What's the issue?
Sometimes, especially when swapping between weapons, the default pip-boy flashlight is being replaced with a bright blue-ish flashlight with no custom texture.
What might be the cause?
The same effect (bright blue-ish flashlight with no texture) is true when I equip the NAC flashlight item. My assumption is that underbarrel flashlight attachments on my weapon mods may call the NAC flashlight instead of the default pip-boy flashlight. The NAC flashlight however appears to be broken, as described above.
To investigate the issue I looked up my NAC.esp with FO4Edit and checked the texture parameter. It points to "data\textures\Effects\gobos\FlashlightGobo01.dds" which is the default texture that works flawlessly on the default flashlight. Interestingly, changing the parameters like radius, color, intensity etc. have no effect ingame. I edited the parameters in the .ESP via an override which is placed right at the bottom of my load order. Same result.
Other mods that might conflict?
Other than NAC X Legacy 1.0.0 I am using Enhanced Lights and FX, Pip-Boy Flashlight - Lamp Overhaul and FPSL with the Pip-Boy Flashlight Patch.
Note that some time ago, when I noticed that issue for the first time, I had only NAC X and ELFX installed. Hence, the Pip-Boy Flashlight Overhaul and its FPSL Patch are most likely not the cause for this. It might be some conflict between NAC X and ELFX. But I am not certain if ELFX even affects the pip-boy and weapon mod flashlight in such a way that it might break like described above.
Game version: 1.10.984.0
Any idea what is going on here? I really appreciate your support!
Kind regards.