealthBoy to 5 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 5 CurrentREF.PlaySound3D ObjStealthBoyActivate CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 set FoundStealthBoy to 6 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 6 CurrentREF.AddSpell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell set FoundStealthBoy to 7 elseif FoundStealthBoy > 6 && FoundStealthBoy < 12 set FoundStealthBoy to FoundStealthBoy + 1 elseif FoundStealthBoy == 12 CurrentREF.dispel STealthBoyInvisibilitySpell CurrentREF.PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1 set FoundStealthBoy to -1 set HasStealthBoy to 1 setquestdelay BabyGeckoControlQUEST 5 setobjectivedisplayed BabyGeckoControlQuest 35 1 setstage BabyGeckoControlQUEST 35 endif endif endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Swap to new REFs if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoHired if playerref.getlos BabyGInfantREF else set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdolescentREF.Enable BabyGAdolescentREF.MoveTo BabyGInfantREF set BabyGAdolescentREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGInfantREF.MoveTo BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoFired to 1 set GeckoHired to 0 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGInfantREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGInfantREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 setobjectivedisplayed BabyGeckoControlqUEST 10 0 if BabyGInfantREF.Waiting set BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting to 1 endif set BabyGInfantREF.Waiting to 0 BabyGInfantREF.Disable set GeckoMidHired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.AddToFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 BabyGInfantREF.SetAV Confidence 2 endif endif if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoMidHired if playerref.getlos BabyGAdolescentREF else set MenuID to 1 showmessage BabyGGeckoChoiceAdultList endif endif ;Adult Choices to pick from when the adolescent grows up to a "Young Alpha Gecko" if MenuID == 1 if Btn == -1 return elseif Btn == 0 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultREF.Enable BabyGAdultREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultREF.Waiting to 1 endif set GeckoAdultHired to 1 BabyGAdultREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 elseif Btn == 1 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultFireREF.Enable BabyGAdultFireREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultFireREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultFireREF.Waiting to 1 endif Set GeckoAdultFireHired to 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 elseif Btn == 2 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.Enable BabyGAdultPoisonREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultPoisonREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultPoisonREF.Waiting to 1 endif set GeckoAdultPoisonHired to 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 elseif Btn == 3 set swapmodels to 0 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.Enable BabyGAdultGoldenREF.MoveTo BabyGAdolescentREF set BabyGAdultGoldenREF.FreshHire to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.moveto BabyGeckoHomeREF set GeckoMidHired to 0 set GeckoMidFired to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveFromFaction TeammateFaction BabyGAdolescentREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed BabyGeckoControlQUEST 20 0 if BabyGAdolescentREF.Waiting set BabyGAdultGoldenREF.Waiting to 1 endif set GeckoAdultGoldenHired to 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.AddtoFaction FollowerFaction 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.AddtoFaction TeammateFaction 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.SetPlayerTeammate 1 endif endif ; all geckos versions hunger timer if GeckoHired || GeckoMidHired if playerref.isincombat else if swapmodels else set TheGameHour to gamehour if GeckoHungry else if TrackGameHour > TheGameHour set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour - 1 endif if TheGameHour > TrackGameHour set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour Set GeckoHungry to 1 if HungryAdvisory == 0 showmessage BabyGHungry set HungryAdvisory to 1 endif endif endif endif endif endif ;if gecko followers allowed idles after combat but only 5-10 seconds. if postcombat if postcombat == -1 set postcombat to 2 else set postcombat to 0 if GeckoHired BabyGInfantREF.EVP BabyGInfantREF.Playgroup idle 1 elseif GeckoMidHired BabyGAdolescentREF.EVP BabyGAdolescentREF.PlayGroup idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultHired BabyGAdultREF.EVP BabyGAdultREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultFireHired BabyGAdultFireREF.EVP BabyGAdultFireREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultPoisonHired BabyGAdultPoisonREF.EVP BabyGAdultPoisonREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 elseif GeckoAdultGoldenHired BabyGAdultGoldenREF.EVP BabyGAdultGoldenREF.PlayGroup Idle 1 endif endif endif ;Young Alpha GECKO if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdultREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthBoy to 1 BabyGAdultREF.Removeitem stealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultREF.RemoveAllItems Player Set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; Young