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About FelipeMA88

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  1. Hello. I don't know if this is goig to fix but i see that you are loading "ConsoleUtilSSE.dll". This is not more compatible. Try the new version: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76649 The log also shows "gamepad devices" errors. If you have gamepads, try disconnect and launch the game. You can also go on nexus and search for gamepad fixes. If the problem continues install this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818
  2. Hello. I apologize but I need help. I've been trying to fix a problem with the LOD of my game for a week and I just can't take it anymore. I followed all instructions from the GamerPoets channel regarding DynDOLOD. I tried several different settings, LOD Unloading Bug Fix, I installed Bethini applied the recommended settings, but nothing is working. Video of the problem: https://streamable.com/2hfyv9 Image of DynDOLOD and Bethini: https://ibb.co/xHzfmjx Basically everything I see in the distance appears very quickly when I get closer and should be smoother. When creating TexGen I tried 1080p, 720p, 60, 30....When creating DynDOLOD I tried medium and now low. Does anyone know of anything I can try? Mod or configuration, anything please... Skyrim Special Edition Version: 1.6 1179 GOG Thanks.
  3. Thank you all for the awansers but i finally found what i was looking for. If anyone also wants make backpacks invisible try this: Backpack Repositioner - Immersive Equipment Displays Cheers
  4. Hello. Does anyone know of a working mod that hides the backpack ? I tried "Invisible Creation Club Backpacks and Addons" but it's not working. Thanks. I use: Immersive Equipment Displays for 1.6.629 and newer
  5. THATS IT !!! It Just Works Huge thanks my friend. Since i dont't use ENB i tried Light Limit Fix and now its fixed. Again thank you.
  6. Hello. Does anyone know how to fix the shadows that keep appearing and disappearing ? I tried installing EVLaS + Enhanced Lights and FX + all necessary Fixes and Compatibility Patches.....but the problem continues. Image of my MO2: https://ibb.co/71xRtQ4 Game video without ELFX: https://streamable.com/6j6byf Game video with ELFX: https://streamable.com/ayaeui Can anyone help me ? Thanks.
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