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Posts posted by GreatLucifer

  1. To clarify a possible misunderstanding, I can't actually help at the moment (don't even have Oblivion or the CS installed at the moment), just here for advice.


    As for the mannequin spell, I can't say. Don't have the mod. It is however probable that that script relies on the TAI command, which in turn would make it probable that no hits at all are registered.


    And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not possible or anything, just... there's no easy-fix. But perhaps the mannequin spell'll work, or obse (not my area), or something else. Or ofcourse, settle for some form of compromise.

  2. If the vases/pots are activators, it should be possible (but with a drawback). There are already vanilla examples of how a static can release havok, like traps. Thing is, the OnHit blocks on activators only activate from spells and arrows, not meleeweapons.


    They could also be made creatures, in which case they'd react to all forms of attack. Skeletons are a good example of how a death-animation can release havoks. Script to keep them inactive is simple enough too, but here the problem is that they will be detected by detect life.


    Just sayin'...

  3. Why not make the compass and needle different meshes, so you can manipulate only the needle via script (which is easy enough; put a script on the (needle-less) compass to move the needle to his exact position, and freeze it's rotation)?


    Just in idea from the top of my head, but I'm quite sure it'd work with vanilla scripting...

  4. Apologies, you seem to have misunderstood. Perhaps I should rephrase:


    We have new meshes, we're trying to create a new nif.


    We have the new meshes, one for the desk, one for the drawer, and one for the little door. We have collision meshes for them all too. They're just all in OBJ.


    NifSkope appears to have an import-obj option, which appears to work. And I already somewhat work with NifSkope, indeed with copying and adjusting branches and such. But I have no idea how to create a new nif / switch out (and add) collisionmeshes. This is the first big hurdle. How to give a certain mesh (branch) a collisionmesh and adjust its properties...


    Second, how to constrain that little door (for clarity, the desk has three drawers on the left and one little door (cabinet) on the right). I have looked at many other constrained meshes, anything from shopsigns to tapestries to the scales, but I still have no idea how to adjust / copy / whatever this.... :(


    As in amnesia, we want to make the drawers havoked, so you can actually pull them out. Same (but constrained) for the little door. No animgroups.


    I have looked for tutorials and such on the subject, but all I seem to find is either not about this or technical to the point of me not understanding. Please understand, I (we) have no idea what all this jargon means. I'm not even sure what they keep meaning with things as ninodes and nitristrips.... :psyduck:


    Any help, link, or especially steps on the subject would be veeery appreciated.



    Thank you, and happy new year,


  5. Hello peoples,



    I'm here with a friend, and we have some questions about NifSkope. He's rather good at making meshes, and made an amnesia style desk, which we want to behave similarly in oblivion.


    Problem is, we have no idea how to create a new mesh in NifSkope...


    We want the drawers to be havoked, and the little door constrained. We figure this ment that the desk itself would need a red (static) collisionmesh, the drawers blue (havoked) collisionmeshes, and the little door a purple (like traps and signs and such, a constrained havoked) collisionmesh. Furthermore, the door would ofcourse have to be restrained (like a hinge). So...


    How do we...

    -constrain one mesh (branch) to another?

    -give certain branches certain collisionboxes (and 'choose' their property (colour))?

    -actually put it all together (like the import of obj, etc)?


    Or more basically, do all this...?


    Any advice, links, or anything will help. Much Obliged :ninja:


    Happy holidays,



  6. Well, besides the max of 1 companion, I'm already quite content with the Skyrim companion-system. Rather well-made, if you ask me.


    I don't actually know neverwinter night (let alone 2), so am unsure of what is actually being asked. But due to this;


    Beware of the follower limits. When you get about eight companions following you around, you will start getting serious lag, in-game error messages, and companion bugs.


    I was under the impression it might be a number-problem. As for actual commands and such, it can ofcourse be done, but would indeed not be as simple...


    Ah well :psyduck:

  7. @ Balakirev


    "...manually set a series of wander-to-x markers for each one of these actions..."


    This method simply mimics the follow package without the max-set of (iirc)7. Actual commands would ofcourse require additional effort.


    And indeed, the small-corridor-I-want-to-go-back-but-my-companion-is-blocking-me-problem would occur with this method. Makes sense really, as a normal follow package would have that problem too and all this does is mimic it :P


    @David Brasher


    The lag from NPCs comes with having them present and loaded into the most active part of computer memory. (Persistent low level processed NPCs not in the same interior cell or 5x5 exterior block of cells are processed differently and cause a lot less lag.) So the NPCs cause lag because they are near, not because they are using follow packages.

    What...? First-off, how many people you can have around without lag is computer-dependant, so I will not discuss such things (as I did not do in the first place, nor has it anything to do with this). Secondly, there is an actual maximum defined that governs the maximum amount of AIs following a single target (7 iirc). This is to get around that.


    So the approach you use would not reduce lag,

    Never said it would. Does circumvent a restriction, though.


    and would add an always active quest script which would increase processor load. You probably have it set to run more frequently than every 5 seconds, because if you left it at default, the NPC would often be hanging around the position you were at 5 seconds ago. (You can run a long way in 5 seconds.)

    Indeed I do. As I said; "I just use one called 'gamemechanics' containing all these little sort of codesnippets, to keep the amount of processing scripts down", translated;

    I only have one running questscript, set to 0.5, containing all these forms of gamemechanics, and therefore (overhere atleast) never noticable. About as 'eco-friendly' as it gets.