Alpha Fire Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultFireHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 Set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdultFireREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultFireREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set inventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultFireREF.RemoveallItems Player Set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultFireREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; young alpha Green Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultPoisonHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthboy to 2 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultPoisonREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.RemoveallItems Player Set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultPoisonREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; young alpha golden gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoAdultGoldenHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 Set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdultGoldenREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.RemoveallItems Player set FoundStealthBoy to 15 BabyGAdultGoldenREF.EVP return endif endif endif endif endif ; Adolescent Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoMidHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGAdolescentREF.EVP return endif if BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveAllItems Player Set FoundStealthboy to 15 return endif endif endif if SwapModels else set swapmodels to 1 set GeckoHungry to 0 endif if BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount Everything || BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount BabyGMissingEverything if GeckoHungry if BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount MeatFood || BabyGAdolescentREF.GetItemCount BabyGMiscFoodLIST set GeckoSize to BabyGAdolescentREF.GetScale Set GeckoHungry to 0 set HungryAdvisory to 0 set TheGameHour to gamehour Set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveItem BabyGMiscFoodLIST 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveItem MeatFood 1 BabyGAdolescentREF.PlaySound3D NPCGeckoChomp set GeckoSize to GeckoSize + 0.05 BabyGAdolescentREF.SetScale GeckoSize set GeckoStrength to GeckoSize * 10 Set GeckoHealth to GeckoStrength * 50 BabyGAdolescentREF.SetAV Strength GeckoStrength BabyGAdolescentREF.SetAV Health GeckoHealth endif else showmessage BabyGFoodRefuse endif BabyGAdolescentREF.RemoveallItems Player endif endif endif ; Infant Gecko if BabyGeckoControlQUEST.GeckoHired if playerref.isincombat else if FoundStealthBoy == 15 set FoundStealthBoy to 2 BabyGInfantREF.EVP return endif if BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount StealthBoy if HasStealthBoy else if FoundStealthBoy else set InventoryStealthboy to 1 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveItem StealthBoy 1 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveAllItems Player Set FoundStealthboy to 15 return endif endif endif if SwapModels else set swapmodels to 1 set GeckoHungry to 0 endif if BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount Everything || BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount BabyGMissingEverything if GeckoHungry if BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount MeatFood || BabyGInfantREF.GetItemCount BabyGMiscFoodLIST set GeckoSize to BabyGInfantREF.GetScale Set GeckoHungry to 0 set HungryAdvisory to 0 set TheGameHour to gamehour Set TrackGameHour to TheGameHour BabyGInfantREF.RemoveItem BabyGMiscFoodLIST 1 BabyGInfantREF.RemoveItem MeatFood 1 BabyGInfantREF.PlaySound3D NPCGeckoChomp set GeckoSize to GeckoSize + 0.05 BabyGInfantREF.SetScale GeckoSize set GeckoStrength to GeckoSize * 10 Set GeckoHealth to GeckoStrength * 50 BabyGInfantREF.SetAV Strength GeckoStrength BabyGInfantREF.SetAV Health GeckoHealth endif else showmessage BabyGFoodRefuse endif BabyGInfantREF.RemoveallItems Player endif endif endif end As you can see i finally got it into a 'functional' state to test things but testing isn't going too well right now. the other issue seems to be the Gecko isn't getting hungry i waited a few hours it seems like its not getting hungry no matter how long i wait or something. basically whenever i would go into the game and "look away" from the gecko hatchling he will theoretically "Age up" and swap models and then when i look back i see the "Adult model" separately spawned and they keep respawning over and over! this is not good. edit: Well i got the hunger things working just fine. the geck is getting hungry now. But still having problems with the Swapping models and choices you pick from a message box menu.... of course i think the problem was that i didn't put "swapmodels" as a proper if value so i needed to fix that and i did but still having issues aside from that. edit 2: Okay so i got the "Adult models" working now however the menu is appearing too soon for some reason and regularly keeps appearing for some reason plus the Adolescent Model keeps reappearing whenever the adult model is selected. And as well sometimes when i go to "Talk" to my Gecko pet thing it just glitches out and i go invisible despite having plenty of dialogue options available. Any ideas?
