hello there.
I have a weird problem... I upgraded my motherboard and processor (from Intel Core i7-870 to Intel Core i5-12400), the graphic card Nvidia is still the same. Skyrim launches successfully. But when I load a save game, it crash some seconds after the loading is over and screen is coming. A no keyboard responding (except crouch, but character stand up quick). I try to change faster hdt-smp with/without cuda or avx = always the same problem (even if I know that processur has avx and graphic card as cuda). I let then nocuda and noavx files.
No understandable (as far for me) errors in logs (see later in post).
Lauching Skyrim without SKSE has the same problem, it crash after some seconds on the chariot. With coc Riverwood, same thing.
Creating a new game with SKSE, same problem.
I try to load severa others saves, same problem.
I do not have installed any new mods before installing the new motherboard and the new processor. And I've played before some hours without problems.
I tried to reset graphical config with the launcher. After this, if I can launch the game without skse, and open one of the last saves. It disable some MODs and skse isn't available (so other mods too), but I can play, move,... and save. When I go back in Vortex, some mods are disabled. When I try to launch the game via skselauncher, even the new save crash.
I use faster-smtp version 2.1.3 as it's the last for my 1.6.1130 version of the game (not intended to upgrade, I do not want to loose some mods).
Trying also with faster-smtp deactivated (hdtSMP64.dll renamed hdtSMP64.dll.disabled or removed from directory) = still the same.
Lauchning the game with "coc qasmoke" brings me in the place. no keyboard nor mouse, except crouch and set weapon out. hiting ESC on keyboard will crash the game.
THANKS for your help !
maybe a problem with keyboard and mouse ? the works just fine in windows and in other games...
Crash log qasmoke = crash-2025-02-19-14-30-31.log
start of log with standard character :
Skyrim SSE v1.6.1130
CrashLoggerSSE v1-15-0-0 Oct 12 2024 11:33:37
Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF66A861006 SkyrimSE.exe+0CD1006 mov rcx, [rbp+rax*8+0x60]
Exception Flags: 0x00000000
Number of Parameters: 2
Access Violation: Tried to read memory at 0x7FFA0FFBA0C8
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel v10.0.19045
CPU: GenuineIntel 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400
GPU #1: Nvidia TU117 [GeForce GTX 1650]
GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
GPU MEMORY: 2.50/3.21 GB
[0] 0x7FF66A861006 SkyrimSE.exe+0CD1006 -> 68551+0xB6 mov rcx, [rbp+rax*8+0x60]
[1] 0x7FF66A4A43B3 SkyrimSE.exe+09143B3 -> 51500+0x33 test al, al
[2] 0x7FF66A4A42D8 SkyrimSE.exe+09142D8 -> 51496+0xF8 mov rdi, [rsp+0x50]
[3] 0x7FF66AB2FA00 SkyrimSE.exe+0F9FA00 -> 82082+0x580 mov esi, eax
[4] 0x7FF66A1D6E1F SkyrimSE.exe+0646E1F -> 36564+0xA8F call 0x00007FF66A484760
[5] 0x7FFAE2F8F1F9 hdtSMP64.dll+00BF1F9 cmp byte ptr [rbx+0x10], 0x00 | C:\Games\Faster HDT-SMP\skse64_2_02_05\src\skse64\hdtSMP64\Hooks.cpp:314 hdt::UnkEngine::onFrame (mangled: ?onFrame@UnkEngine@hdt@@QEAAXXZ)
[6] 0x7FF66A1CEFC5 SkyrimSE.exe+063EFC5 -> 36544+0x165 test bl, bl
[7] 0x7FF66B0C348E SkyrimSE.exe+153348E -> 109636+0x106 mov ebx, eax
[8] 0x7FFB74577374 KERNEL32.DLL+0017374
[9] 0x7FFB74E5CC91 ntdll.dll+004CC91
RAX 0x7465775F (size_t) [1952806751]
RCX 0x7FF66CCFE570 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+316E570 add [rax], al)
RDX 0x2ADCAE244C0 (void*)
RBX 0x2AE80752C00 (void*)
RSP 0xC9E20FF8D0 (void*)
RBP 0x7FF66CCFE570 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+316E570 add [rax], al)
RSI 0x0 (size_t) [0]
RDI 0x2ADCAE254A0 (char*) "_wet_wet_wet_wet_wet_wet_wet_wet_wet_wet_wetpolling.pex"
R8 0x0 (size_t) [0]
R9 0xE0 (size_t) [224]
R10 0x7FFB548D0000 (void*)
R11 0x7FFB548E1489 (void* -> VCRUNTIME140.dll+0011489 )
R12 0x0 (size_t) [0]
R13 0x7FF66CCDFCC0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+314FCC0 sbb byte ptr [rbp-0x3B], 0x78)
R14 0x7FF66CD43260 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+31B3260 cwde)
R15 0x0 (size_t) [0]