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About Rihtsea

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  1. Ah, thank you, I completely missed that! Edit: Legacy of the Dragonborn does add a whole lot of stuff though... Is there a standalone printing press mod out there, or someone willing to make it a standalone?
  2. Greetings all, I originally posted this in the general modding ideas forum with a Skyrim tag several weeks ago, but without any reaction there I decided to try the more focused Skyrim modding ideas forum, on the off chance anyone here happens to be interested or inspired by this: if there is either an existing mod that I am overlooking that does this, or a friendly modder willing to create this I would love to hear about it: The problem: Spread over serveral houses I now have plenty of bookcases that I would love to fill with certain books. I have some books that I would love to display in multiple different houses as well. My proposed solution: a printing press-like device, be it magickal or technological (something Dwemer-like in construction perhaps?), that would allow me to create a copy of a book I already have in my inventory. Perhaps for a certain cost of ink and rolls of paper? If anyone could point me to either an existing mod that does this, or is willing to create this, I would greatly appreciate it! P.S.: As a possible suggestion for location I would suggest either the Bard's College in Solitude, and/or the College of Winterhold, because of their library. Of course, feel free to use or ignore these suggestions as you see fit!
  3. As a possible suggestion for location I would suggest either the Bard's College in Solitude, and/or the College of Winterhold, because of their library. Feel free to use or ignore these suggestions as you see fit!
  4. Greetings all, if there is either an existing mod that I am overlooking that does this, or a friendly modder willing to create this I would love to hear about it: The problem: Spread over serveral houses I now have plenty of bookcases that I would love to fill with certain books. I have some books that I would love to display in multiple different houses as well. My proposed solution: a printing press-like device, be it magickal or technological (something Dwemer-like in construction perhaps?), that would allow me to create a copy of a book I already have in my inventory. Perhaps for a certain cost of ink and rolls of paper? If anyone could point me to either an existing mod that does this, or is willing to create this, I would greatly appreciate it!
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