Custom Race Question?
JaytheCub replied to JaytheCub's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
nevermind i think i figured it out. though i don't know what i did. I played around with the "face" of the race a bit and all of a sudden the textures started appearing in-game. i also added the two presets i made for male and female presets to the game as NPCs just to see if it works for NPCs and low and behold no missing textures for them. the thing is after i did that no missing textures for me either at all at this point. i'm going to test again to see if it comes back. otherwise its fixed now. -
it seems like the Pink hands are only showing up in game can't seem to fix it. I tried moving the texture files from one part of the folder structure to the next and still nothing it doesn't work for me. the funny thing is on another playable race mod i made for myself it worked. All of a sudden the Ghoul and Raiders worked in that other mod. Now for the custom race mod i am making for myself it seems like it doesn't want to work for me again this time. and can't quite remember how i got the other one working in-game. Again No Pink Textures in the GECK just in-game. i'm using mod organizer so i don't need to turn off Archive Invalidation and turn it back on again or whatever. all the textures are in my Fallout New Vegas Data folder under "Textures". yet for some reason in-game the textures aren't detected for the hands at least. any solutions to this problem?
Need help with standing DEAD NPC in-game?
JaytheCub replied to JaytheCub's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
it worked on the new mod just need to update my other mod so that it works better then just "placing the NPC in the interior. also i think Havoc sim doesn't seem to work for me in interiors? but when i do it outside the game world it seems to work just fine and the NPC falls to the ground. In the Armored Vault Suit Collection i placed a few NPCs in their respective vaults dead of course. But before i did the havoc sim or manually place the body myself through CTRL + ALT. it might just be my version of the GECK which to that i am using GECK Extender. -
Need help with Eyebots.
JaytheCub replied to JaytheCub's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
NEVERMIND figured it out. Turns out New Vegas radio starts disabled had to create a new temproary character in order to enable Radio New Vegas. did everything right apparently and was pulling my hair out because Radio NV Starts disabled for some reason in the base game. turns out at least. so now it works. SSHQ Eyebots will spread the message of RadioNewVegas far and wide or at least that one will. the rest however will be hostile at SSHQ Company. guarding its secrets from the player while there will be a second SSHQ Robot flying around that is relatively stable in terms of aggressiveness with no radio attached to it with some unique dialogue "Welcome to the Sunset Sarsaparilla company. in other words its working now. my bad. -
Currently trying to get an SSHQ Eyebot to work and play radio music through its speakers similar to how the Eyebots work in Fallout 3. i already got the Ability set up and the Base effect script that will function as the "Radio Frequency" for the Eyebot in the game to work. it compiles but when i go in-game to test it doesn't play? did i miss something it seems like i needed to add a ScriptEffectFinish which i promptly did but still nothing. i'm trying to get the eyebot to play radio new vegas or the country radio station "mojave music radio" scn EyebotFriendlyRadioSCRIPT begin scripteffectstart if getdead == 0 SetNPCRadio 1 RNVTAREF endif end begin scripteffectfinish SetNPCRadio 0 RNVTAREF end this is how the enclave radio has its eyebots set up in Fallout 3's GECK everything is flagged as self from the Base Effect to ability so no issue there. i tried resetting the game multiple times and respawning using COC command from main menu to see if it will reset the script but still nothing. eyebots don't seem to want to work for me honestly.
