I wholeheartedly say BULLSHIT to this notion.
If they don't want to play ball, fine, TAKE THE BALL AND GO HOME.
The only thing these people understand apparently is money, so, for anyone that pays for premium, IMMEDIATELY cancel the membership. Not just turn it off, I mean ERASE IT.
Modders should post their mods to Discord or literally any other site but this one. Let the cell phone PC modders carry the day... by downloading to their phones, then to their computers, or... whatever they do.
I'm honestly not sure what youtube channels there are for mod discussions, but a contact needs to be made to several of the content providers and apprise them of what's going on and Nexus' piss poor response in handling this self inflicted disaster. Get game reviewers to publically note the User Base's utter disgust and displeasure with the Nexus leadership. When the negative press hits, someone will start asking questions.
It's no longer time to play nice with the Markus of Queensbury rules with these people, it's time to bring the shame and well deserved ridicule right to their front door.
Drop a bomb on their facebook and X accounts, let "Black Tree Gaming Limited" Nexus' parent company get a wiff of the s#*! they're shoveling, and give them the biggest marketing black eye disaster since the New Coke and Bud Light disaster... they have obviously completely lost visibility of their user base. So let's kick them back on track. There is absolutely zero reason to take this abuse when THEY make money from US.
Finally, if someone really wants to make a go of it, visit the internet archive, and grab the old website code and start another platform perhaps 'Suxen Mods', clearly they copied another abysmally awfully designed website, turn the tables and make something useful and get paid in the process. Start pulling over users one by one. Even if it's just the PC community, it's enough.
Not to use a cliche' but 'Game on' never meant so much than it does today.