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About Breathing0deeply

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  1. Using RDO i can confirm that those who would not speak to me will if I set them to Ally now. Default they were all at 0=Acquaintance And ofc just saw im missing RDO and USSEP patch. Surprised LOOT didn't yell at me for that. Installing that to see if everything works as normal but worstcase i can change NPCs dispo to me and they talk to me now !
  2. s#*! not fixed just thought it was. i belive its ASLAL as its dependent on which Start i select. Scripts not "starting" the game in the bg i think
  3. Alternate Start LAL and MMX LAL. Not getting the response to dialogue lines. That line is instant. I noticed Nazir also says it in Text but not in voice as his Voice Actor doesn't have a "nah i don't think so" voice line. But the text still displays. HOpe this helps and sorry for placing this in the wrong spot. Literallly first time poster
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