basically i'm trying to create a new script for a new trait/perk for the game called Acquired Savant Syndrome(A.S.S.) it will in summary take into account the player's tag skills and then base on that. it needs to do three things 1) Identify the tag skills the player has tagged 2) Then set one of the tag skills to 100 leaving the other two tag skills intact as they stand. 3) Then forcing all other skills to 0 that are non-tagged skills. To basically simulate the effect of acquiring Savant Syndrome. i got it working under a different script but i t will only take into account all skills then set one of those skills to 100 while the rest to 0 based on a random number generator. i'm pretty new to scripting and basically a novice. When it comes to doing anything that requires more then just Player.AddItem here or Player.RemoveItem there. or even when it comes to Player.ModAV Barter 15 for example. or even Player.ForceAV Barter 100 or 0. part of my trouble with the script below is that i wrote it with ChatGPT. Basically it gives me a compiling error below: SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- SCRIPTS: Script 'AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT', line 17: Invalid operands for operator <- i feel like it should work as intended if it would only compile correctly at some point. But of course its a little difficult to get it to compile here. any suggestions: scn AcquiredSavantSyndromeSCRIPT int iRand array_Var aTagSkills array_Var aSkills int i int iTagSkill begin ScriptEffectStart ;initialize array of skill names let aSkills := Ar_Construct("Barter", "EnergyWeapons", "Explosives", "Guns", "Lockpick", "Medicine", "MeleeWeapons", "Repair", "Science", "Sneak", "Speech", "Survival", "Unarmed" ) ; create an empty array to store tag skills let aTagSkills := Ar_Construct("Placeholder") ; identify the player's tag skills ForEach i <- aSkills if (IsPlayedTagSkill aSkills) ;checks if the skill is tagged Ar_Append aTagSkills, aSkills else ;set non-tag skills to ForceAV aSkill, 0 endif Loop ;ensure we have exactly three tag skills in the array if (Ar_Size aTagSkills == 3) ;randomly select one of the tag skills to set to 100 set iRand to Rand 0, 2 set iTagSkill to aTagSkills[iRand] endif ;cleanup arrays Ar_Erase aSkills Ar_Erase aTagSkills end any help would be appreciated.
For starters. i am trying to make a Silus Companion mod the guy you meet in Camp McCarran who is being interrogated. i got a new model for Silus that will appear ONLY WHEN the original Silus "disappears" and then returns as the new model instead when that happens the new model should enable itself and then it should "Travel to the player" through a package before eventually being recruited by the player. He will find the player and then the player can initiate conversation with him (Silus). the main problem i am having is that Silus isn't listening to the conditions i set in order to prevent him from finding the player in certain NCR-based locations to keep him out of NCR-friendly zones at least until recruited by the player. i am also having trouble with his "Custom" Faction i made for him making him an enemy of the NCR Faction and thus the player as well. Similar to how Boone operates as a sniper when the player recruits Boone. I want the NCR to go hostile whenever Silus is in the party of the player on the player that way it will keep the balance of having a Silus-like legion companion by the side of yourself. Basically the NCR Soldiers won't go hostile on either Silus or the player when silus is recruited into the faction. thirdly. I also need to test further if Silus will also wait or be set to "Wait" just outside the Fort since he can't rejoin the legion technically since he disobeyed Caesar's Orders but he will wait around Cottonwood Cove. as the player traverses to the Fort through the Dock/raft when the player is in the Worldspace of the Fort. Silus "Should" Wait outside in Cottonwood Cove. since he's technically an outcast i think by game standards in the legion for disobeying Caesar's orders. EDIT: Nevermind i figured it out had to add The "Faction" i made to the enemy list of the NCR Faction NV in order to get it to work properly. Now Silus when he joins the Player or when player recruits him will attack the NCR on sight now and the player will be attacked on sight by NCR so long Silus is in the party.
How to make a "lure" Grenade?
JaytheCub replied to UndeadMartyr's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
i mean it sounds like maybe you'll have to adjust the packages for the NPCs also if there are any if you plan to do this to NPCs animals, etc etc. or add a package in order to tell the NPC to go over there by the "lure grenade" when you say lure do you mean like a rock to lure a target over that direction? -
I currently have a couple dead npcs that i created for my game. How do i get the NPCs to fall down like a corpse and not just stand there t-pose or something? I emptied out their health to zero. and placed them in their respective cells for the player to stumble across them. But have no idea how to proceed with making them into corpses. they should "Fall over" on their own. i think judging by how the game engine runs. my guess? It might have to be the use of coc console command that i used to teleport to the cell but not cleanly teleport to the cell so if i used an actual method to fast travel and get into the cell the old fashion way it would work probably. it only worked it seemed like for one of the Dead NPCs the "Vault 19 Powder Ganger" i placed in Vault 19 where the geckos live basically but the rest the dead vault 11 overseer and dead vault 22 scientist are all still standing when i coc into the game's cell with console commands.
