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Everything posted by Gaiden16

  1. At the new vegas medical clinic, Usanagi always comments that it will take a bit for the autodoc to complete the implant procedure. Screen fades to black and were STILL standing in front of Usanagi. Simple request of a script that runs after purchasing the implant fades to black to wake up in the auto doc room.
  2. Was anyone ever able to make a weight reduction perk for heavy armor maybe call it "Second Skin"? With JIP today would it be possible to mirror the heavy weapon perk that halves the weight of heavy weapons over 10lbs and make a perk that halves the weight of armor over 10 lbs?
  3. Today for whatever reason, after installing a couple mods fastervats and durability. The night from dust is missing in my game. I can see it when i wait it turns purple, then the wait ends and it flashes to normal removing the purple type of sky from dust. This seems to be happening so far I only noticed in goodsprings. Could be other places but I cant figure out whats causing it or why even on a fresh install. I tried a fresh install and deleted all saves and the prefs everything but no luck here is my list: (Sorted using loot) Vanilla game + DLC BSA decompressor / 4gb patch Ultimate edition esm fixes JIP / johnny guitar / showoff nvtf / one tweak / console paste support YUP / unofficial NVSE Plus / meshes: NVMIM / Mac-Ten / ITEM / Weapon mesh improvement / Dust The sky still turns normal for me its mind boggling how i deleted everything and they are still missing. Is it windows I have no idea. I tried the above way and with the below additional files and the problem of the sky missing at night still exists. What could be modifying the sky? dust tweaks / dusted dust/ dust expansion / additional fixes and the problem remains. Any help would be appreciated the game feels dead at night now due to the dust being missing and the sky not being there.
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/51731/?tab=posts A great post can be found here by Jzing9: Actually... looking through OBSE documentation, turns out OBSE adds a function 'CloseAllMenus' which you can type in the console to close the Level Up window. Not exactly related to this mod I suppose, but in the off chance anyone stumbles on this trying to figure out how to prevent leveling, this workaround allows you to skip the level up process while still sleeping etc. even with Basic Primary Needs. I'm afraid I don't know enough to make this into a proper mod but I'm putting the info out there since I've been searching for a few hours and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else. Could someone use this information to create a mod performing this function so we can check or uncheck or the data file to allow the player to choose when to level up. Immersion Request to enable disable functionality: Perhaps a book in the players inventory. Similar to the patch books in our inventory it could simply enable or disable the option to level up when sleeping which would be great since the player could stay in the game world without exiting and restarting the game which can be immersion breaking of course for some players. Background: Weather its for roleplaying reasons or anything else, it would be nice to have a mod that disables leveling when sleeping. There is currently no mod that currently seems to do this properly where a player can sleep x number of hours for example. Sleeping is very hard coded into Oblivion, but is the level up flag? There must be a flag somewhere for level up to trigger the leveling up menu. For anyone up to the challenge of this mod request I have included links and information which may help anyone seeking to correct this long running issue dating back to the release of the creation kit to finally provide a solution for the community and us weary adventurers looking for a good nights sleep who have been "waiting" far too many ingame hours across countless playthroughs. Please feel free to add other resources, suggestions, or requests that may suit your play style in the discussion which may help others think of a solution to this long standing issue. Options/Suggestions: A simple script that would only run when the sleep window is brought up. Similar in function to the Mercantile fix Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50204 This mod functions only when the barter menu is open. This is important that it only runs when needed so its not constantly running or making calls which could cause other unforeseen issues to arise with the games functionality. Something like the mercantile fix mod that only runs when the barter menu is open could be applied to the sleep option brought up in beds? A script that would disable the level up at that point. Is this level up marker on our hud a flag in the script somewhere that could say just be set to 0 or false. Perhaps finding the flag that brings up the leveling up menu would be the solution to just disable that menu from appearing somehow. Maybe another option is that the game looks for leveled major skills for a total of 10 points. Could this total be found and perhaps be locked to 9 allowing players to continue playing vanilla style with skill increases as normal. Or perhaps another similar option would be if all skills could be set to minor skills while active? Then when unchecked it would just revert to normal and the game engine would detect that the points needed to level up are present, this might be an uninstructive solution if possible to keep it vanilla. From reading it seems major skills only increase faster than minor skills when used. So setting all to minor would only affect their rate of increase not prevent them from increasing. Im sure there may be another million ways to approach this issue, people creative may find a workaround that has been challenging the community since the games construction set was made available may finally discover a way to bring closure to this issue. *Keep in mind a player is locked out of certain game features by not sleeping so this mod would be very beneficial to those of us who want to sleep but not level our character. Just a couple examples would be the dark brotherhood quest line and completing the mages guild questlines. **Using setlevel or other console type commands can be immersion breaking to some players which is understandable. Just standing near a bed and waiting for roleplay immersion doesnt allow for the completion of questlines requiring sleep. Additional Information/Resources: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/51731/ The author of this mod found a great solution on the path to sleep independence from leveling. The limitation is that it begins and ends instantly which disables the ability to complete questlines requiring sleep such as the mages guild questline from Anvil or the Dark Brotherhood questline. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion_talk:Sleeping Discussion and suggestions can also be found here which may be inspiring to someone who can implement a solution to this issue for the community.
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