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About XBodhiPandaX

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  1. Well I uninstall and reinstall the game and so far for sh1ts n giggles nothing worked it seems that the main culprit is a WAY WAY outdated UE4SS file that is the cause of all these CRASHES and of course without it NONE of the MODS are gonna work for jack squat I am curious how you were able to do it since you mention that you had to REMOVE and RE-ADD all of your mods to get them all WORKING, do let me know. UPDATE: Tried this method https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/palworld-ue4ss-temporary-fix/13837 The game starts without an issue now, and after manually re-adding the mods the work now, the only downside I can't quite see is the adjustment content inside the Mod Configuration window even though my STATS are MAXED out to exaggerating levels its to much fun if you cant adjust them but OH well can't complain to much now that I got them working lol.
  2. Hmmm interesting, were you still able to access your saved files? because that is the only thing that holds me back from uninstalling and reinstalling the game and that there is the FEAR of loosing my saved game data if I attempt to reinstall the MODS.
  3. Yeah I notice that at first after the June 27th Update how the mods were no longer recognize by the game and then after that one 'ARENA' patch update the game began to CRASH and on the report it stated it was the core UE4SS file that was making it crash which without NONE of the mods work...very very conniving of POCKET pair to do that lol either that or users couldn't hold back and used those mods on the ARENA therefore RUINING It for the rest of us, way to go.
  4. Pretty much I notice that right after the update, another thing I notice was after they did an 'arena' patch FIX the game began to CRASH and it was due to the fact that the mod files were still installed and therefore I had to remove them in order for the game to work again, which I hope they get them fixed soon that way it can be more FUN, even though I can already suspect WHY they did this in the first place, considering people would TRY to cheat using the mods in the arena and the fact that they released new items that can help the user be able to carry more weight, couldn't be further from the truth, made gathering bulk materials and moving from areas to create a new base a whole lot easier lol.
  5. Anyone that plays Palworld on the Steam client notice how the mods no longer work? Or how after they did that recent BUG FIX patch regarding the Arena now the game does not open at all and crashes back to client? Well at least to me it does that from what I heard experience varies for others.
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