i have a better idea: A Companion who is Mormon most likely who was sent to the Wasteland As a Missionary to convert the "civilized" world to christianity and teach them the way of the caananite. Rather then Daniel and Joshua who were East into Caesar's Territory this one was sent west to mingle with the "civilized" folk of vegas but got thrown out of the strip due to Mr. House's intolerance of religious conversion happening right under his nose on the Strip.
would setting the secondspassed to 2880 which is 48 real life minutes which roughly should equal to 24 in-game hours. i believe. since 1 hour in game time = 2 minutes in our time. so basically the same effect only that you can't use the 24 hour clock in sleep-wait-time since it would mean skipping time rather then letting it naturally come towards you after 48 real life minutes go by. it may be kind of long for testing purposes but it should work like that just the same except you can't use the Sleep=wait=time to any degree since it would skip time and not make it go by faster. As for GameDaysPassed or GamehoursPassed i can't seem to get that to work for some reason in the code. GetSecondsPassed works just fine without any issue. GameDaysPassed works but it's already set to 5 since 5 days have passed since the start of New Vegas so basically if i use that then it would be saying Days >= 1 which it would be 5 so it would pass and the script would fire non-stop based on how i wrote it. if i set it to 6 meaning one extra day needs to pass in order for Days >= 6 to follow through the script and run it and execute the other if block. then it would have the same effect as it would be consistently re-occurring every second since it would be days >= 6 and it would already pass that condition. either i need more conditions here. or find some way to reset GameDaysPassed to 0 which will probably break the game in some way since it would mean 5 days haven't passed in-game time to be Friday/Saturday in New Vegas start date since i keep constantly resetting it to 0 in order to work in the script. about the only way i can get this work is through GetSecondsPassed and setting the value to 2,880 seconds so that it equals 48 minutes to mean 24 hours in-game time. the only problem after that is that it will constantly reset to zero for the timer meaning now that it will whenever you for some reason die and reload a save i think it will reset the timer to 0 i believe since i died (Since i waited to long and i'm on hardcore to test it so i ended up dying from starvation/hunger/thirst/sleep) due to my morning walk. so i tried to see if it would refire in-game onload of the last saved game that autosaved for me. but it seems like the timer was reset to zero by default since it already passed through that part of the script by meeting the if-statement block conditions for it on the timer and the requirement for having the perk/trait.
i'm not sure what this means but i don't think it's going to work since when i tested the large amount of seconds i put in it just takes forever to fire. probably because it's based on irl time rather then in-game time. So drat now i will need to find a way to get the appriopriate amount of time in-game and somehow translate it to real-life time but that is probably close to 48 minutes since that means it's been 24 hours i think in-game but whenever i set it to something like which is more like 2880 seconds. but it still won't work since it probably will take roughly 48 minutes irl time since game time can speed up quickly by the sleep-wait-time menu which whenever i do that it doesn't fire the script and transport the player to a random location. but i know it works with 30/60 seconds or anything smaller then what i'm trying to do to make it work only in the cases of a 24-hour cycle. probably something how i wrote the script probably going to need to be rewritten at some point but i think it should do for now until i at least get the thing solved to make it more based on a 24-hour cycle rather then 30/60 seconds timers.
okay i think i made it. but its a little different sort of? I checked it by applying a "timer" at 60 seconds to test to see if it worked. and it did. the script took a while to fire but it did it without any issue. you get a little message that explains your situation and then you will ultimately spawn in a random location on the map based on some values i have set in the script. you also get to add +1 special point to one of your stats to any state so it's not quite what you asked for where you get +1 to every stat basically waking up somewhere random but i think i like it this way preferably but that's my taste. i will test it further to see if it works when setting the timer to 86400 seconds which is approximately 24 hours in real time no idea how it works in-game time which is why i had it set to 60 seconds to test it first to make sure it works correctly first and then i'm going to test it further with 86400 and get back to you when it does finally trigger me to go somewhere else after 24 hours. i'll see you later. probably tomorrow. maybe unless it works pretty quickly. edit: i'm pretty proud of myself i got this working actually it took a while to write the script and set up the quest but it worked. i think. Hopefully it will continue to work and not have any hiccups. as well i used another mod as reference it was the "More Perks" mod which has a similar style perk called "Where my Pants Go?" or something and it does something to a similar effect so it may be a bit similar to that script as i used it as a baseline to work with and get an idea how to do it.
