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About RigbyJay

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  1. For the Discerning Wasteland Brit. Now there are a few designs if "Keep Calm and Carry On" isn't really your speed, but I think these as worn wartime posters would be very world-appropriate. Especially if you wanted to replace the Tudor crown with something a little more relevant. But I'd use the original poster as-is please and thank you.
  2. Now I know this is a big ask for a lot of reasons and I'm fully prepared to be told it just can't be done and I'm fine with that. I just think it would be cool to find The Man from Deadhorse in a Super Duper Mart or one of Coop's old ads in a vault classroom. We already know vaulties watch his movies.
  3. Oh god, yeah that does sound frustrating, I wonder why that's in there. Fingers crossed there's somehow a way (though I will admit I'm far from done with new playthroughs lmao) but even if there isn't thank you for everything you're doing! I appreciate it and you!
  4. Barrels (or other containers with open tops) full to bursting with bottle caps. For bragging rights or the Commonwealth Savings Bank of MacCready.
  5. Now yes, I do have their standalone releaser. And I love the outfits and I love the weapons and I love Nick the Fierce and am enamored with the entirety of the project — just not enough to play through it myself right now. But — and bear with me, I roleplay a bit with these games — my sole survivor is British. And if she could have a red double-decker bus or a big round table for her settlements, if she could much on some Bangers and Mash, if she could adopt a Churchill of her own? She would be soooooo happy. Now I fully expect this to be something only FOLON can / should / will take on if they have the bandwidth, though I’ll be thrilled if anybody even just so much as agrees with me about wanting this in FO4 lmao. But I wanted to put this out there!
  6. I did try searching for this, but no luck and I'm not sure if it's user error or this doesn't exist yet. If it does, as always, apologies in advance! Just a sort of... walk around and pose job for a settler, or walk around and stand job for a robot. Point being they wouldn't have to just stay in one spot or walk around with a gun. Like a face character at a Disney hotel. Maybe it could bump up settlement happiness, but I'd also just be happy to keep my N.I.R.A. 2.0 busy.
  7. Fair enough, it does seem like it would be a bit of an undertaking. Thank you for checking it out, though!
  8. Settlers optional, I probably wouldn't use the feature. I just think it would be a neat place to store / show off all of my power armor if not for the raiders popping up and all the broken everything.
  9. Yeah, either of those would be fantastic! I like those a lot more than making it a settler, honestly.
  10. Now I think I've done my due diligence this time, but if this mod does exist and I missed it I apologize in advance. So I love the Sentinel Power Armor, I think it's neat, but I don't often take it with me. But because I can't assign it to a settlement I just have to leave it sitting in one spot. It doesn't move unless there's an enemy attack, and if it runs off to fight it'll stay parked where it ends up until I go find it again. I'd love to be able to park it at a settlement and just... not have it in the same spot. Or if something attacks I'd love to be confident that it'll be there when I return. I don't even need it to do chores or anything.
  11. Just a massive round dinner table for a big group of people. I would request that it be big enough to fit all of King Arthur's court but that's 150 people and that's just too many. 12 seems like a good upper limit, but I'm not picky.
  12. I wanna give the Vault-Tec Rep the world but it seems like the only thing he still wants are the steak knives Vault-Tec promised him. I can't fix the trauma, but with the help of an amazing mod that lets me place them in his house I could get him the knives... IF I HAD ONE.
  13. After he gets dropped off at (insert faction of choice headquarters here) you can reassign him to another settlement like any normal settler. Could you just toss him somewhere you don't go very often but is safe? Edit: I don't think that's true for the Institute ending, but I think you're trying to blow them up so that's a non-issue.
  14. Admittedly I'm fairly green at modding / Fallout in general, so I think my entire experience has been with nextgen gameplay lmao. I'd be cool with that, personally! No rush and no pressure at all, though, I'll be eager to see what you do with it if/when you do! Thank you so much!
  15. That is, the national costume and supply chain from before the war. It must have been up and running when the bombs dropped, it was only days until Halloween and they had to be ready for those last-minute shoppers! It's wild to me that there's zero opportunity to explore it. Or, honestly, anything revolving around this store. It feels criminally underrepresented in the game today. Even just a large settlement banner I can drape over the front of defunct businesses would be welcome!
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