  8. Beware of the follower limits. When you get about eight companions following you around, you will start getting serious lag, in-game error messages, and companion bugs.


    Well, though those mods may not use it, there actually is a method to circumvent that. And rather simple at that....


    Trick is, the package you'd normally give npc's / creatures you wish to have follow you, would be a follow-player-package. Instead of this, make it a wander-to-x-marker package. Than have a quest script (I just use one called 'gamemechanics' containing all these little sort of codesnippets, to keep the amount of processing scripts down) which moves the x-marker to the playerposition.


    This way, they're technically not following the player. Appears that way, but they're not :psyduck:

  9. Wow... again, thank you.


    That is a lot to digest.... I will get started tonight, with a bit of luck it'll actually work :D


    Hope you find this useful -- and if you need further explanations or clarification just post here or PM me and I'll try to explain further. But do not be afraid to experiment as that is the best way to find out how things can be modified using Nifskope and the worst that can happen is they cause the game to crash in which case you just delete them and retry


    I will, thanks. Cause if I understand correctly, this'd allow me to make something like (for example) a doorcollision (wall with hole, basically...), which'd allow me to make even more :)



    I'll start the 'digesting' tonight, when I have a decent computer and no people around.

  10. Wow... well thank you, that is indeed what I ment.


    I'll try it out, sure it'll work.


    Did you just say you adjusted the shape of the collision in NifSkope....? And adjusted vertices... in NifSkope?


    If that is possible, could you please show me in the right direction on how to do that? Might allow me to make far more....


    As far as the exterior-tileset goes (if anyone cares), it's going rather well. I'm actually suprised I haven't seen this done before...


    And ofcourse, have a kudo :ninja:

  11. If I'm not mistaken (and I could be wrong here..), simply renaming the file should do the trick. Original filenames (which have to be used) can be found using the BSA extractor.
  12. Respected member? It would seem I've come a long way - thanks :)

    You're welcome ;)


    Theoretically, this would work. The one thing that comes to mind is that if you drop below 0 health, you die anyway.

    Seen as Abesh seems to be asking how to make a spell effect with a duration, then people may cast that spell when near death. Obviously you can see where this is going - if the player only has 1 health, then the next hit will kill them before their health can be added back. A one hit kill will always be possible, even with a vigilant quest script.

    Indeed, very true. One of the few things that keeps bothering me... I can't reliably intercept 'death'. It seems to work on occassion, but always bugs out sooner or later. Quite a shame... :facepalm:


    For reliable 'death'-interception, I can therefore say very little. I'm one of those people who doesn't (and can't) use OBSE. Yes, we still exist :ninja:

  13. It should be nothing to put the wall section on the flat floor section combining the meshes to make your 45 degree sections for your octagon.


    Ah, I see what you mean. Make a single 45degree part... sounds nice, but am unable to do so :psyduck:


    ...you already have a wall section you plan on placing...


    Sort of, yes. I'm on my third one right now, as I keep making changes... But in generality, I collected as many parts and textures as I could find. What I mainly have sofar (apart from some trial-parts) is the design... It all comes down to a few planes and collisions, really.


    If you (or anyone) wants to help, please do... With about 3-5(*) planes (not counting the triangle / 45degree part) with collision (wall flat, wall window square, wall door square, wall window round*, wall door round*) I could fill in the details (design, rims, textures, etc).


    Problem is, I can't make new planes nor collisionshapes....



    Thanks for all the interest and help sofar :ninja: Good to see Skyrim hasn't taken all of us :P

  14. Other than that, setting a script with an OnHit block on the player themselves would be the only way to detect when he has just been hit without OBSE.


    Not true :psyduck:


    I try to refrain from arguing respected members, but I've done it before without using OBSE, so am quite sure it is possible.


    It's actually quite simple;

    -Set a tempvar to GetAV health

    -Ask 'if tempvar != memvar'

    -it true, set memvar to tempvar && hitflag to 1 (&& any counter you may wish) (hit)

    -if not true, return (unhit)


    A DoOnce at the beginning with 'set memvar to GetAV health' would eliminate a "starter"bug.


    You say you are very familiar with scripting, I will therefore assume you know what I'm talking about. If not, say so and I will elaborate.

  15. Well, original thickness, and normal size (just cut in half, making a triangle).


    I'm trying to build an exterior tileset with NifSkope (taking branches from all over the place), but I'm therefore bound to the branches / collision boxes I can find...


    The reason of this part is that I have wallsections with the same width as the floorplane. With that I want to make an octangular tower, but I have no floor for the cornersections (the floorplanes'll come in a plus-like-fashion, with the triangles on the corners, making an octagon).


    Much obliged :ninja:

  16. Hello people,


    I know, I have poor timing...


    But, I find myself in need of a part wih nowhere else to turn, so I came to request.


    I need a part, which is basically Floorplane01 cut from corner to corner, so basically a triangle...


    Hopefully someone can still find the time to help a guy out :)





  17. Wait, what...?

    Force (female) prisoners to dance naked in front of the guards at the barracks, or even have sex with them.


    ..... :psyduck:


    Wait, say that again....


    Force (female) prisoners to dance naked in front of the guards at the barracks, or even have sex with them.


    What...? Am I misunderstanding something here, or are you requesting rape to be in the mod...?

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