Equip weapons when picking them up
JaytheCub replied to SignedName's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
i'd imagine you would probably have to go to every single weapon in-game and make a script attached to each weapon telling it upon Add to player's inventory it gets equipped. -
More lore-connected radio stations
JaytheCub replied to Ragnarok101's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
i had an idea for this actually for this. Though it would utilize Lone wolf Radio as a conspiratorial news station. which was originally designed by the devs as a conspiracy theorist trailer fighting the lone wolf fight against the government since the dev encountered a conspiracy theorist at a university he was attending in portland i believe or just Oregon in general. -
I changed a NPC Faction in order to get around the "Find and Use Weapon" Packages not working correctly. As he wasn't attacking the NPC regardless. instead i made a trigger to get him to attack Eddie and set him as essential so that he doesn't die and lock the player out of having him as a companion. whenever the player walks through the trigger he would attack Eddie and then the Faction will set in his Begin GameMode part of the script. But first i had to remove him from the powder ganger faction in order to get him to attack Eddie. Once Eddie died , i set my companion as essential through GameMode and set his faction back to powder ganger faction but however after he goes unconscious the Companion resets and the faction is recognized as being a powder ganger. I was trying to get him to just kill and initiate conflict with Eddie only. But since they are all powder gangers including the companion i guess it wasn't possible? Of course i think it should be possible since finding the target (Eddie) should be relatively straight forward since he is always in his chair in Administration building. but then the companion would just freeze up and not do anything and finish the job so to speak. Is there no way to make sure trhrough the package to kill eddie without having the other PG Guards and Scrambler going ape s#*! on the companion / NPC i made? I wanted to roleplay a power grab scenario with this Powder Ganger companion who wanted to seize control of the powder gangers for himself instead of Eddie. but i guess it just isn't possible? Or am i missing something? now the way it works is a little disorientating since he will attack Eddie, go unconscious and resume his normal sandbox package i set up for him in NCRCF. Once that happens the player will be able to recruit him and a Powder Ganger companion and instead of Eddie he will be the new "leader" so to speak. to reform the Powder Ganger's (Eddie's Gang) into a more serious anti-NCR group. As he agrees with the ideal of Cooke of Vault 19 more then the ideals of Eddie but couldn't escape without the player finally pushing him over the edge to kill Eddie and take control for himself over the Powder Gangers (Eddie's Gang).
Need help trying to make a Ghoul race playable?
JaytheCub replied to JaytheCub's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
nevermind i figured it out. turns out i was missing the 1st handed textures and meshes though the 3rd person hand textures weren't working either. so changed the Mesh models for left-right hands for the ghoul to 1st hand model variants and then applied a new custom 1st hand texture to the ghoul hands instead using the ghoul hand texture for the third person model. -
i've been trying to make ghoul race playable for myself through my own modding. but cant' seem to get it done. i extracted the .bsa files and the hand files but for some reason it still shows up as "pink missing hand textures" on the ghoul female and male characters. but for some reason in the GECK it says it appears correctly and is not missing at all. I tried to make a custom Ghoul Playable Race using the same textures / meshes for the Ghoul but it just isn't working. Basically this is a failed and botched attempt to teach myself how to mod the GECK and create races to be playable and so far its going as poorly as anything else as usual. How the hell do mod authors do this anyhow? I see Playable Ghouls on the Nexus most are out of date or date back to 2011/2012/2013/2014 with a few in 2017/2018. and there is one Super mutant playable mod / nightkin that i won't even attempt until i can get a good playable ghoul mod for myself to do. it should be relatively simple as flagging "Ghoul" as Playable and then messing around with the .bsas and textures in order to get the ghoul textures working properly. and before anyone asks no archive invalidation is turned on and i turned it off and then turned it back on just to be safe. and still nothing is working correctly. any suggestions would be appreciated.